be beha havi vior adv advantage building legally

Be Beha havi vior Adv Advantage: Building legally defensible - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Be Beha havi vior Adv Advantage: Building legally defensible & & clinically sound b beh ehavi vior r support s t systems Presented by Aaron Stabel, BCBA Behavior Advantage We know w what w works! 1. Positive behavior

  1. Be Beha havi vior Adv Advantage: Building legally defensible & & clinically sound b beh ehavi vior r support s t systems Presented by Aaron Stabel, BCBA Behavior Advantage

  2. We know w what w works! 1. Positive behavior interventions and supports 2. Evidence-based practices 3. Function-based behavior planning 4. Behavior Advantage guiding educators to develop legally defensible & clinically sound behavior plans

  3. Beh Behavio iors oc occur in a con ontext Hiking or camping Going to work on Zoom Going to work Formal events

  4. Beh Behavio iors oc occur in a con ontext Classroom Playground Around adults Around peers

  5. Behaviors c communicate n needs Behavior Antecedent Consequence “No one is paying “Wow! My classmates attention to me” are laughing & the teacher is talking to me!” Behavior Antecedent Consequence “Wow! My classmates are “No one is paying attention to me” listening & the teacher is talking to me!” This is how we all learn!

  6. Behaviors c communicate n needs Behavior Antecedent Consequence “Get started on your “Good, she left me alone and I don ’ t have to do assignment” this stupid assignment” Behavior Antecedent Consequence “Get started on your “Good, she let me leave assignment” the classroom for a few minutes to take a break” This is how we all learn!

  7. Changing our r behaviors 1. With practice, behaviors can develop into good and bad habits 2. We all want to develop good habits 3. We all struggle with some of our own bad habits 4. We often need extra help, support, & encouragement to change habits!!!

  8. Go Good inter erven entions s cha hange be e behaviors & ha s & habits! s! Literacy Responsible behaviors

  9. Go Good inter erven entions s cha hange be e behaviors & ha s & habits! s! Social skills Self-regulation skills

  10. Th This i s is s why we w write B Behavi vior or I Inter erven ention P Plans Good Behavior Plans: Myths of Punishment:  Consider context & function  You can punish good behavior into a kid  Recommend & match evidence-  Suspension improves academic based practices (EBPs) and social skills  Prevent problem behaviors  Punishment creates a positive  Teach new skills school climate  Keep everyone safe  Are more likely to be effective

  11. When en do we write e Behavi vior or Plans? Federal Law & Special Education IDEA Section 34 CFR 300.324(a)(2)(i) states that the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports must be considered in the case of a child, with a disability, whose behavior impedes his or her learning or that of others. Best Practice For All Students Early intervention is the best proactive approach to positively change behaviors.

  12. Suppo porting the E Entire MTSS Continuu uum

  13. Everyday C Challenges: Non Noncom ompliance Problem • Resource teacher struggling with a student to follow directions and stay on task • She reaches out to the school psychologist for help

  14. Behavi vior or Ad Advantage: Simple B e Behavi vior or I Inter erventi tion on P Plans Solution Click a button to create:  Clean, professional reports  Implementation checklists  Cloning capabilities

  15. Everyday C Challenges: Disru ruptive Behaviors Problem • Multiple students struggling to follow basic school-wide expectations • Building full of frustrated teachers, wanting support

  16. Behavior r Ad Advantage: : Check-in/Ch Chec eck-out & & Graphs

  17. Everyday C Challenges: Inclusion & LRE Problem • Inclusion strategies for student with Autism • History of ineffective behavior supports • Running out of ideas

  18. Behavior r Ad Advantage: : On On-Line Clinical Support rt Solution • Review student assessments & behavior plans • Behavioral expertise, new ideas, objective support, & coaching • PD & capacity building • Encouragement & hope

  19. Behavior or Advantage e Sof oftware e He Helps Your Educator ors • Save hours of time! • Provides the toolbox they need! • Make data-based decisions!

  20. Beha havi vior A Advantage Sup upports I Impl plementation Implementation Checklists • Changing student or staff behavior? • Evaluate resources & fidelity • Staffing decisions • Program or placement decisions

  21. Beha havi vior A Advantage On-Line C Clini nical Supp pports • Professional development • Student-specific behavior support • Data systems & analysis • Teaming

  22. Thank y k you v very m y much f for a attending! Aaron Stabel, M.A., BCBA Behavior Advantage, LLC (916)747-4553


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