auckland university of technology nz

Auckland University of Technology NZ Presentation to 2018 CAPHIA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Patsi Davies Auckland University of Technology NZ Presentation to 2018 CAPHIA Conference AUT Auckland NZ 17-4-18 Hamilton lton New Ze Zealand and obtaining time-critical student feedback ask your students for feedback after each class

  1. Patsi Davies Auckland University of Technology NZ Presentation to 2018 CAPHIA Conference AUT Auckland NZ 17-4-18

  2. Hamilton lton New Ze Zealand and

  3. obtaining time-critical student feedback ask your students for feedback after each class

  4. use how what why student feedback

  5. w h y

  6. w h y clinical excellence i mprove-asap engage-power open-vulnerable model - $

  7. wh a t class end feedback Written 4-6 results - action

  8. ho w paper-based* (e) 5/60 ‘what we do’ quick

  9. 18 HPRM 705 Tobacco Control Feedback Sheet Week 6 Please do not write your name on this sheet I value your feedback and comments because they help me to improve my teaching. Thank you Thank you

  10. u s e engagement -self (reflect) -class (observe) confidence -assessments know more (foster) Improve (reflect) guest (respect)

  11. “ very engaged and makes me want to show up next week” Advertising Strategies to help “ playing and learning together gives me a stronger impression Taxes of TC which is better than sitting there and reading power Assessments points”

  12. *group members participation – phone *one left during the group activity *finding it hard to work with X Action “respecting the learning” agreement-technologies

  13. *present without cue cards *be confident in myself *more research & time Action learning strategies: design in-class no notes activity

  14. *debate was fun-made you think interesting how easy it was to talk once you started *the enthusiasm & laughter Action learning strategies - include debate again

  15. *the way you asked us to introduce first. It removed the stress *learnt more about class members & presenters’ passion Action learning strategies: keep mini introductions

  16. listens SPEQ uses asks student feedback – want to tell us

  17. encourage act collect reflect time critical

  18. thank y ou ka kite ano


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