bc chicken growers association chicken pricing proposal

BC Chicken Growers Association Chicken Pricing Proposal BC Chicken - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Appendix 2 BC Chicken Growers Association Chicken Pricing Proposal BC Chicken Marketing Board Abbotsford, BC April 15, 2016 Purpose To follow-up and elaborate on the Growers request for the 1. Board to regulate catching costs. To outline

  1. Appendix 2 BC Chicken Growers Association Chicken Pricing Proposal BC Chicken Marketing Board Abbotsford, BC April 15, 2016

  2. Purpose To follow-up and elaborate on the Growers request for the 1. Board to regulate catching costs. To outline the problem currently facing chicken growers in 2. BC; and To propose options to address the problem 3. Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 2

  3. The Problem  The live price set for chicken grown in BC has been a contentious issue despite relative stability over the past 6 years.  BC chicken growers have experienced increased cost pressures relative to other production regions over this time period, particularly in feed and chick costs.  Changes to the Ontario pricing formula has resulted in lower live prices.  Continued linkage to Ontario prices must reflect the additional costs of production in BC. Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 3

  4. Catching Costs  Initial view  Catching costs were the root problem  Growers have further assessed the problem:  Cost Competitiveness of BC Chicken Production Study (Al Mussell, Agri-Food Economic Systems)  Grower Return Study (Kevin Grier Market Analysis and Consulting Inc.)  Stocking density impact analysis (Kevin Grier and Bob Burden, Serecon)  BC Turkey Industry Pricing model (BC Turkey Marketing Board) Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 4

  5. Supplemental Research  Board initiated COP (Bob Burden, Serecon)  BC versus Ontario COP Analysis (Bob Burden, Serecon)  BC Poultry Association initiated Impacts of Transportation Constraints on Grain Costs in the Fraser Valley (Bob Burden, Serecon) Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 5

  6. Findings - Cost Competitiveness of BC Chicken Production  Developed benchmark comparisons of laid-in costs of live chicken to the processor  BC cost is lower than Alberta (1.44 cents/kg)  BC cost equivalent to the old Ontario base ($1.6611 vs $1.6614)  BC cost higher than the new Ontario base (1.96 cents/kg)  BC cost higher than Saskatchewan and Manitoba (0.52 to 1.59 cents/kg)  Cost differential results from:  Transportation costs lower in BC (3.9 cents/kg versus 5.4 (Ontario) and 7.7 (Alberta)  Western provinces grower paid catching costs lower than Ontario processor paid cost (3.5 cents/kg (BC) versus 4.75 (Ontario – 1 leg catching)) Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 6

  7. Findings - Grower Returns Study  Benchmark reference on grower returns after feed, chick and levies.  Feed Cost  Ontario lowest overall feed costs (A-129-134)  BC feed cost significantly higher than other provinces  20% higher than Ontario ($483 vs $399)  $475 - $490 per tonne  Chick Cost  BC 2 nd lowest ($0.72) after Ontario  Levy – BC 2 nd lowest after Alberta  BC costs are increasing  Feed, chick and levy total after conversion rate:  BC costs highest ($1.23/kg) , due to feed costs  Ontario lowest ($1.07/kg)  Margins over feed, chick and levy cost (no accounting for premiums paid):  BC lowest at $0.39/kg  Ontario $0.47/kg (same as Prairies when catching included)  Prairies $0.50/kg  BC grower margins will further erode due to rising chick cost Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 7

  8. Findings - Stocking Density  Chicken Farmers of Canada Animal Care Program requirements  Normal stocking density limit of no more than 31 kg/m 2  Farmers may stock between 31 kg/m 2 and 38 kg/m 2 if additional requirements are met regarding record keeping and flock monitoring.  BC maximum density set at 32.5 kg/m 2  Other provinces maximum 38 kg/m 2  Impact 6.34 cents/kg higher cost to BC producers Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 8

  9. Findings - BC Chicken Cost of Production  Defined – “the total sum of money needed for the production of a particular quantity of output”  “the payment or expenditures essential to get the factors of production of land, labor, capital and management needed to produce a commodity. It signifies the money costs which are to be incurred for the acquisition of the factors of production.”  “COP requires the valuator to apply basic valuation principles to determine the actual cost independent of how the costs were financed.” Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 9

  10. Findings - BC Chicken Cost of Production  BC A-135 cycle adjusted for new Linkage Agreement  The costs provided reflects a valid COP for chicken  Total cost $1.7154/kg  BC live price (A-135) - $1.5981/kg  Return – negative $0.1173/kg Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 10

  11. Findings - BC COP versus Ontario  Ontario COP = $1.5641/kg  BC COP = $1.6895/kg (not adjusted for new linkage agmt)  BC difference ( – $0.1254/kg)  Attribution of differences  Labour 7.0 cents/kg higher in Ontario  Capital 6.4 cents/kg higher in BC  Feed 9.6 cents/kg higher in BC  Chick 3.6 cents/kg higher in BC  The spread increases to $0.1513 ($1.7154 - $1.5641) adjusted for the new Linkage Agreement. Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 11

  12. Findings - Stocking Densities  BC stocking density  Maximum of 32.5 kg/m 2 with animal care program requirements  Other Provinces  Maximum up to 38 kg/m 2 with animal care program requirements  BC at up to 6.34 cents/kg cost disadvantage  For a 1,875 m 2 (20,000 ft 2 barn)  38 kg/m 2 would hold 71,000 kg of production  32.5 kg/m 2 would hold 61,000 kg of production Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 12

  13. Findings - BC Turkey Industry Pricing  Recognition by processors and growers, BC growers at a disadvantage due to feed and poult costs.  Model uses local input costs to calculate margins after BC feed and poult costs.  Feed costs – Ritchie Smith list price  Feed conversion ratio, weights and consumption data from the Hybrid Converter Charts  Poult cost – Lilydale list price with all services  Establishes an upper and lower limit (rails) on the “margin” (2 standard deviations)  Margin calculated on a weekly basis  Increase or decrease in price triggered when the margin is above or below the rails for two consecutive weeks  Live price based on Ontario, plus differential plus or minus margin trigger. Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 13

  14. Research Conclusions - BC Disadvantaged  Highest cost of production  12.5 – 15.1 cents/kg higher costs (A-135) in BC than in Ontario (before/after the new Linkage Agreement)  Lower maximum stocking densities in BC  Up to 6.34 cents/kg differential in cost of production  Lower returns after feed, chick and levy costs  At least 10 cents/kg lower than other provinces.  BC processor comparative advantage a direct result of lower transportation costs and grower paid catching costs Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 14

  15. Problem Restated  The COP data demonstrates that BC chicken growers are living off of their depreciation with live prices not covering COP .  Current pricing does not factor in the higher costs of feed, chicks and capital in BC than in Ontario and other western provinces Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 15

  16. Options for Consideration - Status Quo  Negotiated agreement of weighted average of Ontario and the Prairies plus 4.85 cents/kg Pros:  Processors maintain comparative advantage relative to other provinces. Cons:  BC growers fail to cover COP and continue to erode future capacity to reinvest in improvements and innovation  Live price differential eroded by catching costs thereby not addressing other BC cost pressures (feed and chick price)  Chick costs will increase  BC growers exiting the sector  Inability to draw in new producers  BC growers continue to fall further behind growers in Ontario and other provinces Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 16

  17. Options for Consideration - Modified General Order Formula  General Order Formula (Weighted average Ontario and Prairie price plus 4.35 cents/kg); plus  BC FIRB Supervisory Review catching cost (2.8 cents/kg) Pros:  Processors maintain comparative advantage relative to other provinces Cons:  BC growers fail to cover COP and continue to erode future capacity to reinvest in improvements and innovation  Provides slight improvement over status quo (0.2 cents/kg)  Chick costs will increase  BC growers exiting the sector  Inability to draw in new producers  Processors not likely to accept lower catching cost of 2.8 cents/kg Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 17

  18. Options for Consideration - Processor Paid Catching Costs Board to “regulate” catching costs Shift responsibility from growers to processors  Pros:  Consistent with the Board’s powers and would fulfill the Board mandate to “regulate and control” all aspects of “production and transportation” of chicken.  Live price will reflect the actual differential received by growers.  Processor responsibility for costs eliminates the ability of the processor to manipulate the effective live price paid in the absence of a catching agreement.  Brings closure on the F.O.B. issue. Cons:  Catching costs have not been regulated in the past and the sound marketing rationale for regulating may be subject to challenge. Chicken Pricing Options Draft 04/11/2016 18


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