ICC - Project Wildfire
“How might we make participation in cricket grow like wildfire and take root throughout the world… in order to make cricket the world’s fastest growing sport?”
Kick-off Timeline
What we know: Global trends Physical activity, globally, is declining as is participation in organized sport – lifestyle/adventure sports are in, mainstream sports are out; Sedentary behaviors are increasing ; Sports participation is trending downward with age ; Cricket participation rates for women and girls are relatively low; Access to facilities and cost of equipment are recognized as two major inhibitors to cricket’s growth; Time poor ‘busy’ people , less time to pursue leisure activities including volunteering; Proliferation of digital technology and social media is seeing people spend more time staring at screens and less time outdoors In developing cricket nations, awareness of cricket is very limited
Approach Overview Phase one: Immersion Phase two: Design Phase three: Implement Explore the current state of play, emergent trends and Discover the possibilities, define the problem & imagine implementation planning - quick wins and longer term stakeholder expectations. and test innovative solutions. strategic initiatives. Review work that’s been done to date Discovery Refined concepts ● ● ● Global trend analysis Synthesis Implementation plan ● ● ● Stakeholder engagement Ideation (face to face) Ongoing HCD coaching ● ● ● Kick off workshop (face to face) Prototyping During this phase, we will work closely with all stakeholders to ● ● ensure quick feedback loops as we continue to refine the idea Phase 2- project plan During this phase, we’ll also run ‘masterclasses’ for all project ● briefs and prioritise actions and steps, identifying quick wins as members and as many stakeholders as we can on the key well as planning for longer term transformation. During this phase, our minds will be full of questions to explore, mindsets and tools/methods of HCD. places to look and myths to bust as we begin the HCD process. We don’t ever ‘disappear’, we’ve stayed connected to all of our It is critical that at all stages of the project we collaborate previous teams in order to offer ongoing HCD coaching. The kick off workshop in Dubai is where we launch the HCD closely as a Project Team and with our key stakeholders — the process with a bang! We explore what we’ve found in the first Working Group, Board, and Project Sponsor. few weeks and design the next phases of work, identifying what success looks like for the group, refining our research questions and setting off on our voyage of discovery!
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