Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan Update Ad Hoc Advisory Committee May 14, 2015
Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Project Schedule Overview 3. Prioritization Follow Up 4. West Side Bicycle Network: Follow Up 5. Draft Bicycle Network: East Alexandria 6. Pedestrian Case Studies Update 7. Public Comment 8. Committee Member Updates 9. Next Steps 2
Project Schedule Overview 3
Project Milestones/Tasks Data Collection Complete Existing Conditions Issues/ Needs Policy Review Connectivity Analysis Develop Networks Bike Share Analysis Pedestrian Case Study Analysis Underway Pedestrian Case Studies Project evaluation criteria Identify projects Develop strategies Prioritize projects/ strategies Develop costs/ funding strategy Future Steps Update Master Plan chapter Technical Appendices
Project Milestones/Tasks Data Collection Existing Conditions Issues/ Needs Policy Review Connectivity Analysis Ad Hoc Discussion, 5 / 1 4 Develop Networks Bike Share Analysis Pedestrian Case Study Analysis Ad Hoc Discussion, 5 / 1 4 Pedestrian Case Studies Project evaluation criteria Identify projects Develop strategies Prioritize projects/ strategies Develop costs/ funding strategy Update Master Plan chapter Technical Appendices
Project Prioritization: Follow up 6
Why Prioritize? • Represents community values • Lots of needs, but limited resources • Need to make wise choices about how resources are used • Need to communicate choices to others • Need to build public/ political support for action • May be required for funding purposes
Committee I nput from 4/ 16 Meeting Com m ittee I nput Changes Made A. Don’t over-emphasize A. Included more safety variables besides crashes crash data (diminishes the influence of crash data) B. Rethink overlap in B. Refined variables to eliminate overlap variables between Connectivity and Demand – may double count some data C. Geography is important: C. Increased weight of geography factor for west plan must provide side. Will also review results and make changes balance between east as needed to ensure geographic balance. and west. D. Demand analysis should D. Added projected (2040) population and consider future growth employment as a variable. areas.
W eighting the Factors Revised Weights: Factors W eight 1. Safety (places with existing safety 5 issues/ concerns) 2. Demand (current and future trip 3 origins/ destinations) 3. Geography (ensure projects in west 3 side of city) 4. Connectivity (connections to existing 2 bike lanes and paved trails)
Example of Project Prioritization: Phoenix Bicycle Master Plan • Started with 13 corridors, 190 projects • Identified factors, weights and variables based on project goals ( 5 ) ( 7 ) 10
Example of Project Prioritization: Phoenix Bicycle Master Plan 11
Draft Bicycle Network 12
Draft Bicycle Network – Public Outreach and Planning Process • Online survey and crowdsourcing map (over 800 responses) • Seven community meetings • Network shows connectivity, not specifically design projects, planning level tool • Comments on the west side of the draft network (from 4/ 16 Ad Hoc meeting) are being incorporated/ addressed • High priority elements within network examined more closely, to be included in the draft plan • Strategies to be reviewed by Ad Hoc Group Summer 2015 13
Draft Bicycle Network Bicycle Vision Statem ent: … The City provides a network of facilities that link important destinations and appeal to bicycle riders of different ages and abilities … Bicycle Facility Groups • Enhanced Bicycle Corridor • Shared Roadway • Trails Specific designs will be determined case-by-case for future projects. 14
Enhanced Bicycle Corridor 2 -w ay Separated 1 -w ay Separated Buffered Bike Lanes Bicycle Lane Bicycle Lane Sidepath
Enhanced Bicycle Corridor Standard Bicycle Lane 16 Advisory Bike Lane Painted Bike Lanes
Shared Roadway Signed Route on Shared Roadw ay Shared Lane Shared Roadw ay Markings 17 Neighborhood Bikew ay Priority Shared Lane Markings
Trails 18
Facilities: Eastern Existing Bicycle Alexandria 21
Recom m ended Bicycle City Approved Plan Facilities: Eastern Alexandria 22
2 0 0 8 Pedestrian Bicycle Recom m ended Bicycle Facilities: Eastern Mobility Plan Alexandria 23
Bicycle Netw ork: Eastern DRAFT Recom m ended Alexandria 24
Committee Discussion: 1) East side: Are there areas or destinations with missing connections? 25
Pedestrian Case Studies Update 26
Pedestrian Case Studies Areas
Pedestrian Case Studies
Pedestrian Case Studies: Sample Map of Key Challenges/ I ssues SAMPLE MAP
Pedestrian Case Studies: Sample Map of Pedestrian Recommendations Pedestrian Case Study Recom m endations SAMPLE MAP
Public Comment 31
Committee Member Updates 32
Next Steps Late May 2014: Project Launch June - Sept: Existing Conditions Analysis, Public Meeting # 1 Sept - Dec: Needs Assessm ent, Goals & Objectives Jan – June 2015: Strategies, Netw ork, Focus Areas Early Spring 2015: Ad Hoc Meeting # 5 Mid Spring 2015: Ad Hoc Meeting # 6 Early Summer 2015: Ad Hoc Meeting # 7 / # 8 Summer 2015: Draft Plan and Guidelines Early Fall 2015: Public Meeting # 2 Fall 2015: Ad Hoc Meeting # 9 33 Winter 2015: Com pletion
Thank You! 34
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