at t small business survey

AT&T Small Business Survey Septembe 2007 September 2007 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AT&T Small Business Survey Septembe 2007 September 2007 Objectives AT&Ts Small Business Group and AT&T Advertising and Publishing co-sponsored research to: Publishing co sponsored research to: Generate media coverage and

  1. AT&T Small Business Survey Septembe 2007 September 2007

  2. Objectives AT&T’s Small Business Group and AT&T Advertising and Publishing co-sponsored research to: Publishing co sponsored research to: • Generate media coverage and thought leadership, which in turn will increase awareness and consideration among small businesses, with with.... • The end goal to increase orders for AT&T small business and advertising services. 2

  3. Methodology • Conducted telephone interviews with a total of 1,000 small b businesses located in 10 geographically dispersed markets in the i l d i 10 hi ll di d k i h continental United States. – Total of 1,000 interviews with owners or employees who have primary responsibility for information technology for the primary responsibility for information technology for the business. One-hundred interviews in each market. • Small businesses were defined as having between 2 and 25 employees, both part-time and full-time. p y , p • The 10 markets for the study are exhibited on the next slide. 3

  4. AT&T Small Business Markets Atlanta Bay Area Charlotte Chicago Connecticut Dallas ll Detroit Milwaukee Oklahoma S San Diego i 4

  5. Methodology (cont.) • Interviews were conducted between July 2 and August 10, 2007. • The sampling error associated with a survey of 1,000 respondents is ± 3 percentage points for responses at or near 50% (95% confidence level). • The sampling error associated with a survey of 100 respondents is ± 10 percentage points for responses at or near 50% (95% confidence level). • T To be considered statistically significant, responses between two b id d t ti ti ll i ifi t b t t samples of 100 respondents should be greater than the following (95% confidence level): Approximate % Value 20% / 80% 25% / 75% 50% / 50% 11% 11% 12% 12% 14% 14% 5

  6. Wireless Data Security

  7. Summary of Findings: Wireless Data Security • Half (52%) of small businesses are concerned about wireless data security for their business. Markets which are most and least security for their business. Markets which are most and least concerned (9 or 10 on 10-point scale) are as follows: – Atlanta 47% – Oklahoma 25% • Three-fourths (73%) of small businesses that use wireless technology have installed software, such as spam filters or antivirus protection antivirus protection. • Two-thirds (65%) of small businesses that have not taken specific precautions against wireless threats have not done so because precautions against wireless threats have not done so because they don’t think it’s an issue with their business. Only 5% said it’s too expensive, and 4% said they didn’t know they should. 7

  8. Concern with Wireless Data Security (Q.14) Using a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 meaning “not a concern at all,” and 10 representing “a major concern,” how concerned are you about wireless p g j , y data security for your business? Level of concern Wireless importance increases with Couldn’t survive without it 53% degree of Major challenge without it 37% dependence on Use it but don’t need it 31% wireless wireless Use of wireless Mobile phone 37% (Least concerned) 20% rated 1 WiFi 43% 25% PDA 46% 36% PC data card 42% 31% rated 10 Concerned (net) 52% 7% Unconcerned (net) 32% Major concern (9-10) 16% 16% Somewhat concerned (7-8) Neither concerned nor unconcerned (5-6) Somewhat unconcerned (3-4) Not at all concerned (1-2) Mean: 6.12 8

  9. Concern with Wireless Data Security (Q.14) How concerned are you about wireless data security for your business? (On a scale from 1 to 10) Mean M Atlanta 47% 16% 13% 9% 15% 6.98 San Diego 43% 19% 11% 2% 25% 6.59 Chicago 40% 16% 12% 9% 23% 6.40 Charlotte 40% 15% 16% 8% 21% 6.48 Dallas Dallas 37% 37% 9% 9% 22% 22% 10% 10% 22% 22% 6.15 6.15 Milwaukee 34% 23% 13% 6% 24% 6.23 6.22 Connecticut 34% 19% 17% 6% 24% 5.88 Detroit 31% 21% 15% 4% 29% 5.26 Bay Area 28% 6% 23% 13% 30% 5.00 Oklahoma Oklahoma 25% 25% 10% 10% 19% 19% 8% 8% 38% 38% Major concern (9-10) Somewhat concerned (7-8) Neither concerned nor unconcerned (5-6) Somewhat unconcerned (3-4) 9 Not concerned at all (1-2)

  10. Addressing Wireless Security Threats (Q.15) Which, if any, of the following steps have you taken to help keep your business safe from wireless security threats? % who have major concern % who have NOT taken steps about wireless securityto keep business safe 73% Use mobile phone 37% (Least concerned) 16% Use WiFi 43% 7% Use PDAs Use PDA’s 46% 46% 7% 7% Use PC data cards 42% 7% Conduct business away from the office 36% Likely to do so 14% e y to do so % Unlikely 22% 24% 21% 17% 1% I nstalled Blocked access Have employee Hired an None of the Don't know software, such to certain Web who handles outside above as spam filters as spam filters sites that may sites that may wireless wireless consultant/ consultant/ or anti-virus pose a security security as part company to protection risk of their job handle security (BASE= Use wireless technology, n= 876) 10

  11. Addressing Wireless Security Threats (Q.15) Which, if any, of the following steps have you taken to help keep your business safe from wireless security threats? I nstalled software, such as spam filters or anti-virus protection ll d f h fil i i i National Average 73% “Yes” responses Atlanta 79% San Diego 79% Detroit 75% Charlotte 75% Chicago 74% Oklahoma 72% Dallas 72% Connecticut 72% Mil Milwaukee k 67% 67% Bay Area 63% 11 (BASE= Use wireless technology, n= 876)

  12. Addressing Wireless Security Threats (Q.15) Which, if any, of the following steps have you taken to help keep your business safe from wireless security threats? Blocked access to certain Web sites that may pose a security risk l k d i b i h i i k National Average “Yes” responses 36% San Diego 49% Atlanta 43% Oklahoma 40% Connecticut 36% Charlotte 35% Milwaukee 34% Dallas 33% Detroit 31% B Bay Area A 30% 30% Chicago 27% 12 (BASE= Use wireless technology, n= 876)

  13. Addressing Wireless Security Threats (Q.15) Which, if any, of the following steps have you taken to help keep your business safe from wireless security threats? Have employee who handles wireless security as part of his/ her job l h h dl i l i f hi / h j b National Average “Yes” responses 24% San Diego 31% Milwaukee 29% Connecticut 29% Chicago 26% Atlanta 23% Dallas 23% Oklahoma 20% Detroit 20% Bay Area B A 20% 20% Charlotte 19% 13 (BASE= Use wireless technology, n= 876)

  14. Addressing Wireless Security Threats (Q.15) Which, if any, of the following steps have you taken to help keep your business safe from wireless security threats? Hired an outside consultant/ company to handle security i d id l / h dl i National Average “Yes” responses 21% San Diego 26% Chicago 24% Dallas 23% Oklahoma 22% Milwaukee 22% Detroit 22% Connecticut 22% Charlotte 20% B Bay Area A 16% 16% Atlanta 15% 14 (BASE= Use wireless technology, n= 876)

  15. Addressing Wireless Security Threats (Q.15) Which, if any, of the following steps have you taken to help keep your business safe from wireless security threats? 79% 79% 75% 75% 74% 72% 72% 72% 67% 3% 63 49% 43% 40% 36% 5% 4% % 33% 35 % 31% % 31% 3 34 30% % 29% 29% 27% 26% 26% 24% 23% 23% 23% 22% 22% 22% 22% 20% 20% 20% 20% 19% 16% 15% Atlanta Bay Area Charlotte Chicago Connecticut Dallas Detroit Milwaukee Oklahoma San Diego ( (BASE= Use wireless technology, n= 876) gy, ) I nstalled software, such as spam filters or anti-virus protection Blocked access to certain Web sites that may pose a security risk Have employee who handles wireless security as part of his/ her job 15 Hired an outside consultant/ company to handle security

  16. Reasons for not Taking Precautions Against Wireless threats (Q.16) What is the primary reason you have not taken specific precautions against wireless threats? g Number of locations* One 4% Two+ 13% Number of employees* 5% 2 to 10 6% 4% 21% 11 to 25 0% 5% Too expensive 65% Don't think it's an issue with our business Didn't know we should take precautions Reliability of software to provide security y p y Other (BASE= Takes no precautions against wireless threats, n= 285) 16 (* = small sample sizes)

  17. Reasons for not Taking Precautions Against Wireless Threats Wireless Threats (Q.16) What is the primary reason you have not taken specific precautions against wireless threats? % 79% 74% 73% 72% 71% 71% 70% 60% 50% 43% 36% 28% % 23% 23% 20% 17% 16% 16% 14% 13% 12% 11% 11% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 5% 5% 5% % 4% 4% % % 4% 4% % 4% % % 3% 3% % 3% % 3% % % 3% 5 5 5 % 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Dallas Atlanta Oklahoma Detroit Connecticut Bay Area San Diego Chicago Charlotte Milwaukee (n= 29) (n= 19) (n= 26) (n= 25) (n= 31) (n= 38) (n= 20) (n= 25) (n= 30) (n= 42) Don't think it's an iss e Don't think it's an issue with our business ith o b siness (BASE= Takes no precautions against wireless threats, n= 285) Other Too expensive CAUTION: Small Sample Sizes Didn't know we should take precautions 17 Reliability of software to provide security

  18. Online Data Security


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