are you taking care of yourself

Are You Taking Care of Yourself? LetS taLk HyGiEne Current Tjmes: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Are You Taking Care of Yourself? LetS taLk HyGiEne Current Tjmes: The ImPorTAnCe of HyGiEne toDAy What is Social Distancing and WhY is IT so ImPorTAnT? Social Distancing : Actions taken by Public Health officials to stop or slow down

  1. Are You Taking Care of Yourself? Let’S taLk HyGiEne

  2. Current Tjmes: The ImPorTAnCe of HyGiEne toDAy

  3. What is Social Distancing and WhY is IT so ImPorTAnT? Social Distancing : Actions taken by Public ● Health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease Our schools in Redondo Beach are ● participating in social distancing by closing campuses and utilizing remote instruction to avoid spreading COVID-19 Social distancing helps protect those who ● are most vulnerable to COVID-19, like grandparents and those who are sick and cannot fight the disease as easily.

  4. A Guide to Social Distancing DO DOn’T STAY HOME Go out in crowds ● ● Frequently wash hands No groups of 10+ people ● ○ Before cooking and eating Visit the elderly in person ○ ● Before/after touching your face Instead, use technology to ○ ○ After coming back from outside communicate! ○ Stay 6 feet or more apart from Shake hands/fist bump/high five ● ● people Call/FaceTime/Online Chat with ● It may be tempting to use your time friends and loved ones out of school to meet up with friends but the best way to help yourself, your friends, your family, and your community members stay safe is to STAY HOME (now ordered by the Governor of CA)

  5. Wash Your Hands! How SOap WOrKs + How TO pRopERlY waSh YoUr HanDs

  6. Hygiene is Always Important: Let’S taLk ABoUt The ImPorTAnCe Of PerSOnaL hYgiENe

  7. What is the Big Change that Happens to Your Body During Middle School? Puberty is the transition from ● childhood to adolescence and it starts to occur before or around age 11. Yep, Puberty can be a difficult time, ● bringing unfamiliar physical, emotional, and psychological changes. PubERtY! Today, we are going to focus a lot on ● the physical changes your body experiences and the things you can do to help yourself feel your best and stay healthy.

  8. What is Personal Hygiene? Personal hygiene is a fancy way to describe how we take care of ourselves and how we take care of ourselves is important! Good hygiene (self-care) helps improve: Your appearance (Look your best!) ● Your body odor ● Your HEALTH ● Your self-esteem (what you think about yourself) ●

  9. How Does Personal Hygiene Relate to my Self-Esteem? seLf-ESteEM = wHat YOu tHInK abOuT yOuRsELf What YOU think about yourself is important. Our self-esteem refers to a person’s beliefs about their own worth and value. Self-esteem heavily influences our choices and decisions and when we do things like practice good personal hygiene we are typically healthier and happier with ourselves. When we are happy we are more likely to make positive choices and motivated to strive towards personals goals and aspirations. Keeping your body clean is an important part of keeping yourself healthy and it helps you to feel good about yourself! You feel better when you’re clean and others react more positively towards you when you take proper care of yourself. You don’t need to wear the latest name brand clothing to look good and feel good! There are other things that you can do which are much more important for your "image".

  10. Your personal hygiene has a lot to do with your first impression with meeting others. Imagine someone goes to a job interview with unwashed hair and dirty clothes… The interview panel might not take them as seriously. Your Personal, Social and Imagine sitting next to someone with poor Professional Worlds are all personal hygiene on a plane… would that affect your first Affected by Hygiene Habits impression of them?

  11. What Makes Us Stink? Bacteria growing on our bodies, clothes, & our shoes Dead skin cells (We lose between 30,000 and 40,000 ● skin cells every hour and over a 24-hour period, we lose almost a million skin cells) 2nd-hand smoke on your clothes and hair ● Dirty clothes ● Hair oils Fun Fact: Sweat itself is ● Unbrushed/flossed teeth pretty odorless, but it is ● the rapid growth of bacteria and sweat together that create some stinky smells!

  12. Keeping Your Clothes Clean Your clothes and undergarments sit on your skin and collect dead skin cells, bacteria, and other stains--when you take them off and throw them on the floor it creates a breeding ground for more bacteria. It’s important that we hang up jackets that we might not wash everytime we wear and then place dirty clothes in the hamper or laundry room, so they are washed in a timely manner before you want to wear them again. If you are around 2nd hand smoke, you might not be able to prevent that, but regularly washing your clothes and body will reduce the scent.

  13. Top Places for Bacteria and Sweat: Body odor is caused by bacteria breaking down sweat and is largely linked to the apocrine (App-o-kreen) glands. These glands become most active with the onset of puberty. Most body odor comes from these sweat glands. Apocrine glands are often found in the following places: Feet ● Groin ● Genital areas ● Belly button ● Armpits ● Underarms Bacteria growth from an underarm Model of typical bacteria growth on the face Behind the ears ● BAcTerIa LOveS mOiStURe Hair ●

  14. Oral Hygiene Good oral hygiene not only helps prevent bad breath! Having a poor oral hygiene can lead to Periodontal disease (gum disease) and increase risks of other health conditions such as heart disease, respiratory infections, diabetes, and more. You should floss every day. You can actually get gum disease within 24 hours if you don’t clean your teeth well. Gum disease can cause discoloration of gums, receding gum/gum loss, and loss of teeth. Brushing your teeth and using toothpaste will help prevent cavities and tooth decay. Why brush and floss twice a day? Studies show that plaque will regrow on teeth that are completely clean within three to four hours of brushing.

  15. Are Some Germs Good? There are four major types of germs: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa NOT ALL OF THESE ARE BAD! Some germs are good for our bodies — they help keep things in balance. For example: yogurt, buttermilk, cheese, sourdough bread, and kimchi are all good bacterias that we eat! In fact, our bodies are home to an estimated 100 trillion “good” bacteria, many of which reside in our gut. Good bacteria help our bodies digest food and absorb nutrients, they produce several vitamins in the intestinal tract, and fight off bad bacteria that cause disease. Some bacteria is used by scientists in labs to produce medicines and vaccines ● However, some bacteria reproduce in our bodies and cause infections like sore throats (tonsilitis and strep throat), ear infections, cavities, and pneumonia

  16. ...You don’t do these 10 things!

  17. Tie Top 10 Tiings to Remember! #1 Shower at least once a day and always after exercise! #2 Don’t forget the soap! Rinsing off in the shower is not enough; bacteria and dead skin cells are sitting in your hair and on your skin--scrub it off! Use body wash, shampoo and conditioner. #3 Wash your hands before meals and after using the restroom. Also clean under and trim your fingernails! #4 Wash your clothes regularly (PE Clothes too!). Dirty clothes can be a main source of stinky smells. Re-wearing dirty clothes (and sweaty sports clothes/equipment) can even lead to skin infections! #5 Use deodorant at least once a day! Deodorants make the skin more acidic, which makes it more difficult for bacteria to grow. Consider keeping an extra deodorant in your locker.

  18. #6 Dry your feet and wear socks with your shoes. Don’t rewear your socks! Shoe fresheners and foot deodorants can also help! #7 Change your undergarments daily # 8 Use face wash (get the dirt out of your pores and reduce breakouts) #9 Brush your teeth (and floss) before bed and every morning #10 Cover your coughs and wash your hands!

  19. HyGiEne StARteR pACk!

  20. Post-Test Please click on the link below. You will not be graded on accuracy. GnpV4EXHQO6mVNjlACmA/viewform Thank you!

  21. Links for Additional Learning cells.htm 9&id=2146 mensions/


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