taking taking taking taking aspiration and aspiration and

Taking Taking Taking Taking Aspiration and Aspiration and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Michael B Arthur Taking Taking Taking Taking Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Emeritus Professor, Suffolk University, Boston, USA Career

  1. Michael B Arthur Taking Taking Taking Taking Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Emeritus Professor, Suffolk University, Boston, USA Career Career Career Career Visiting Professor, Cranfield University, UK Practice Practice Practice Practice Director, Intelligent Careers Group CDANZ Symposium, Auckland, October 31, 2017

  2. Taking Taking Taking Taking Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Congratulations on your new leader! Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Career Career Career Career Practice Practice Practice Practice

  3. Taking Taking Taking Taking Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Congratulations on your new leader! Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Career Career Career Career But what about my new leader? Practice Practice Practice Practice

  4. Taking Taking Taking Taking Our President, Donald the Trump, Thought New Zealand a bit of a dump. Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and When he called up Jacinda - Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into On land-line, not Tinder - Career Career Career Career But she just sighed and thought, "What a chump!“ Practice Practice Practice Practice Kerr Inkson, October 30, 2017

  5. • 1986: lucky protégé • 1996: guest of University of Auckland What about me? What about me? What about me? What about me? • 2006: recognized for lifelong service • 2016: An Intelligent Career book

  6. Taking Taking Taking Taking Traditional counterpoints in vocational guidance? Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into or Career Career Career Career Interdependent over the course of a career? Practice Practice Practice Practice

  7. 1. How do we make clients Taking Taking Taking Taking aware of options we may know little about ourselves? Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Aspiration and Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into Possibility into 2. How do we empower ourselves and our clients to be Career Career Career Career curious and courageous? Practice Practice Practice Practice 3. How do we fight for safe, fair, equitable work opportunities and work places?

  8. • Career: The evolving sequence of a person’s work experiences over time (Arthur, Hall & Lawrence, 1989 What are we What are we What are we What are we • Boundaryless career: A sequence of work experiences that goes beyond the boundaries of talking about? talking about? talking about? talking about? any single employment setting (DeFillippi & Arthur, 1994) • Intelligent career: A career where an individual takes ownership of their work and their life (Arthur, Khapova & Richardson, 2017)

  9. • The aspiring Australian teacher Stories from Stories from Stories from Stories from An An An An Intelligent Career Intelligent Career Intelligent Career Intelligent Career • The French music marketer Connections with Connections with Connections with Connections with • The American pancake house waitress symposium theme symposium theme symposium theme symposium theme and questions and questions and questions and questions • The Finnish journalist • The Zambian shepherd

  10. The aspiring Australian teacher Sarah Robinson Reggio Emelia method • • “Most likely to succeed” Vocational commitment • • Enthusiastic beginning Political resistance • • Soon left the profession

  11. The aspiring Australian teacher Sarah Robinson The context behind the job • • The politics on the job • Aspiration versus opportunity? • Partial empowerment Life’s not fair! •

  12. The French music marketer Jean-Luc Brès • Entry-level advertising position • Industry change – vinyl to cloud storage • New ideas, skillful upward communication • New projects, new contacts • New learning • More new ideas

  13. The French Music Marketer Jean-Luc Brès • Three-year projects • “It’s like cycling” • “No set career plan!” • Option-seeking? • Empowering himself?

  14. The American pancake house waitress Barbara Harris • Mixed-race family • Foster-parenting interests • Drug-addicted newborns • Campaign for birth control • Pay the parents! • “Project Prevention”

  15. The American pancake house waitress Barbara Harris • Sensemaking! • From: waitress, parent, willing foster- parent • To: public speaker, “Project Prevention” champion, international outreach and facing the opposition. • Curiosity and courage

  16. The Finnish journalist Marge Lahtinen • Journalist in downsizing newspaper • “Fighting for work!” • Took a break overseas • Returned to set out on her own • Dependable writer, short-term projects

  17. The Finnish Journalist Marge Lahtinen • More sensemaking • Also re-branding • Self-described “media entrepreneur” • Contract work as possibility! • Safety? Fairness ?

  18. The Zambian shepherd Moses Zulu • Family farm shepherd • Public school student • Getting through the gates • Health technologist appointment • Meeting, talking with NGO workers • Apparently futile grant applications Photo courtesy of Andy Aitchison

  19. The Zambian shepherd Moses Zulu • First considerate response – after 50 rejections • Firelight Foundation, CA, seed money • Leading to • US Govt. New Partnership initiative • Primary provider, HIV support, Luapula Provice, Zambia (1 million people) • Aspiration, possibility writ large ! Photo courtesy of Andy Aitchison

  20. • Change is fundamental What can we What can we What can we What can we • Career ownership is critical learn so far? learn so far? learn so far? learn so far? • Career developers can support career ownership • Capture the narrative!

  21. Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach W hy you work : Identity and motivation With whom you work : How you work : Relationships and Skills, knowledge and reputation learning

  22. Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach W hy you work : Identity and motivation Vocational guidance How you work : With whom you work : Knowledge and learning Relationships and reputation

  23. Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach W hy you work : Identity and motivation Job design Vocational guidance How you work : With whom you work : Knowledge and learning Relationships and reputation

  24. Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach W hy you work : Identity and motivation Job design Vocational The party guidance exercise How you work : With whom you work : Knowledge and learning Relationships and reputation

  25. Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach W hy you work : Identity and motivation Job Reference design groups Vocational The party guidance exercise How you work : With whom you work : Knowledge and learning Relationships and reputation

  26. Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach W hy you work : Identity and motivation Job Reference design groups Vocational The party guidance exercise How you work : With whom you work : Knowledge and learning Relationships and reputation Leadership

  27. Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! Capture the narrative! An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach An intelligent career approach W hy you work : Identity and motivation Job Reference design groups Vocational The party guidance exercise Group How you work : With whom you work : dynamics Knowledge and learning Relationships and reputation Leadership

  28. • Psychological testing a point of departure What else can What else can What else can What else can • Identities develop! we learn? we learn? we learn? we learn? • Don’t worry about what you don’t know! • Take the time the client needs! • Bring aspiration and possibility together!


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