avoiding fraternal strife

Avoiding Fraternal Strife New Tools For Dealing with Troubled - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Avoiding Fraternal Strife New Tools For Dealing with Troubled Fraternals James Kennedy, Counsel to the Receiver, Texas Department of Insurance Todd Martin, Partner, Stinson LLP Kim Yelkin, Partner, Foley & Lardner LLP Background o on

  1. Avoiding Fraternal Strife New Tools For Dealing with Troubled Fraternals James Kennedy, Counsel to the Receiver, Texas Department of Insurance Todd Martin, Partner, Stinson LLP Kim Yelkin, Partner, Foley & Lardner LLP

  2. Background o on frater ernal b ben enefit s socie ieties es • Non-stock, not-for-profit membership organizations • Common bond of members and fraternal mission • Operating on the lodge system • Representative form of governance (direct election or convention) • Offering life/ annuity benefits • 58 members of the American Fraternal Alliance • Most around 100 years of history • Wide range in size/ mission/ focus

  3. Wha hat e events l led t to consideratio ion o of enh nhancements to f frater ernal s solven ency l laws b by the frater ernal s system em? • Close calls (successful transfers but at the 11 th hour) • ACA Assurance • Grand Court Order of Calanthe • Challenges to recovery following financial impairment

  4. How d did t d the f fratern rnal system begin effort rts toward s solvenc ncy e enha nhanc ncement l legislation? • Task force with leaders in the fraternal system • Development of "model" discussion draft • Work with regulators in IL, MN, WI, TX & PA to improve and address state-specific issues • These states selected because significant majority of US fraternals domiciled there

  5. What w wer ere the ob e objectives of of t the e solv olvency leg egis isla latio ion? • Early intervention and resolution (ideally by the society before further intervention needed) • Prompt and efficient transfer of certificates in the event of impairment - before receivership and liquidation if possible • Avoiding assessments that harm consumers/ members

  6. What W Wer ere Som ome e Of Th The K Keys t to o Makin ing Th This is Effort S Succ ccess ssfu ful? • Cooperative effort with fraternal system & regulators • Focus on consumers/ members (interests aligned) • Work within the existing framework (RBC and receivership & liquidation statutes and regulations) • Focus on practical solutions to address potential impediments to prompt and efficient resolution of solvency issues

  7. What w were e the k key ey e elem emen ents o of t the s e solven ency leg egis isla latio ion? • Assessments require notice to regulators and opportunity to disapprove if not in best interests of certificate holders. • Trigger point for new tools for regulators at authorized control level RBC • Requirement for fraternal to immediately remedy hazardous condition or transfer certificates • Ability of board of fraternal in a hazardous condition to act even if convention/ assembly is the supreme governing body • Open up possible options for other fraternals that may consider a transfer • Clarify ability to transfer to commercial insurers • Ability to move immediately to liquidation if impairment not promptly remedied • Necessary assessments after receivership/ liquidation proceedings avoid transfer of assets from certificate holders to creditors of a lower statutory priority

  8. Wha hat w were t the he i issue ues t tha hat T Texas a add ddressed a and nd considered t tha hat w were s spe pecif ific t to its l laws a and nd circum umstanc nces? • Avoid amendment to receivership/ liquidation statutes outside the receivership/ liquidation statutes • Avoid unintended application to situations other than fraternal benefit society solvency • Texas- specific solution to post-liquidation assessments

  9. Other S State ates • Legislation enacted in • Illinois • Minnesota • Pennsylvania • Wisconsin • Other states with multiple domestic fraternals: - Ohio - Michigan - Indiana • Legislation is focused on domestics. May not be worthwhile under cost/ benefit analysis for state with 1 or no domestic fraternals.

  10. Final Thoughts?

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