Back-To-School Night Term 1 Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014 6:30 - 7:40 p.m.
SUPPLIES 1. flash drive 2. headphones 3. notebook 4. pencils
Music Comp 2 - Join Remind ENTER THIS NUMBER: 205-686-1693 � TEXT THIS MESSAGE: @muscomp2 � 1. Confirm, with a reply, by adding your name
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100 – 90 89 – 80 79 – 70 69 - 60 FORM Clear Introduction Either intro or Either intro or ending is Intro and ending are And clear Ending that ending is missing. missing. missing. 3 points stylistically fits with the Intro or ending fits Intro or ending fits Neither the intro or composition. stylistically with the Stylistically with the ending fits stylistically Clear/identifiable form: composition. composition. with the composition ABA ABACA 1 section of the form is 2 sections of the form 2-3 sections of the form ABABA ABACADA not clear are not clear are not clear. TRAN- Transitions between Most transitions between Some transitions Few transitions between SITIONS sections are handed-off sections are handed-off between sections are sections are handed-off smoothly using dynamics, smoothly using handed-off smoothly smoothly using dynamics, 6 points timbre, or pitch and fit dynamics, timbre, or using dynamics, timbre, timbre, or pitch and few stylistically with the entire pitch and most fit or pitch and some fit fit stylistically with the piece. stylistically with the stylistically with the entire piece. entire piece. entire piece. TIMBRES Instrument and style Most of the instrument Some of the instrument Few of the instrument and choices fit with the overall and style choices fit with and style choices fit with style choices fit with the Rubric 4 points piece in style or genre. the overall piece in style the overall piece in style overall piece in style or or genre. or genre. genre. TEMPO Tempo is maintained Tempo is maintained Tempo is maintained Tempo shifts between throughout and consistent throughout most of the throughout some of the loops and transitions 6 points Example between loops and loops and transitions loops and transitions transitions DYNAMICS Dynamics change to meet Dynamics change to Dynamics change to Dynamics rarely change to the needs of the mood, meet the needs of the meet the needs of the meet the needs of the timbre, and form, as mood, timbre, and form, mood, timbre, and form, mood, timbre, and form, 8 points determined by the as determined by the as determined by the as determined by the composer and fit with the composer and fit with composer and fit with composer and fit with the piece, as a whole. the piece, the piece, piece as a whole. as a whole. as a whole. INTEREST The composition In most places, the In several places the The composition rarely consistently provides the composition provides the composition attempts to provides the listener with listener with something to listener with something provide the listener with something to ‘hold-on’ to 6 points ‘hold-on’ to without to ‘hold-on’ to without something to ‘hold-on’ to without numerous numerous switches. Either numerous switches. without numerous switches. Either in in melody, surprise, or Either in melody, switches. Either in melody, surprise, or overall effect. surprise, or overall melody, surprise, or overall effect. effect. overall effect. PERSONAL Personal 3 part percussion Personal 3 part Personal 3 part Personal 3 part percussion Percussion ensemble is created and percussion ensemble is percussion ensemble is ensemble is created and Ensemble recorded as written (8 created and recorded as created and recorded as recorded as written (8 24 points counts/layered ) for the written (8 written (8 counts/layered ) for the composition. Accuracy: 100 counts/layered ) for the counts/layered ) for the composition. Accuracy: 69 – 90% composition. Accuracy: composition. Accuracy: – 60% 89 – 80% 79 – 70% PERSONAL Personal melodic line is Personal melodic line is Personal melodic line is Personal melodic line is Melodic created & found in the created & found in the created & found in the created & found in the line piece 6 + times & uses 1 piece 6 + times & uses piece 6 + times & uses piece 6 + times & uses 1 12 points of following melodic 1 of following melodic 1 of following melodic of following melodic devices: handing off to devices: handing off to devices: handing off to devices: handing off to different instruments, twice as different instruments, twice different instruments, twice different instruments, twice as fast (diminution) or twice as slow as fast (diminution) or twice as fast (diminution) or twice fast (diminution) or twice as (augmentation), or rhythm of as slow (augmentation), or as slow (augmentation), or slow (augmentation), or melody is extracted & played as a rhythm of melody is extracted rhythm of melody is extracted rhythm of melody is extracted rhythmic theme & played as a rhythmic theme & played as a rhythmic theme & played as a rhythmic theme
Grading Periods PROGRESS REPORTS: Friday, Sept. 12 FINALS: Oct. 9 (per. 1/2) & Oct. 10 PROGRESS REPORTS: Friday, Nov. 7 FINALS: Dec. 18 (per. 1/2) & Dec. 19
MVHS Behavior Rubric Name________________________________Period___ Class__________________ Date________________ Student Behaviors Rubric - Citizenship - EXEMPLARY PROFICIENT DEVELOPING EMERGENT O – Outstanding S – Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement U – Unsatisfactory 4 3 2 1 Attendance • Per VUSD Board Goals, I arrive on time • Per VUSD Board Goals, I arrive on • Per VUSD Board Goals, I arrive on • Per VUSD Board Goals, I to class 98% of the time (< 2 tardies) time to class 95% of the time (3-4 time to class 92% of the time (5-7 arrive on time to class 90% of tardies) tardies) the time (8-9 tardies) Preparedness • I enter class with all required materials • I enter class with most materials & • I enter with some materials & • I rarely enter class with & supplies at all times: planner, note-book, supplies, most of the time: planner, note- supplies, some of the time : planner, note- materials or supplies: planner, book, pencil, pen, homework book, book, pencil, pen, homework book, book, pencil, pen, homework note-book, book, pencil, pen, homework • My homework is completed & handed • My homework is completed & handed • My homework is completed & • My homework is rarely in on time in on time, most of the time handed-in on time, some of the time completed or handed-in on time Participation • I volunteer & contribute to class/group • I volunteer & contribute to class or • I volunteer & contribute to class or • I rarely volunteer & contribute discussions & demonstrations group discussions & demonstrations most group discussions & demonstrations to class or group discussions & of the time some of the time demonstrations • I contribute positively to group work: • I contribute positively to group work • I contribute positively to group work • I rarely contribute positively encouraging, asking questions, helping, listening, most of the time: encouraging, asking some of the time: encouraging, asking to group work: encouraging, asking engaging, supporting questions, helping, listening, engaging, supporting questions, helping, listening, engaging, supporting questions, helping, listening, engaging, supporting • I stay on topic in class or group • I stay on topic in class or group • I stay on topic in class or group discussions • I rarely stay on topic in class or discussions most of the time discussions some of the time group discussions Behavior • I am on-task in both independent & • I am on-task most of the time, in both • I am on-task some of the time, in both • I am rarely on-task in both collaborative work independent & collaborative work most independent & collaborative work independent & collaborative of the time work • I demonstrate respect for others & • I demonstrate respect for others & • I rarely demonstrate respect for school equipment at all times • I demonstrate respect for others & school equipment some of the time others & school equipment school equipment most of the time • I use respectful language at all times, to • I use respectful language with some • I rarely use respectful language all people • I use respectful language with most people with others people • I follow school rules at all times • I follow school rules some of the • I rarely follow school rules • I follow school rules most of the time time
Grading MUSIC COMP 2 - Grading Categories: � Compositions/essays = 35%, Class work = 30% Formative Assessments = 10%, Summative Assessments = 15%, Final = 10%, � LATE WORK: Students should frequently check Parent Portal for missing work and e mail me with questions. Late homework will be accompanied by a late slip, that if 1 day, late MUST be signed by guardian. Late work will receive reduced scores by the percentage indicated: • Late, but handed in by 3:30 p.m. on the actual due date: • 10% decrease • Late: I day, -15% • Late: 2 days, -20% • Late, 3+ days, -25% • After two weeks, -50% � � �
HOMEWORK? � yes � Writing, reading, notating, quiz/test, assessments. Rubrics for all.
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