be belong give

Be.Belong.Give. Parish Town Halls October 9, 2016 Theme Be. Be - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

St. Marks Episcopal Church Capitol Hill 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give. Parish Town Halls October 9, 2016 Theme Be. Be whoever you are and whatever you believe. Belong. Joi us. We aet lookig to chage ou, 2017

  1. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Capitol Hill 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give. Parish Town Halls October 9, 2016

  2. Theme • Be. Be whoever you are and whatever you believe. • Belong. Joi� us. We a�e�’t looki�g to cha�ge �ou, 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give but we are looking to travel alongside you as we move in our faith journeys, always closer to God, feeding each other along the way. • Give. Our faith journeys often take place in these �oo�s at “t. Ma�k’s, �hich depe�d o� us to sustain them. And we need guides – for our Eucharist, for our music, for our classes, for our child�e�’s acti�ities. This �ich tapest�� of lo�e, kindness, challenge, education, deepening, care – that is “t. Ma�k’s – takes our treasure to support. 2

  3. What Good Does Our Operating Budget Do? Outreach 18% 2017 Canvass: Worship Be.Belong.Give 41% Christian Formation 12% Worship: 202 Eucharists pe� �ea�, Child�e�’s chapel Pastoral Care: Clergy focus on care of Communications & Membership parishioners, including home visits 16% Communications & Membership: Website, community outreach, invitation/integration of Pastoral Care 13% new people, develop membership database Christian Formation : Sunday School, Adult Ed Youth Groups and lock-ins Outreach: Service trips, diocesan pledge, food ministry, gun control advocacy, support to multiple local charities 3

  4. 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give Overview of St. Mark’s Finances 4

  5. Canvass Summary: 2015 vs 2016 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give Am’t Pledged Pledging Out-of-Town YEAR Pledge Units to Operating New Pledgers Adults Pledgers Budget* 2015 325 483 $802,560 30 13 2016 303 441 $820,406 19 12 *Excludes V2020 Lines of Credit 5

  6. Preliminary 2017 Income Church Budget 2017 Pledges $ 965,000 Special Offerings/Plate/Fees/Interest 50,000 Parish Organizations (Players/Yoga/Dance Studio) 9,000 Outside Organizations (Space rentals) 30,000 1,053,000 Subtotal V2020 Pledges 0 TOTAL $ 1,053,000 6

  7. Preliminary 2017 Expenses Category Content Preliminary Budget Payroll & Related Staff salaries, taxes, insurance $ 554,044 Parish Programs Worship, music, education, youth 30,915 Outside Ministry Diocesan pledge and seminarians 48,600 Outside Ministry Outreach 19,300 Office expenses, postage, Administration 62,760 phones, equipment, etc. Maintenance, repairs, utilities, Property 207,900 property insurance Subtotal $ 923,519 Interest and principle payment Lines of Credit 128,330 on V2020 lines of credit TOTAL $1,051,849 7

  8. The Challenge: Fewer Pledges, More Generous Gifts 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give Yearly averages last 10 years: • New pledge is <$800 • Lost pledge is >$1,200 • Net loss of 12 pledge units 8

  9. St. Mark’s Efficiencies and Savings • Trash collection / recycling: saving $2,000 per year starting 2015 • Ge�’l Maintenance / support of special events / cleaning 2017 Canvass: supplies: saving ~$5,000 per year Be.Belong.Give • Solar credits forecast to bring in $3,900 next year. • Utilities: Telephone and internet conversions: should save $15,000 per year, PLUS get faster internet! • Rental income: 2016 ~$45,000 vs $20,000 budget • Volunteer Time / Donations from Parishioners o Answering angels o Computer/Security support o Oversight of website design o Bringing food for fellowship o Garden volunteers o Junior Warden and Manciple

  10. If Pledges Increase, We Could*: • Expand social justice ministry • Increase principle payments on $1M Line of Credit • Restore funding for the Building Replacement Reserve for 2017 Canvass: major repairs (e.g., to legacy HVAC system serving nave and Be.Belong.Give old undercroft). POTENTIAL projects as of Oct 2016: o Restore interior and exterior nave doors o Repair steps into the nave on 3rd and A Streets o Repoint exterior of nave o Repair/restore nave vestibule ceilings • Increased compensation for staff * With Vestry approval of changes to the budget 10

  11. Context: Next Slide I promised Michele that I would give you context fo� the �e�t slide….as she said… 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give �fo� the lo�e of God a�d all that is Hol� i� the �o�ld let parishioners know that if you pledge more than what is on the next slide, you are helping out others here as they work to get to that a�ou�t…a�d I lo�e that �ou a�e doi�g that.� 11

  12. Deciding How Much to Pledge? Determining your gift is a personal decision, and every gift is a sign of generosity. People sometimes ask for information to help the 2017 Canvass: calculation. Be.Belong.Give Here are some metrics: • Average cost per seat in the nave = $3,800 • Average pledge in 2016 = $2,700 • Cost per child in Sunday School = $800 (in addition to cost per seat in nave) • Proportional giving: Info available at Click on “Forms For Making or Paying a Pledge” 12

  13. Deciding How Much to Pledge? �cont’d� Where am I on this chart? Where do I BELONG?

  14. 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give The Every Member Canvass – What to expect? 14

  15. Canvass Mechanics • Meetings between canvassers and members between 9 October and 13 November • Dialogue focuses on how you think about giving to “t. Ma�k’s �a co��e�satio�, �ot a� i��uisitio�!� 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give • Canvasser will ask members to make a pledge in a specific amount (canvasser does not know what you pledge now) • Go to for everything you need: • Download a pledge form • Pledge online • Resource documents • The Many Ways to Make a Pledge • Payroll, automatic bank transfer forms • Stock donation forms 15

  16. The Many Ways to Pledge • Payroll Deductions: arranged with your e�plo�e�, just �otif� “t. Ma�k’s • Automatic Bank Transfers: executed monthly by 2017 Canvass: Be.Belong.Give “t. Ma�k’s; lo� fee • EasyTithe credit/debit card deductions: • Highest cost to “t. Ma�k’s – fees are around 3% • Check deposited in plate or mailed • Cash deposit in plate (envelope needed to get proper credit) • Stock/mutual fund donation • IRA withdrawals: arranged with your financial institution; get info from Patricia Schans 16

  17. Thank you!

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