auckland cricket

Auckland Cricket Indian engagement case study The beginning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Auckland Cricket Indian engagement case study The beginning Strategic Plan Greater Asian involvement Internal polling The focus Social cricket Greater understanding More research Internal advisory group On the ground

  1. Auckland Cricket Indian engagement case study

  2. The beginning • Strategic Plan • Greater Asian involvement • Internal polling

  3. The focus Social cricket • Greater understanding • More research • Internal advisory group • On the ground interviews

  4. The intent • Quantify • Communicate • Engage • Grow

  5. The plan Four clubs – 4 x Ethnic Development Officers • Eden Roskill • Papatoetoe • Howick Pakuranga • Grafton

  6. The delivery • Eden Roskill • Tennis ball/tape ball tournaments; community days; Indo-Kiwi • Papatoetoe • Southern T20; awareness lessons; indoor sessions • Howick Pakuranga • In school coaching; coach support; • Grafton • Coach the coaches for Indian teams; pick-up cricket; engagement with tertiary organizations

  7. The outcomes • Over 2000 people reached • Knowledge of what good opportunities look like • Database and relationship building • Advantages of being culturally driven • Greater knowledge of ‘external’ cricket market • Ability to learn collaboratively

  8. The way forward • Contestable fund • Samoan engagement • Refugee engagement • Modified formats • Kilikiti in schools

  9. Thank you


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