Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission Thirteenth Meeting of the HELCOM Expert Working EWG OWR 13-2019 Group on Oiled Wildlife Response (EWG OWR 13-2019) Online meeting, 14.03.2019 Document title Bow Jubail incident presentation Code 2-1 Category INF Agenda Item 2- Update on planning/preparedness in Contracting Parties Submission date 22.2.2019 Submitted by Sea Alarm Reference Background EWG OWR 12-2018 discussed the updates on planning/preparedness in Contracting Parties. Sea Alarm informed on the oil spill occurred in Derde Petroleum port in Rotterdam in June 2018. International rescue campaign was arranged with EUROWA experts mobilised. Annex to this document contains presentation in English of the rescue campaign “Bow Jubail wildlife Response”. Action required The Meeting is invited to take note of the information. Page 1 of 1
23 June – 24 July 2018 BOW JUBAIL WILDLIFE RESPONSE Film 1
Bow Jubail incident (day 1) Incident 23 rd June, 1:30 pm n (day 1) SAF received notification at 4 pm n “hundreds of swans oiled; being rescued” Ø Swans brought to SON Rehab centres Ø Rehab centres getting overwhelmed Ø (day 1) SAF contacted Rijkswaterstaat: activation of plan? n 2
Oil spill and pollution Spread of pollution Spill location (day 2) Situation at 6 pm (28 h after incident): n 400 swans in care (stabilisation) in rehab centres Ø 600 swans counted in harbour area Ø Decision to activate plan, build Temporary Wildlife Hospital Ø Wildlife response nodes Houtsnip Wulp Wildlife response coordination centre (Maeslantkering) Maeslantkering Garage Maassluis Karel Schot 3
Misleading picture Google maps Visitor Centre Parking space (levelled > TWH?) Grass field all around >Pools? Maeslant storm surge barrier Visitor Centre Sea defence Hill TWH? 4
Main base TWH Satellite location Pools P Secured entry RWS office Stabilisation pens Visitor Centre TWH Drying pens Secured area 5
1. Security checkpoint; visitors registration 2. Red Cross First Aid post 1 3. Stockpile container Ecoloss 2 4. Container with donations (Public and Shell) 5. Ecoloss rest room container 3 6. Toilet and showers 4 7. Response Management Office (Portokabin) 8. TOV and Volunteer Administration (Portokabin) 5 9. Buffer tanks water 10 11 10.Waste container for liquid and moist materials 6 11.Waste container for not-oily waste 12 12.Aggregate to support external units 7 13.Outside cages 8 13 14.Freezer container 9 15.Oily waste 15 16 14 16.Liquid and moist not-oily waste 17.TWH Main Tent 18 18.Aggregate 19.Toilets 19 17 20.Hand washing place 20 21.Waste water (incl oily water) container 22.Volunteer canteen 21 23.Main water heater with external fuel tank 22 24.Reserve water heater with external fuel tank 25.Heat exchange unit 24 23 26.External drying pens 25 26 6
Vet room Intake Stabilisation pens (outside) Reception Dress room Decontamination Animal Stabilisation pens kitchen (inside) Wash room Dry pens (inside) Dry pens (outside) 7
Fresh water canal Fresh water intake Brackish water pools and haul out Brackish water inlet Sanitary unit Harbour River (Nieuwe Waterweg) Portocabins Drying pens Fresh water pools and haul out 8
Streams of animals (swans) Released without scientific ring Released with scientific ring 497 ~90 Euthanasia 7 4 Died in care TWH Maeslantkering 66 Houtsnip ? Wulp 40 261 14 Maassluis 155 Intensive care Karel Schot Origin of TOV intake 12 Released with scientific ring 1 Euthanasia 1 Died in care From Karel Schot From De Wulp From Maassluis Directly from Field 11
Overall result 522 swans received 522 TWH result Numbers % total (excl birds to K Schot) 508 100.00 died 4 0.79 euthanised 7 1.38 released 497 97.83 14 Karel Schot result Numbers % Received from TWH 14 100.00 Died in care 1 7.14 Euthanised 1 7.14 Released 12 85.71 Result K Schot +TWH Numbers % Received 522 100.00 Died in care 5 0.96 Euthanised 8 1.53 Released 509 97.51 TWH swan population Chart Title 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Intake according to data Released Spill day Stabilisation Ready to wash (Holding) Dry cages Conditioning pool Release pool Total on work floor 12
Personnel Work floor reliable statistics Work floor extrapolated statistics 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 EUROWA experts total SON-Respons experts total EUROWA experts total SON-Respons experts total Synthesis of convergent volunteers SON-Respons trained volunteers Reliable volunteer counts Work days 91 experts Chart Title n 27 experts SAF/EUROWA/GOWRS Ø 32 experts SON professionals Ø 32 experts SON trained volunteers Ø >142 volunteers n 233 individuals involved n 1,387 man days of experts and volunteers n SAF coordinated claims for n Sea Alarm/ 3 Sea Alarm staff Ø 2 Sea Alarm contracted experts Ø 8 Dutch organisations Ø EUROWA/GOWRS experts total SON-Respons experts total Synthesis of convergent volunteers 8 international organisations Ø 10,401 swan days n 13
Individuals spending time # of days spent per individual # of days spent per individual Individual time spent (ranked) Days total 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 EUROWA/GORWS SON SON Volunteers # of individuals # of individuals (ranked many days >> fewer days) (ranked many days >> fewer days) 14
Visits to activities n Formal Ø Ministers Ø Decision makers n Informal Ø Havariekommando (DE) Ø MCA (UK) Ø Aramco (NL) Ø ExxonMobil (UK) LESSONS LEARNED 15
Lessons learned (1/5) n Temporary wildlife hospital Ø It worked well; very successful (97.5% release) Ø NOT plug and play (many operational challenges) Ø Room for improvements (e.g. admin, counting) n SON, EUROWA, GOWRS Ø Pre-investments key to success n SON >> EUROWA >>GOWRS (local-regional-global) Ø EUROWA guidelines facilitated cooperation Ø GOWRS partners slotted in well, made valuable contributions Lessons learned (2/5) n NL Wildlife plan Ø RWS prepared to lead and pick up the bill (compensate NGOs) Ø RWS provided specialised contractor (Ecoloss) for logistics TWH Ø NL Rehab organisations (coordinated by SON- Respons) delivered as planned Ø International expertise (EUROWA,global) mobilised and coordinated by Sea Alarm n Animal welfare Ø Implemented via EUROWA protocols on the work floor 16
Lessons learned (3/5) Sea Alarm’s role n No response contract (but preparedness project) Ø Mobilised by SON-Response (via NL NGO protocol) Ø Filled gaps integration of NGO contributions Ø Lead of NGO involvements (planning, admin) n Contract with RWS-WNZ for cost recovery (not response) n Other gaps filled Ø Common operating picture (incl field ops) n HSE, volunteers planning, field response n Coaching THW managers n Coordinate compensation claims of NGOs Ø Instruction to NGO claimants (ensure consistency in approach) n Check drafts and provide comments n Ensure sound administration in SAF book keeping n Send in claim to RWS, distribute payments amongst claimants n Lessons learned (4/5) n Costs totals Ø Total cost estimate cleanup: ca 65-80 mln EURO n Limit polluter (Bunker Convention): ca 17 mln n RWS pays overall bill n Polluter pays: RWS tries to get compensation from polluter beyond 17 mln. Ø Total claim “swans”: ca 1.5 - 2 mln n Mostly logistics, consumables, rentals n Total claim NGOs (manpower, travel etc) ca 0.46-0.47 mln 17
Lessons learned (5/5) n Evaluation Ø Politically sensitive n Many formal evaluations Ø Individual actors (Safety Regions, PoR, RWS) Ø National evaluation (National Board for Safety) Ø Wildlife response pending evaluation RWS-NGOs n Evaluations NGOs held Ø SON-Respons (national NGOs) Ø EUROWA (international experts) Follow-up n RWS 2017-2022 project allows improvement preparedness 18
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