an insight into alice

An insight into ALICE: The European Technology Platform for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

An insight into ALICE: The European Technology Platform for Logistics (In a Nutshell: Slides 1 to 14) Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from

  1. Overview of Meetings and Calendar 2018 8-9 March Workshop on “Zero Emissions Logistics 2050” Brussels 21-22 March H2020 Training session Brussels 16-19 April TRA2018 Vienna 23-24 April CIVITAS Urban Freight Conference Brussels 9-May Blockchain applic. and cases for logistics Barcelona 19-21 June Groningen 22 June ALICE Plenary (linked to IPIC) Utrecht 27 Sept Addressing challenges of ecommerce in city logistics TBC 9-10 Oct. Workshop “ Towards Physical Internet ” Munich 6-7 Nov. CID on “TEN - T vs One Belt One Road” + WG2 meeting Athens 12-13 Dec. Start-ups Brokering with ALICE members + Plenary Brussels Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  2. Why become a member? Contribute needs and challenges to industry research and • innovation in logistics and supply chain management Support the European Commission to define EU co-funded • programs, starting with HORIZON 2020, and to implement the outcomes of these programs in support of competitiveness and sustainability targets. Access a network for interdisciplinary collaborative research • involving industry , academia and public institutions. Be at the forefront of industry innovation, development and • implementation Have a role in developing regulatory requirements needed for • innovation implementation Have the right to participate in the WGs and assembly as well as • the option to be part of the Steering Group and recommend experts to participate in the different WGs. Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  3. Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  4. Towards Zero Emissions Logistics All presentations of the workshop available at: Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  5. The feedback from participants "Many interesting aspects, many 'secret tips' and useful advice for the proposal preparation" "The slides were designed to be useful post- training reference documents" "Very knowledgeable and high level experienced Tutors, they master the subject and know the tips and tricks. Very down-to- earth" "The whole training was very informative and satisfactory due to a comprehensive Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European and effective overview" Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  6. Current trends and paradigms: For how long? Facts and need for action Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  7. Source: Alan McKinnon, EC & ALICE Final Logistics Cloud Event:

  8. Source: Alan McKinnon, EC & ALICE Final Logistics Cloud Event:

  9. Freight Transport Contribution to GHG Emissions Source: Alan McKinnon, EC & ALICE Final Logistics Cloud Event:

  10. Efficiency, trends and innovations  Efficiency, trends and innovations • Trends… • Flow exponential growth • Shipments fragmentation • Shipment median weight divided by 4,5 from 160 kg in 1988 to 30 kg in 2004 Source IFSTTAR 2013 Source: • Centre for A no cost illusion for the consumers sustainable transportation Canada • Expectations: better services and economic support to growth How to take advantage of economy of scale when shipments are getting smaller? How to mitigate the environmental effects? Decoupling / economic activity? How to cope with the demand and without a new physical infrastructure? Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  11. 10 YEARS: ZERO IMPROVEMENT ON LOAD FACTORS [Optional slide for additional info/data] 100% 180 90% 160 80% 140 70% 120 60% %Load Factor billion euro 100 50% 80 40% %Road efficiency 60 30% %empty truck (km) 40 20% 10% 20 0% 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 EUROPE GAINS to 1.3% CO 2 70%: Eur 160 Billions footprint Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  12. We need the end-to-end view CO 2 emitted by supermarket shopping Consumer trip (transport between home & store) Packaging (store - shopping bag) Retailer operations (store/ DC /transport) Manufacturer operations (DC/ transport) Source: LCA study, P. van Loon, J. Dewaele, L. Deketele - Heriot-Watt University / P&G 30 items/shopping basket - UK B&M supermarket - typical (average) travel behavior (distance, transport mode) Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  13. FACT ▪ Goods average travelling speed is slow … ▪ no matter how fast the means of transport … they spend most of the time just waiting  11 Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967



  16. Modal shift : 40% maximum Rail Rail 251.65 Bn Tn∙Km (11.55%) 251.65 Bn Tn∙Km (11.55%) NON- Inland Waterway Inland Waterway ROAD 150.89 Bn Tn∙Km (6.9%) NON- 150.89 Bn Tn∙Km (6.9%) ROAD Potential Shift 895 Bn 492.43 Bn Tn∙Km (22.6%) Tn∙Km (41.05%) 2.18 Trillion Tn∙Km (100%) Long Road 100% Scenario 983 Billion Tn∙Km (45.1%) (Above 300km) 55.33% of Road ROAD Short Road 1.78 Trillion Tn∙Km 1.283 Trillion Tn∙Km (58.94%) ROAD (81.53%) (0 to 299km) 1.283 Trillion 100% of Road Tn∙Km Short Road (58.94%) 793 Billion Tn∙Km (36.43%) (0 to 299km) 44.67% of Road Inland Road Transport – Extreme Scenario 100% mode shift to non-road SOURCE : Eurostat (rail_go_typeall) , (iww_go_atygo) and (road_go_ca_c) – 2014 EU-28 Data.. For (road_go_ta_dctg) - Averaged Data from the year 2008 to 2014 and SNIC calculations Assumption: Modal shift does not cause increase in the total Tn-km of a journey

  17. The pace of Technological Change is Accelerating Source: Rod Franklin, EC & ALICE Final Logistics Cloud Event:

  18. This can be seen in the explosion of “ Unicorn” startups focussed on digital technologies Source: Rod Franklin, EC & ALICE Final Logistics Cloud Event:

  19. Startups in the field of logistics Source: Rod Franklin, EC & ALICE Final Logistics Cloud Event:

  20. Digitalization: Opportunity and/or Disruption? $1.5 trillion 1 of value at stake for logistics players and a further $2.4 trillion worth of societal benefits as a result of digital transformation of the industry up until 2025. The chances of digital disruption engulfing the logistics industry increases Digital platforms will become increasingly important in the logistics industry, allowing small companies to have a global reach and compete with the sector’s established giants. Digital transformation can also bring important social and environmental benefits , by increasing efficiency and cutting down energy consumption and emissions. 1 These calculations are subject to change. Impacts are based on estimates and would vary in range given a change in adoption rates or disruption in any of the initiatives

  21. Market opportunity and vision A 10% to 30% efficiency in EU logistics sector = € 100 – 300 billion cost relief for European industry Make European industry resilient by a true “ people, planet, profit ” oriented logistics and supply chain sector . A sector that is economically, environmental and socially sustainable contributing to both industry competitiveness and the EU policy targets Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  22. Unfortunately, current approaches focus on improving what we currently do Needed Focus of Improvements if we are to Achieve Objectives New T&L Paradigm Business as Usual Current Focus of Transport and Logistics Improvements Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  23. What’s needed is a new paradigm Why are we all optimizing our small piece of the pie and not the pie itself? • Why are we operating like technology is there to make what we do more • efficient and not something that could change the industry? Why do we believe that in the future transport vehicles will be operated as • they are today? Why do we ignore advances in smart infrastructures that result in • dramatically different uses of the infrastructure? Why do we believe that our current logistics and transport models are • appropriate for megacities? Why are we concerned about owning assets that become obsolete more • rapidly than ever? • Why are we seeking answers concerning the future by looking in the rear view mirror? Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  24. Towards a truly integrated transport system for sustainable and efficient logistics Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  25. The SETRIS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653739 We envision a System of Systems Report: SETRIS Project coordinated by:

  26. The SETRIS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653739 The Truly Integrated Transport System in the Long distance context EU wide co-modal transport services within a well synchronized, smart and seamless network , supported by corridors and hubs , providing optimal support to global supply chains door-to-door Resilient transport and logistics networks Seamless and secure cross borders transport operations Develop seamless transhipment (automation) “Smart” hubs serving the transport industries according to supply chains and manufacturing networks needs. Fully available & visible intermodal transport services  Synchromodal Logistics Solutions Seamless information exchange end-to-end SETRIS Project coordinated by:

  27. The SETRIS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653739 The Truly Integrated Transport System in the Urban context Adaptability to new freight transport technologies and concepts like automated land- or air vehicles, drones and AGVs. Optimal integration of freight transport with people mobility . Freight and people are moving sharing infrastructure and resources in a smart combination leveraging infrastructure utilization. Further Modularization of Load and Transport Units Develop seamless transhipment Mercedes-Benz: Hitching a ride through the physical internet (automation) SETRIS Project coordinated by:

  28. The SETRIS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653739 Market dynamics Lack of Ill defined transhipment and regulatory modularization framework technology Barriers Lack of IT/ICT Lack of trust on Systems sharing information interoperability Lack of industry well recognized business and operational models SETRIS Project coordinated by:

  29. The SETRIS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653739 Stakeholders Support Autonomous Robotics Transport Enablers IoT, Big Data, IT/ICT Systems Block Chain, interoperability 5G,… Leadership and entrepreneurship SETRIS Project coordinated by:

  30. For example… Results from a simulation experiment with top retailers Carrefour and Casino in France and their 100 top suppliers Current flows Hyperconnected flows Current: Trucks Hyperconnected: Trucks & Rail Economical: Up to 32% overall cost saving Environmental: About 60% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions 50% of volume shifted from road to rail Ballot É., B. Montreuil, R. Meller (2015), The Physical Internet: The Network of Logistics Networks, Documentation Française.

  31. A Physical Internet Vision is possible! – create a more efficient, sustainable supply chain by using new modular load units & smoother supply chain interfaces Smoother interfaces along the supply chain New modular load unit concept Vision Modular dimensions from Modular box Optimised space Open networks & Less network cargo container size to tiny system pooled resources complexity Potential efficiencies: Less Freight Km, Less CO 2 , Better Load Factors, Higher assets/Infrastructure utilization Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  32. Some relevant initiatives:

  33. Modular trailer initiative Truck Manufacturers Trailer Manufacturers End of presentation End Users Suppliers Research Institutes Service Supplier Slide 45 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s

  34. TRANSFORMERS Innovation Areas Slide 46

  35. ALICE Roadmaps and renewed strategy Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  36. ALICE Roadmaps

  37. ALICE Roadmap Renewal Physical Internet targeting Why we need Physical Internet?  THE way for enhanced efficiency 2030 instead of 2050 Maximise infrastructure utilisation & reduce congestion  Reduce required investments to accommodate growing demand Support Circular Economy… Do more with less… bringing economical, environmental and societal benefits Keeping EU leadership in Logistics supporting ALL manufacturing industries Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  38. ALICE Roadmap Renewal Physical Internet will bring efficiency and sustainability to Logistics but will not be enough to meet Environmental Challenges : - Decarbonization. - Emissions. We need clear focus on Zero PI Emissions as a result of the discussions in Collaborative Innovation Days 2017 Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  39. ALICE Roadmap Renewal Next Steps: Combining Physical Internet (2030) and Zero Logistics Emissions (2050) - Prepare a roadmap “Towards Zero Emissions Logistics”  Reformulated ALICE WG1 - Prepare a detailed roadmap “Towards the Physical Internet”  Through SENSE Project Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  40. Zero Emissions Logistics Roadmap Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  41. Zero Emissions Logistics Roadmap Lead by WG1: Sustainable Logistic Supply Chains Sophie Punte Alain Baeyens Lori Tavasszy Executive Director 30°NORTH Professor, Freight & Logistics Smart Freight Centre Delft University of Technology 53 Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  42. 54 Zero Emissions Logistics Roadmap Roadmap structure • Executive summary (2 pages) • Introduction (3-5 pages) • Overall objectives, scope and approach • Complementarities with other ALICE roadmaps & background • Logistics emissions accounting (3-5 pages) • State of the art • 4 emission accounting enablers • Roadmap (milestones and timelines graphs) • Logistics emissions reduction (5-10 pages) • State of the art • 5 reduction areas • Roadmap (milestones and timelines graphs) • Collaboration between stakeholders (2 pages) Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  43. Zero Emissions Logistics Roadmap Roadmap preparation timeline Public Roadmap ALICE Presentation Approval Stakeholders Workshop Plenary ALICE Plenary & Other ALICE March Working 13 Dec 2019 8 - 9 March 22 June Sept-Oct Groups Input Roadmap Open Finall Roadmap 1st draft full draft Consultation version conceptualization roadmap Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  44. Zero Emissions Logistics Roadmap Workshop, March 2018 All presentations of the workshop available at: Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  45. 57 Zero Emissions Logistics Roadmap Logistics emissions accounting • Methodology from methodology development to implementation • Data access and exchange access to the right level/type of data across modes, transhipment centers and countries/regions for accounting • Assurance/certification r eported data are considered reliable (accurate and complete) by users/customers • Use of results organizations are using data for logistics decisions and emission reduction efforts Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  46. GLEC Framework: universal method for logistics emissions accounting Watch our animation video and download the GLEC Framework

  47. LEARN partners The LEARN project Empower business to reduce their carbon footprint across their global logistics supply chains by improved emissions measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 723984.

  48. Zero Emissions Logistics Roadmap Logistics emission reduction paths • Switch to low carbon energy technologies electrification, biofuels... • Transport energy efficiency energy saving technologies in vehicles and barges, retrofitting, fuel economy, eco-driving, platooning... • Increase transport asset utilization transport assets sharing, reducing empty transport legs... • Reduce transport intensity/restructure supply chains dematerialization, 3D printing, Relocalize, Nearshoring Decentralize stocks... • Optimise the use of transport mode multimodality, Synchromodality, Improve modal split.. Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  49. Roadmap towards Physical Internet Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  50. SENSE Project: Accelerating the Path to PI Industry, research and public bodies engagement (WP4) Alice & external organizations and networks Input, consensus and wide - support building Detailed Roadmap Towards Physical Physical Internet Development Internet (WP2) Monitoring (WP3) - Components & Technical developments - Market Observation (T3.1) (standards) (T2.1) - Research and Innovation Projects (T3.2) - Transition Management: Business Models, - Programs contributing to PI (T3.3) Mental Shift, Skills and Education, Regulations and PI Governance (T2.2) PI Knowledge Platform (T3.4) and - Public & Private Investments (T2.3) PI Development Monitoring Methodology - Barriers, Enablers, Triggers and Impacts (T2.4) SENSE Major Outcomes : • Wide Industry and public bodies consensus and support on Physical Internet vision and roadmap • Strong methodology to monitor, assess and review Physical Internet implementation Status • Reference Knowledge Platform on Physical Internet: Market, Projects and Programs • Better alignment on regional, member states and EU Programs supporting Physical Internet • Reinforced International Physical Internet Community. Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  51. Roadmap towards Physical Internet (PI) Framework / topic areas PI Nodes PI Network Communication and data Governance exchange Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  52. Roadmap towards Physical Internet (PI) Framework: PI Network Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  53. Roadmap towards Physical Internet (PI) Physical Internet on network level and on node level • The nodes in PI are physical locations, like hubs, warehouses, etc. • The network level describes how nodes are connected within the network to allow door-to-door transport

  54. Roadmap towards Physical Internet (PI) On node level we focus on design and operation of PI nodes including physical handling of goods Including the following topics: • Operation of PI nodes • Boxes, containers and physical handling • Value Adding Service providers

  55. Roadmap towards Physical Internet (PI) Towards the Physical Internet 2030 22 nd June: 15th March: 9-10 October: ALICE Executive SENSE & ALICE IPIC & Group Workshop workshop ALICE Plenary Common Common 1st Roadmap 2nd Roadmap understanding understanding draft draft on network level on node level June 2019: Stakeholders & ALICE WGs Input IPIC Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  56. Monitoring Research and Innovation Investments and Progress Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  57. Investment in Research and Innovation on logistics: 158 projects and initiatives ( Mainly EU research ) have been identified as potentially contributing to ALICE Research and Innovation Roadmaps implementation. The investment in these initiatives altogether has been 729 Million € with a public funding of 531 Million € in the period 2010-2015. 54 Impact will be higher if funded projects will respond to an overall strategy!!! 36 67 We need a strategy ahead of (more) Money!!! 50 40 Report: Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  58. New ALICE Cycle activities Star-ups & 2018 Industry Liaison Program with R&I projects Roadmaps: Roadmaps Gaps identification Implementation and Status Recommendations 158 projects H2020 & Member followed States Funding FP7/H2020 Programs Funding Opportunities MG-6.3-2015 - Common communication and navigation platforms for pan-European logistics applications MG-5.1-2016 - Networked and efficient logistics clusters Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European ….. 7 Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  59. Building a “social” Knowledge Platform Expert user n Expert Projects Start-ups user x Expert Company Company n user y Funding Expert user z Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  60. Strengthen and promote ALICE liaison with projects & industry initiatives Sign up for your projects! Consult or send us an e-mail to Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  61. ALICE Program Letters of Support for R&D and Innovation Project Proposals For  proposals committing to join the ALICE Program on liaison with projects. 36 project proposals have requested ALICE Letter of Support for 2017 calls Sign up for your proposals! Consult (Projects) or contact us to know more at: Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  62. Decarbonization Digitalization City Logistics Final Conference September 2017, Brussels Download Report here Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  63. Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  64. Freight Transport Decarbonization Collaborative Innovation Clouds conclusions: 1. Achieve a zero (or neutral) freight logistic emissions by 2050 is a sound objective. 2. The development of consistent carbon footprint measurement and reporting in freight transport and logistics is a must to drive decarbonisation. 3. Clear Carbon footprint reduction paths are needed and supported by smart (de) regulations. 4. Supply Network Coordination and Collaboration , Download Report here Synchromodality (including smart steaming) and vehicles improvement and adaptation to logistics contributing to decarbonisation. 5. Short and medium term financial targets are crowding out industry attention instead of focusing on the urgency to act NOW to achieve the CO 2 reduction targets 6. EU TEN-T Corridors Coordinators need to move beyond infrastructure planning and starting to look at corridor operability and service continuity managing impacts of Infrastructure disruption.  looking beyond transport

  65. Freight Transport Digitalization Collaborative Innovation Clouds conclusions: 1. Digitalisation is an enabler to connect existing closed platforms of larger industry players or to foster new business models: • Building standards and/or interoperability for cross modal transport activities is in urgent need. • Opportunity for more efficient, effective and responsive operations. 2. Building trust on data sharing platforms is a pre- requisites to ensure digital transformation. Download Report here • Active Governance • Data sovereignty and privacy 3. Societal and environmental impact of new services enabled by digitalisation needs to be better assessed and understood. • Deep impact on the social dimension, skills and employment

  66. City Logistics Collaborative Innovation Clouds conclusions: 1. More attention to city logistics planning and development is needed from city authorities in SUMP. 2. Increased Public-Private Collaboration is needed in the City Logistics domain. 3. City Logistics is currently in a paradigm change that needs to be better understood to realize societal and environmental opportunities (in particular with the growth of e-commerce). Cities need to define their Download Report here urban logistic models considering two main factors: density of deliveries and logistics infrastructure available (i.e. ports, highways, logistics hubs, rails, metros, etc.).

  67. Alice Videos Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  68. ALICE Roadmaps in a nutshell 82 Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  69. Sustainable, Safe and Secure Supply Chain Research Roadmap Vision & Mision Sustainable, safe and secure logistics systems and supply chains provide an answer to the growing concern on environmental and social problems related to logistics and security while maintaining or enhancing profitability . This requires fully integrated close loop supply networks, in which logistic service providers, shippers and authorities closely cooperate. In particular shippers, as the owners of the goods in transit, play a key role; their decisions on product configuration after all determine what to transport. Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  70. Sustainable, Safe and Secure Supply Chain Research Roadmap: Milestones updated 2020 Full alignment of economics, • environmental, social and security goals 2030  2025 Integrated decision making in end-to-end • supply chain 2040  2030 Safe and secure supply chains for circular • Defining Opportunities economy 2050  2030 Physical Internet • Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  71. Sustainable, Safe and Secure Supply Chain Research Roadmap: Contents What are the key issues? • Logistics as a key factor enabling circular economy  Reducing waste • Measuring and minimizing emissions and energy consumption but also logistics costs. • Improving load units standardization and modularization facilitating consolidation, bundling and collaboration. • Facilitating trade while keeping or improving security in EU borders. Not only how to transport but also what to transport! Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  72. Sustainable, Safe and Secure Supply Chain Research Roadmap: Video Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  73. Corridors, Hubs and Synchromodality Vision EU wide synchromodal services for a smart and seamless network, based on corridors and hubs facilitating efficient operations and resilient, customized, responsive supply chains. Mission Identify and define research and innovation challenges to establish an European core freight network of hubs and corridors bearing the novel needs of the transport industries for a sustainable supply-chain. We are New Main Scope still not Focus! New there! In addition to the current focus on strategic investments and policies, the Direction! new focus of innovations includes: Integration of networks – interconnected & interoperable EU freight network ▪ Service Integration – achieving integration by aligned operations ▪ Supply chain perspective – synergetic supply chains & transport improvement ▪ Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  74. Corridors, Hubs and Synchromodality: Milestones updated 2020 Hub and network integration • 2030  2025 Innovative supply chain design and • synchromodal service integration 2040  2030 Synchromodal services door to door • Defining Opportunities 2050  2030 Physical Internet • Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  75. Synchromodal Transport Optimally, flexible and sustainable deployment of different modes of transport and hubs in a system operated by a logistics service provider (PI provider), so that the user or customer (shipper or forwarder) is offered or can directly access to an integrated and sustainable solution for their (inland) transport needs. Coordination of logistics chains and networks (different customers), transport chains and infrastructure, is made in such a way that, given aggregated transport demand from different owners, the right mode is used at every point in time fulfilling user service requirements. * See ALICE roadmap on Corridors Hubs and Synchromodality Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  76. Corridors, Hubs and Synchromodality: Video Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  77. Information Systems for Interconnected Logistics Roadmap Vision Real-time (re)configurable supply chains in (global) supply chain networks with available and affordable ICT solutions for all types of companies and participants, whether large or small. Mission Identify and define research and innovation challenges including the development of technologies and tools that facilitate the closure of existing gaps in current ICT systems and data sharing capabilities in supply chains for optimal performance in the execution of supply chain activities. Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  78. Information Systems for Interconnected Logistics Roadmap: Milestones updated 2020 Interoperability between networks and IT • applications for logistics 2030  2025 Full visibility throughout the supply chain • 2040  2030 Fully functional and operating open • Defining Opportunities logistics networks 2050  2030 Physical Internet • Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  79. Information Systems for Interconnected Logistics Roadmap: Challenges • The ability to rapidly connect to, and disconnect from , supply networks at two levels; the business level and the technical ICT level. • The simplification of ICT systems , information interfaces and business models so that domain users are shielded from having to become technology experts and can focus instead on the efficient execution of transport and logistics operations; • The simplification and standardization of device interconnections so that the rapid connection and disconnection of sensor enabled items is facilitated; • Open cloud based collaboration platforms to facilitate the dynamic and cost effective formation and management of complex supply networks; • Secure and reliable data management approaches that facilitate the collection and analysis of authorized data so that operational efficiency can be improved while assuring the public that privacy is maintained; • The development of appropriate standards and data collection systems for reporting commercially and socially important information (e.g., emissions, load factors, congestion levels, etc.) so that proper comparisons can be obtained and informed decisions made; • The ability to properly manage goods flows so that infrastructures, transport assets, modal nodes and other supply network assets are optimally utilized; and • The adoption, integration and use of smart infrastructures, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs), IoT devices and other intelligent edge based technologies in supply chains to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and control of supply networks. Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  80. Information Systems for Interconnected Logistics Roadmap: Video Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  81. Global Supply Network Coordination and Collaboration Research Roadmap Vision Supply networks that are operated as a whole, meaning full vertical and horizontal integration and coordination. Mission Removing barriers through new concepts and approaches, for • closer Vertical and Horizontal Collaboration among different Network owners in Europe. To favour a smooth transition from independent Supply Chains • to open global Supply Networks . To make the most efficient use of available resources and • modes, they will be compatible, accessible and easily interconnected Activities performed partially in the frame of WINN, SETRIS & SENSE Projects. WINN, SETRIS & SENSE projects have received funding from the European Union ´ s FP7 and Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreements No. 314743, No. 653739 and No. 769967

  82. Expected Impact & Drivers The Physical Internet is the fundamental background concept that should drive collaboration and coordination initiatives. For the industry stakeholders, the most important strategic drivers towards the PI are: 1. Increasing the service level to the consumer of products and services, in the most efficient and sustainable way. 2. Lowering the barriers to enter new markets and for consumers to have access to new products. 3. By opening the logistic networks and sharing resources, highest levels of efficiency and sustainability can be achieved, unattainable by any individual company. 96

  83. WG4 Scope The Physical Internet will be realised in a gradual process where global supply networks evolve through three main stages, in chronological order: • Fully owned supply chains , where the assets and services are key constituents of the company products/services, as differentiators for the customer. This is the current situation. • Horizontal collaboration and vertical coordination in a defined limited network of companies , sharing what are considered “commodity” assets and services. • Physical Internet for most goods, in a full collaborative network involving multi parties , who are unaware of collaborating, with the lowest costs and maximum availability and service level. 97

  84. Global Supply Network Coordination and Collaboration: Milestones changed 2020 Horizontal Collaboration (on Carrier and shipper level) 2030 2025 Integration Manufacturing and Logistics Logistic Pooling Defining Opportunities 2040 2030 Open Supply networks 2040 2030 Physical Internet 2050 Zero Emission

  85. Challenges and themes (updated) 1. Collaborative supply network design and operation Strategic collaborative logistics network design • Tactical planning and execution ( operational ) of collaborative networks • Resilience capabilities and risk management of collaborative networks • Business models and change management for collaborative services • 2. Manufacturing and logistics integration Holistic Supply Chain view • Manufacturing villages for collaboration and sharing of non-unique • Defining Opportunities resources (e.g. Pharma industry) Agile, modular and distributed manufacturing: requirements, • implications and opportunities for logistics. 99

  86. Challenges and themes (2) 3. Enablers for collaboration and coordination Effortless and transparent resources sharing in the PI • Understanding the impact of collaborative logistics and market-platforms in • development (f.e. Amazon) Development of Freight villages (Manufacturing and Logistics) • Structural changes in the market (driver-shortage, pricing etc.) • Further liberalization of Railways in Europe • Shared warehouses f.e. in retail • Separating trade terms for Logistics from commercial trade terms • (ES3 in US) ▪ CREATING TRUST for Collaboration, multidisciplinary approach is needed (business change, social, psychology, real estate management, etc)


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