January 18th, 2007 CDOT Presentation to the House & Senate Transportation Committees 1
Taking Care to Get You There! CDOT’s Vision To enhance the quality of life and the environment of the citizens of Colorado by creating an integrated transportation system that focuses on moving people and goods by offering convenient linkages among modal choices. CDOT’s Mission To provide the best multi-modal transportation system for Colorado that most effectively moves people, goods, and information. 2
Taking Care to Get You There! CDOT Assets 9,156 Centerline Miles of State Highways 3,754 On-System Bridges 1,700 +/- Miles of Guard Rail 1,800 + Signalized Intersections 180,000 + Signs 225 Restrooms 6,000 Miles of Ditches 800 Pieces of Snow Removal Equipment And much more! 3
Taking Care to Get You There! Transportation Commission (TC) Doug Aden, TC Chair 11-member CDOT governing body Bill Sw enson, TC appointed by the Governor and confirmed Vice- Chair by S enate Joe Jehn, CTE • S erve four-year terms Chair Steve Parker, CTE • Meet monthly Vice-Chair • S ets overall fiscal and policy Greg McKnight direction statewide Henry Sobanet Bill Kaufm an • TC members also serve as Colorado Tom W alsh Tolling Enterprise Board Terry Schooler • Boundaries set by statute George Tem pel Kim Killin 4
Taking Care to Get You There! Responsibilities: Highways 25 Colorado S tate Highways and Interstates • Long-range planning • Environmental clearance • Maintenance and operations • Design and construction 139 5
Taking Care to Get You There! Responsibilities: Transit State does • Long-range planning not ow n or operate • S trategic transit funding through S .B. 97-1 Transit • Administer federal grant funding System s: • Pass-through agency Local Governm ent function 6
Taking Care to Get You There! Responsibilities: Aviation • Long-range planning • Administer state grant funding to general aviation airports • Interface with local governments State does not ow n or and FAA operate • Division of Aeronautics was created airports: by state statute in 1988 Local • Operates under direction of Governm ent Colorado Aeronautical Board function • Seven member body appointed by Governor and Confirmed by Senate 7
Taking Care to Get You There! Responsibilities: Local Roads Local/ Off-S ystem Roadways • Long-range planning Local • Work cooperatively with local governm ents receive 4 0 % government to protect integrity of the of state gas HUTF tax and are also funded by locally generated tax revenue 8
Taking Care to Get You There! Responsibilities: Outreach TPR Transportation Planning Region • Elect ed officials of urban MPO and rural areas Metropolitan Planning Organizations • At least mont hly meet ings • Commit t ees include CDOT represent at ion • There are 15 TPR’ s and meet several t imes a mont h • There are 5 MPO’ s W orking together for a Elected continuing, Officials cooperative, Meetings and com prehensive transportation STAC County planning Statewide Transportation Hearing Public process per Advisory Committee Process Involvement • Represent at ives from all federal law 15 TPR’ s advise CDOT • Mont hly meet ings Transportation Commission 9
Taking Care to Get You There! Responsibilities: Planning & Budget Revenue Forecasting and Resource Allocation are building blocks that make up the Long Range Plan, S TIP, and Annual Budget. Changes in revenue forecasts may impact the Long Range Plan, STIP, and/ or Budget Revenue Forecasting Resource Long Range STIP Annual Budget Allocation Plan 10
Taking Care to Get You There! Projects: From Idea to Reality • Proposed to local official • Proposed to local official • Local official takes proj ect to TPR • Local official takes proj ect to TPR • Prioritized into regional transportation plan • Prioritized into regional transportation plan • Incorporated into long-range statewide plan • Incorporated into long-range statewide plan Major Projects • Prioritized into six-year S TIP • Prioritized into six-year S TIP Avg. Tim e: 1 0 years • Required federal environmental clearance • Required federal environmental clearance • Design • Design • Advertised for contractor • Advertised for contractor • Contractor selected • Contractor selected • Goes to construction • Goes to construction 11
Taking Care to Get You There! How Does CDOT Accomplish Our Mission? • CDOT Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2003-2008 • Investment Categories Mobility System Quality Program Delivery Safety 12
Safety t r o Safety p e Mission of Mission of R s u Traffic & Traffic & t a t Safety: S Safety: Actual Annual Fatalities and Projected Annual Fatalities Colorado 1977 - 2005 2,000 1,786 Reduce the Reduce the 1,800 1,655 1,648 incidence incidence 1,583 Projected Fatalities If the 1,740 1,600 1,493 1977 Fatality Rate had 1,632 and severity and severity Rem ained Constant 1,548 1,400 of m otor of m otor Number of Fatalities 1,200 vehicle vehicle crashes. crashes. 1,000 741 743 800 667 681 606 628 Reduce the Reduce the 600 626 641 hum an and hum an and 400 econom ic econom ic Actual Fatalities 200 loss loss 0 associated associated 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 w ith m otor w ith m otor Year vehicle vehicle So urce : BBC Research & Consulting from Colorado Department of Revenue, CDOT, Office of Transportation Safety, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS). crashes. crashes. 13
Surface Condition System Quality t r o p e System Quality R s u t a t S 14
System Quality Status Report System Quality Bridge Condition CDOT Bridges in Poor Category 1000 $877 900 800 700 Deck x 10,000 sq. ft. # of Bridges Actual 600 $ in Millions 500 400 $330 $311 $298 $295 $271 300 $229 177 200 124 118 115 117 115 111 111 108 108 108 106 107 88 100 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 111 118 124 117 115 106 111 Number of Poor Bridges 88 108 115 108 108 107 177 Deck Area (x 10,000) $229 $311 $330 $298 $271 $295 $877 Replacement Cost (in Millions) Number of Poor Bridges Deck Area (x 10,000) Replacement Cost (in Millions) 15
Mobility Status Report Mobility Travel Time Delay for All State Highway Congested Segments (Reduction in projected daily delay/person in minutes) Investment Level Objectives 2030 No Daily Delay / Person (Minutes) Investment 70 65 62 $2.2B 60 54 54 46 $3.6B 43 38 30 $6.6B 22 2030 Year 16
Program Delivery t r o Program Delivery: p e R s u t a t S Camp George West Maintenance Training Academy Fleet Procurement Information Management System Traffic Operations Center Support Facilities located statewide Community Outreach/ Planning Data Management 17
CDOT Funding by Category 1000.0 amounts in millions 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 fiscal year CDOT HUTF Federal SB 97-001 HB 02-1310 Other 18
Status Report Funding Sources Federal Highw ay Trust Fund ( HTF) Federal Funding & Trust Fund • SAFTETEA-LU Authorized fed FY 2007 Funding Still Uncertain funding levels > than collections in fed gas Jan 18 2007 taxes = draw ing dow n C ongress has not enacted FY 2007 Transportation the fed HTF Appropriations Bill for the year that began October 1, 2006, $’ s flow only at the FY 2006 levels. • HTF is expected to be SAFETEA-LU bankrupt by 2 0 0 9 , • Authorized levels were slated to increase m ay result in fed 10% in FY 2007. If Congress does not funding cuts betw een enact this increase, planned proj ects of 2 0 % to 5 0 % must be cut. • Earmarks may go unfunded, creating confusion in the proj ect prioritization • CO could lose $ 1 0 0 M discussions between CDOT and local to $ 2 5 0 M/ yr if governments. Congress does not Our nations’ capitol find solution 19
t r o W hile p Funding Sources e R providing s u m uch needed t S.B. 97-001 a t S dollars I n good S.B. 97-001 Actuals and Forecasted Revenues econom ic years, 300.0 this is not a reliable source 250.0 Actual to be 200.0 OSPB counted on for 150.0 planning 100.0 Legislative Council 50.0 Legislative 0.0 action can 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 greatly reduce available funds 20
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