bal nc monitoring report 2017

BAL NC monitoring report 2017 4 th joint ENTSOG/ACER workshop on Gas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brussels, 12 June 2018 BAL NC monitoring report 2017 4 th joint ENTSOG/ACER workshop on Gas Balancing Arjan Kleine Market Advisor BAL NC Monitoring report Implementation monitoring report Effect monitoring report 2 Delivering

  1. Brussels, 12 June 2018 BAL NC monitoring report 2017 4 th joint ENTSOG/ACER workshop on Gas Balancing Arjan Kleine Market Advisor

  2. BAL NC – Monitoring report • Implementation monitoring report • Effect monitoring report 2

  3. Delivering the “Balancing Target Model” Network User TSO carry out the residual balance their inputs Information Provision balancing and off-takes short term wholesale gas balancing market services 3

  4. Implementation monitoring 4

  5. BAL NC – Three implementation deadlines Report includes information from countries implementing in 2016 for the first time plus progress in the 2019 countries Implemented by 1 October 2015 Implemented by 1 October 2015 including trading platform. Additional balancing platform in place* . Implemented by 1 Oct. 2016 Planned implementation by 16 April 2019 3 * On January 1st 2018, both MAMs in Germany have terminated the use of products on 5 balancing platforms and only use STSPs on trading platforms and balancing services.

  6. Short Term Standardised Products and balancing services by 1 October 2017 6

  7. Effect monitoring 7

  8. Effect monitoring – Balancing Actions Balancing platform and balancing services could be in place without being much used (e.g. DE, SI, CZ and PL-H). They are kept as back-up. It is part of the learning curve. 8

  9. Example: Daily TSO’s balancing volume in Croatia Croatia has moved on 1 st April from Balancing Services (yellow) to Within-Day title gas (green) as a result of full implementation of the Balancing Code. 9

  10. A new indicator: BAL 5 Shipper A TSO Shipper B Buy Sell Long Neutral Short WAP -/- SA WAP + SA 10

  11. A new indicator: BAL 5 Average shipper’s price of being balanced by a TSO (in % of the WAP) 11.0 9.0 7.0 5.0 3.0 1.0 -1.0 -3.0 -5.0 -7.0 -9.0 -11.0 GASPOOL NCG PEG Nord TRS IT PL-H UK-GB BE/LU-H ES WAP + small adjustment WAP - small adjustment Average Buy Average Sell 11

  12. TSOs balancing actions indicator: BAL 2 12

  13. Another way to present BAL 2 indicator 13

  14. Conclusion and next steps  Implementation is progressing leading to visible effects.  The main remaining challenge will be the removal of the interim measures in place by the 16 th April 2019.  Markets’ merger could be a way to increase liquidity in small markets. For instance :  Denmark and Sweden plan to merge the Swedish balancing zone with the Danish balancing zone by April 2019.  It is planned to merge the gas markets of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia into a single Entry- Exit system. The aim is to have the merge of the Baltic States complete by April 2019. 14

  15. Balancing Leaflet 15

  16. Some facts on the information provision chapter we are dealing with todays 16

  17. Information Model chosen by 1 October 2017 Base Case Model Variant 1 Variant 2 Under discussion/ n/a 17

  18. Overview forecasting parties by 1 October 2017 18

  19. Thank You for Your Attention ENTSOG -- European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, B-1000 Brussels EML: WWW:


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