are we all managers now

Are we all managers now ? Chris Smith, Director of Corporate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Are we all managers now ? Chris Smith, Director of Corporate Services Typical housing association structure Corporate Asset Housing Finance Development Services Management Management Lettings Lettings Customer Service Customer Service

  1. Are we all managers now ? Chris Smith, Director of Corporate Services

  2. Typical housing association structure Corporate Asset Housing Finance Development Services Management Management Lettings Lettings Customer Service Customer Service Resident Involvement Resident Involvement ASB ASB Rent collection & arrears Rent collection & arrears Sheltered & Supported Sheltered & Supported Neighbourhood 
 Development Development Leasehold Leasehold

  3. We are all housing managers now Having no Housing Management means…

  4. British obsession with managers • 5 million managers out of workforce of 30 million – 10-fold increase in 100 years • Workforce projections 2020: UK - 17% increase in managers; USA - 11% decrease in managers (US productivity is 22% higher) • Adactus: 100 department and line managers for 550 employees • GE factory in Virginia has one manager; 500 staff

  5. What is the role of a manager? • Planning • Allocating • Checking • Appraising • Communicating goals • Authorising Also known as…

  6. getting people to do things

  7. What would work look like if everybody had to ‘get people to do things’

  8. Get people to do things vs Empowerment

  9. Does this mean a return to top-down 
 hierarchical management? Depends on the manager. No, if manager is getting staff to: • Identify opportunities; collect information on how service can be improved • Managing to outcomes, not process

  10. If we are not all managers now.. What are the expectations of other staff? • More responsibilities • Accountable • Commercial or VFM focus Yes to each, but doesn’t make them managers

  11. Training & development for managers? If you started with ‘ getting people to do things ’.. • Motivation • Communication/listening • How to check you’re getting what you want • Understanding why you’re not getting what you want • Doing something about it • Understanding the range of management responses and which one to use when

  12. Are we all managers now? 
 Conclusion • No • Managers have a specific role: getting people to do things • Managers should have a range of ways to do that • Can and should still have high expectations of staff • Managers should self-assess their ability at getting people to do things • Do we have too many managers doing too little managing?

  13. Are we all managers now ? Chris Smith, Director of Corporate Services


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