aoc ofsted kit webinar

AoC / Ofsted KIT webinar Richard Beynon, Specialist Advisor, FES, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AoC / Ofsted KIT webinar Richard Beynon, Specialist Advisor, FES, Ofsted David Corke, Policy Director, AoC AoC - Ofsted webinar 23 July 2020 Slide 1 AoC Ofsted KIT webinar Todays session will: be the last of a series of KIT

  1. AoC / Ofsted KIT webinar Richard Beynon, Specialist Advisor, FES, Ofsted David Corke, Policy Director, AoC AoC - Ofsted webinar 23 July 2020 Slide 1

  2. AoC – Ofsted KIT webinar ▪ Today’s session will: ▪ be the last of a series of KIT webinars (every three weeks) ▪ last around 45 mins ▪ provide an update from AoC / Ofsted ▪ answer questions submitted previously and give participants an opportunity to ask questions today. AoC - Ofsted webinar 23 July 2020 Slide 2

  3. Ao AoC C upd pdat ate • £96m Catch up Tutoring fund – some details – guidance today • CCF announcement today - focus • Reopening - A Level bubble sizes & UoExeter tool • 18 to 19 offer / Traineeships / Apps • Transport proposals • PLH guidance for remote learning 3

  4. Ao AoC C upd pdat ate 4

  5. Ofsted post-inspection arrangements: ▪ Consultation launched 3 March and ran until 30 April 2020. ▪ More than 600 responses to consultation from a wide range of respondents, including early years providers, schools, further education and skills providers, social care providers and provider bodies including AoC. ▪ Consultation outcomes are here: inspection-processes-and-complaints-handling ▪ Full results including voting share here: post-inspection-processes-and-complaints-handling-proposed- improvements/outcome/changes-to-ofsteds-post-inspection-processes- and-complaints-handling-report-on-the-responses-to-the-consultation AoC - Ofsted webinar 23 July 2020 Slide 5

  6. Ofsted post-inspection arrangements ▪ Ofsted will now: ▪ introduce greater consistency in post-inspection arrangements across inspection remits ▪ standardise at 5 working days the period allowed for providers to review their draft report and raise any issues of factual accuracy and about the inspection process ▪ consider and respond to formal complaints from inspected providers before we publish their inspection report, if these complaints are submitted within 5 working days of Ofsted issuing the final report ▪ retain current arrangements for internal reviews into complaints handling, including the scrutiny panel AoC - Ofsted webinar 23 July 2020 Slide 6

  7. A reminder of activity during the interim period, from September. ▪ Interim visits to all G3 and G4 providers plus a sample of G1 and G2 providers. Applies to colleges, ILPs, ISCs, CLS and employer providers. No grades, no progress judgements. Usually two inspectors involved for up to two days. Published letter outlining what we saw and heard about. These are not inspections, but will run under inspection powers. Pilots to run in weeks commencing 31 August and 7 Sept. ▪ New provider monitoring visits (NPMVs) to providers who received an ‘insufficient progress’ judgement on their first visit. The second visit will be instead of their full inspection. Funding will resume if reasonable or better progress made. ▪ Support workshops run by HMI. These will cover topics reflecting sector needs. We seek assistance from AoC, AELP, HOLEX, Natspec, SFCA to collate/pool requests. AoC - Ofsted webinar 23 July 2020 Slide 7

  8. Live Q&A Questions? Future topics? AoC - Ofsted webinar 23 July 2020 Slide 8

  9. Ofsted on the web and on social media Slide 9


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