
AUDIENCE : Emphasize why the issue or question is interesting or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

P REPARING THE O RAL P RESENTATION OF THE P OSTER O RAL PRESENTATION OF POSTER Prepare a 2.5-5 minute tour of the poster, to present to evaluators or other interested visitors. Repeatedly rehearse your brief talk while timing it


  2. O RAL PRESENTATION OF POSTER  Prepare a 2.5-5 minute “tour of the poster”, to present to evaluators or other interested visitors.  Repeatedly rehearse your brief talk while timing it  Try it with a practice audience.  Emphasize the high points: Why is the issue important or interesting?  What do the results mean?   Be sure to briefly explain figures and graphs.  If it is running too long, leave out some details, for your visitor to bring up, if interested in them.  A pointer is recommended. This will help your audience to follow your talk.  Do not speak too fast. Make eye contact.  Articulate clearly in a conversational tone.  Be prepared to answer any detailed questions.  Suggestion: begin composing your talk by outlining your presentation.

  3. F OR IMPACT ON A NON - SPECIALIST AUDIENCE :  Emphasize why the issue or question is interesting or important (Why should I care?)  Emphasize the upshot or possible implications of your study (So what might all this mean?)

  4. H ANDOUTS ( OPTIONAL ) :  It is a good idea to have copies (8.5” x 11" or 11" x 14") of your poster or a handout with the text of your poster to pass out to attendees who request it.

  5. N ETWORKING :  Be sure to visit some of the other posters and talks.  One of the greatest advantages of poster presentations is the opportunity to network with students and faculty interested in your topic.  (Optional) Have index cards (or calling cards) ready with your contact information to give to interested faculty.  (Optional) Have a notebook, cards, etc. ready to collect contact information.


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