travilah back to school night back to school night

Travilah Back to School Night Back to School Night Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome Families! Travilah Back to School Night Back to School Night Meeting Presentation Principals Welcome Travilah Staff Highlights (Specialists & non-classroom based) Message from the PTA President Our School Improvement Plan

  1. Welcome Families! Travilah Back to School Night

  2. Back to School Night Meeting Presentation Principal’s Welcome Travilah Staff Highlights (Specialists & non-classroom based) Message from the PTA President Our School Improvement Plan

  3. Staff Introductions Specialists & Non-classroom based staff

  4. Mrs. Prestoy-Heyn Counselor Dr. Wade Mrs. Foecking Principal Attendance Secretary Mrs. Hairston Administrative Secretary

  5. Mrs. Evans Speech (not pictured) Mrs. Rubenstein Mrs. Ham Staff Development Resource Mrs. Hept Reading Specialist

  6. Mr. O’Connor Physical Education Mr. Southivong Mrs. Bryan Music Instrumental Music Mrs. Desbrow Physical Mrs. Simkanich Ms. Ovenshire Education Media Specialist Art (not pictured)

  7. Mr. Davis Mrs. Simkanich Mrs. Jones Mrs. Goldman Building Service Media Specialist School Nurse ESOL Manager Mr. Rollins Building Services (not pictured) Mrs. Jarian Health Tech Mrs. Ye (not pictured) Cafeteria Manager Ms. Dorsey Bar-T

  8. Mrs. Clothier (not pictured) Mrs. Mrs. Meringhoff Barrett Mrs. Smith Mrs. Rouhanian Mrs. Al-attas

  9. How We Measure Student Success

  10. Travilah Evidence of Learning Data 2018-2019 Assigned 3 2 1 0 ? Score 83% 8.6% 5.5% 2.6% 0.3% Literacy 91.6% of our students met 2 or more measures 3 2 1 0 ? Math 52.3% 37.5% 6.8% 3.3% 0.1% 89.8% of our students met 2 or more measures

  11. Goal 90% or more for Evidence of Learning

  12. School Improvement Plan 2019-2020 Literacy Math

  13. A Message from Our PTA President Mr. Bryan Greenwald

  14. Session 1 6:30-7:15 Grades 3-5 Back to School Night Session 2 7:30-8:15 Grades K-2 Agenda Reminder! Specialists will be in the Media Center September 13th Back-To-School Picnic 5PM MyMCPS Parent Portal Login information available in Media Center


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