The Belgian 4 th Engineer Battalion, specialized CBRN response to modern warfare.” Angélique KUPPENS, Senior Captain Coy Cdr Apr 22, 15
Layout 1. Missions & Principles 2. Organisation chart 3. Sub-capacities & Mat 4. Education 5. Trg 6. Missions 3
BEL Defense
Until Oct 15 3 CBRN Coy 6
From Oct 15 3 CBRN Coy 7
Layout 1. Missions & Principles 2. Organisation chart 3. Sub-capacities & Mat 4. Education 5. Trg 6. Missions abroad 8
1. Missions & Principles a. Definition: CBRN Def PREVENT, PROTECT, RESTORE CBRN Def Fundamentals Detec, Ident, Monitor Physical Protection Med Countermeasures & Sp Info Management Hazard Management 9
1. Missions & Principles a. Definition : Three Pillars 1) 1 st PILLAR: CBRN Sub-Cap organic to the Units (COMOPSLAND, COMOPSAIR, COMOPSNAV, COMOPSMED) « The All-Arms CBRN Defence » 2) 2 nd PILLAR : CBRN Specialised Sub-Cap (Joint CBRN Coy) « The CBRN Defence Unit » 3) 3 rd PILLAR : CBRN Specific Support ( Defence-wide: DLD, EOD, CBRN Med, Intel, Reach-Back) « The CBRN support » 10
1. Missions & Principles b. Missions 1) Decon of Pers, Veh, Eqt and terrain 2) Treatment of wounded persons in cooperation with the Medical Component (CasDM) 3) Warning & Reporting (Deployable Sub Collection Center) 4) CBRN Recce & assessment (included TIM), light (HSET) or armored 5) CBRN sampling and identification (SIBCRA) 6) COLPRO + BPT Sp Population 11
1. Missions & Principles c. Principles 1) Joint : provide specialized CBRN support to all component units 2) Modular : assets tailored to the mission 3) Deployed ifo CBRN Threat Level 4) CBRN Pers = specialists 5) Need of Force Protection 6) CBRN missions need TIME 12
Layout 1. Missions & Principles 2. Organisation chart 3. Sub-capacities & Mat 4. Education 5. Trg 6. Missions abroad 13
4 th Engr Btl 4 Comdo CSS Comdt S1 S2 S3 S4 ISC Prev Milieu S3 Recce & Ln CBRN 14
3 CBRN Coy 180 (8-48-124) Hazard Management Staff Sp CBRN 20 (2-7-11) 46 (4-25-17) 57 (1-8-48) 57 (1 48) 57 (1 57 (1-8-48) Comdt Maint Comdt SIBCRA SIBCRA Comdt Comdt DIM SIBCRA (2-2-3) (1-1-2) (0-2-2) (1-1-2) (1-1-2) (1-3-2) X 2 (1 2) X 2 Info Mgt CIS HSE-T HSE-T DSCC DSCC Rav/Armt/Cl1 W&R DIM SIBCRA SIBCRA SIBCRA SIBCRA SIBCRA Advise (0-1-1) (0-2-5) (0-3-23) (0-3-23) LC (0 LC (0-2-1) X 2 1) X 2 to Cdr (0-4-23) (0-4-23) (0-3-2) X 4 (0 2) X 4 AC (1-2-1) AC (1 1) MT 15 (0-0-0)
Layout 1. Missions & Principles 2. Organisation chart 3. Sub-capacities & Mat 4. Education 5. Trg 6. Missions abroad 16
3. Sub-capacities & Major Mat a. Decontamination Platoons b. D iployable S ub C ollection C enter ( DSCC ) c. S ampling and I dentification Of B IO, C HIM, R AD A gents ( SIBCRA ) d. H azadous S ite E valuation T eam ( HSE-T ) 17
a. Decontamination Platoons Perform thorough decontamination via 1) Hy Station 2) Md Station 3) Lt Decon 4) Casualties Decontamination Module (CASDM ) 18
ONE Hy Station 1) Hy Station = FOUR Cont = ONE Decon Sec = 75 x 100 m FOUR Hy Stations (0-3-23) 48m³ Water 100m Hy Veh/ Hr: 04EA Lt Veh/ Hr: 15EA Pers/ Hr: 60 Terrain/ Hr: 1000 m² NEEDS: 04 IVECO ALC Stable Ground 02 ASTRA 01 Ug PCCR 19
1) Hy Station 20
1) Hy Station 21
1) Hy Station 22
1) Hy Station 23
1) Hy Station 24
1) Hy Station 25
2) Medium Station ONE Md Station = ONE URO + Trailer THREE (+ ONE) Md Stations = ONE Decon Sec = 50 x 75 m 26
3) Medium Station 27
2) Medium Station 28
2) Medium Station ONE Md Station = ONE URO + Trailer THREE (+ ONE) Md Stations = ONE Decon Sec = 50 x 75 m (0-3-23) 75m 11m³ Water Hy Veh/ Hr: 02EA Lt Veh/ Hr: 06EA Pers/ Hr: 40 NEEDS: Terrain/ Hr: 1000 m² 01 URO + Rem All roads 02 ASTRA 01 Ug PCCR 29
3) Lt Decon a) By Pers of Decon Plt b) TWO options: i. 8 Pers (0-2-6) + 01 Ca URO + 01 Ug Cargo ii. 4 Pers (0-1-3) + 02 Ug Cargo c) In Spt of HSE or SIBCRA teams 30
4) CASDM a) 02 EA inside the CBRN Coy b) 01EA / Decon Plt c) Pers (0-1-8) + Med Pers d) i.c.c.w. COMOPSMED e) Still in development 31
b. DSCC 1) D eployable S ub C ollection C enter 3) THREE DSCC 2) Missions : a) ONE (1-2-1) a) Danger Modeling and Predictions (ATP45) b) TWO (0-2-1) Work at Bde level b) Advise to Cdr 4) NEEDS for the Manual procedure: NEEDS: Maps + Office Eqt 01 Ug PCCR 32
b. DSCC NEEDS for the Computer Assisted Procedure: NBC-Analysis and HPAC Compatible with ISIS 33
c. SIBCRA 1) S ampling and I dentification of B iological C hemical R adiological A gent 2) ONE SIBCRA Team = (1-3-2) + ONE scientist (< DLD) 3) Missions: a) Deploy to a suspected or confirmed contaminated CBRN/ TIM area; Search for and take forensic samples (AEP 66); b) Search for and collect all usefull information on the spot. c) 4) TWO SIBCRA Teams within the CBRN Coy NEEDS: ONE Ug PCCR TWO Ug Cargo 34
c. SIBCRA 35
c. SIBCRA 36
c. SIBCRA 37
d. HSE-T 1) H azardous S ite E valuation T eam 2) ONE HSE-T = (0-3-2) 3) Missions: a) Recce : route, area, hot spots; b) Survey: Syst Obn iot identify the presence of CBRN dangers; Search and take Ops samples . c) 4) FOUR HSE-T within the CBRN Coy 38
Layout 1. Missions & Principles 2. Organisation chart 3. Sub-capacities & Mat 4. Education 5. Trg 6. Missions abroad 39
4. Education a. Long & efficient FRA collaboration b. Education National International FRA DEU CZE SRB CCLAND Dept 4Gn 3d CBRN (NATO (JCBRN CCMed CCNav CCAir DLD Coy School) Center) Gn Offr & NCO X X X X X X X X X X Troop X X X X X 40
Layout 1. Missions & Principles 2. Organisation chart 3. Sub-capacities & Mat 4. Education 5. Trg 6. Missions abroad 42
5. Trg: FRA, LAT RAD 46
5. Trg: SVK, LAT CHEM 47
5. Trg: CAN, LAT CBRN 48
5. Trg: Decon pilote 50
5. Trg: BEL Decon 51
5. Trg: BEL Decon 52
5. Trg: BEL Decon 53
5. Trg: BEL HSE 54
5. Trg Where What Why Who FRA LAT RAD Live Agent Trg Decon/HSE/SIBCRA SVK LAT CHEM Live Agent Trg Decon/HSE/SIBCRA CAN NATO CBRN LAT Live Agent Trg Decon/HSE/SIBCRA/EOD- CBRN DNK Warning & Enhance quality of analysis DSCC Reporting NLD CBRN Trg CBRN Trg Center Decon/HSE/SIBCRA/ Tech Work EOD-CBRN BEL CBRN Trg Tac &Tech ALL 55
Layout 1. Missions & Principles 2. Organisation chart 3. Sub-capacities & Mat 4. Education 5. Trg 6. Missions abroad 56
6. Missions a. Engagement: f (CBRN Threat Evaluation) b. Engagement/Stand By Ops abroad: 1) NRF 3 (Olympic Games 2004), NRF6, NRF12, NRF17/18, EUBG 14 2) CBRN Det ISAF : (1-5-10) a) Who? ONE HSE-T + ONE Decon Lt on URO b) Why? Desinfection DEU Mat + Decon + Recce c) 14_06: Well done d) 14_10: Well done e) 15_02: On going f) 15_06: PDT g) 15_10: confirmed 57
6. Missions: MeS 59
6. Missions: MeS 60
6. Missions:MeS 61
6. Missions: MeS 62
6. Missions c. Intervention Homeland: Intervention in Wetteren (May13) Detection team in support of Firemen and the Civilian Protection 64
Sp Wetteren 65
Follow up activities 66
Follow up activities 67
Follow up activities 68
7. Conclusion “The Belgian 4 th Engineer Battalion, specialized CBRN response to modern warfare.” • Adapted stucture; • Adapted education and training; • Expertise thanks to missions abroad and on national territory Our CBRN specialists are ready to counter CBRN incidents
Any question? 71
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