SCIENCE – The world around you: Plants & Their Lifecycles There are lots of dandelions out at the moment so we thought it would be nice to base our Science work on them. Can you find examples of dandelions in different stages of their life-cycle and take photos of them? Here is a short video to watch
Choose your worksheet they increase in difficulty. Do you know the lifecycle of a dandelion? Instead of drawing in the last sheet you may choose to stick in photos.
In Inve vestig igatio ion. What do you notice about the way dandelions grow in lo long grass compared to short grass that is mown regularly? Can you find any examples in real life? Can you take a picture? Measure the length of the longest leaf. What do you notice about the angle of the leaves? Why do you think that dandelions growing in long grass grow differently to those growing in short grass?
Can you find a dandelion clock? Look closely at it. Can you see these parts? Why do you think we see so many dandelions compared to other flowers?
You may wish to create some art based on dandelions or dandelion clocks or even their seeds.
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