aged care changes

Aged Care Changes in 2015 Current as at 1 July 2015 Details - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Aged Care Changes in 2015 Current as at 1 July 2015 Details Subject to Change Current as at 1 July 2015 Details subject to Change 2 ACSA and LASA have been working closely with the Department on the design of My Aged Care and CHSP.

  1. 1 Aged Care Changes in 2015 Current as at 1 July 2015 Details Subject to Change

  2. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 2 ACSA and LASA have been working closely with the Department on the design of My Aged Care and CHSP. ACSA and LASA both play an active role in the National Aged Care Alliance’s: • CHSP Advisory Group • CHSP Sub-Groups • Aged Care Gateway Advisory Group • Aged Care Gateway Delivery Sub-Group.

  3. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 3 What we’ll cover today Achievements to date Home Care Packages – Consumer Directed Care My Aged Care changes Introduction of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme

  4. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 4 Home Care Packages – Consumer Directed Care Consumers: More choice and flexibility than they would have from existing care approaches. Service providers: An opportunity to transform current business models and care approaches to better suit consumer needs and expectations.

  5. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 5 • What does this mean for providers and consumers from 1 July 2015? ‘ • All providers will be expected to deliver home care packages in accordance with the User Rights Principles 2014 . • All consumers will have the rights and responsibilities relating to home care and CDC reflected in the Charter.

  6. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 6 Home Care Packages and Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Increased funding for Home Care Packages Programme Number of allocated places, at 30 December 2014 100,000 Total 80,000 packages 60,000 40,000 Total 20,000 projected packages 0 … 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2017 From 1 July 2015, all Home Care Packages will be offered on a CDC basis.

  7. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 7 Making CDC happen How are we supporting consumers? Booklets, peer education, checklists How are we supporting providers? Workshops, articles, webinars, learning modules and self assessment tools

  8. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 8 ‘ Home Care Today is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Visit: for more information.

  9. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 9 My Aged Care in 2015

  10. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 10 The vision for My Aged Care ‘To make it easier for older people, their families, and carers to access information on ageing and aged care, have their needs assessed and be supported to locate and access services available to them .’

  11. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 11 My Aged Care today My Aged Care was introduced on 1 July 2013 and consists of the My Aged Care contact centre (1800 200 422) and website ( My Aged Care currently provides: • Information about aged care to consumers, family members and carers • Information for service providers • Online service finders that provide information on aged care service providers and assessors • Online fee estimators for pricing on Home Care Packages and aged care homes.

  12. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 12 Changes to My Aged Care in 2015 What is being introduced Why is it being introduced Central client record To facilitate the collection and sharing of client information My Aged Care Regional To conduct face-to-face assessments for clients Assessment Service (RAS) seeking to access CHSP services National Screening and To ensure a nationally consistent and holistic Assessment Form (NSAF) screening and assessment process

  13. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 13 Changes to My Aged Care in 2015 What is being introduced Why is it being introduced Web-based portals for: Client portal - to view their client record and update personal details • clients • assessors Assessor portal - to manage referrals, use • service providers the National Screening & Assessment Form (NSAF) and update the client record Provider portal - to manage service information, referrals and update the client record Service providers will To support accurate referral of clients to self-manage information services presented on service finders Enhanced service finders that To enable the provision of information about include information about non-Commonwealth funded aged care non-Commonwealth funded services to clients and the public services

  14. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 14 When are the changes coming? The key rollout dates for My Aged Care are: • April 2015: demonstration project in Victoria • Mid May 2015: provider access to the My Aged Care provider portal to establish organisational structure, staff access and update service information prior to July 2015 • July 2015: national rollout commences, introducing client registration, screening, home support assessment (conducted by the RAS) and referral to service providers • July to December 2015: Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs) will transition to using the My Aged Care assessor portal.

  15. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 15 National My Aged Care client pathways

  16. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 16 CHSP changes in 2015

  17. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 17 National changes to CHSP in 2015 From July 2015, the CHSP will bring together the: • Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) Program • National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP) • Day Therapy Centres (DTC) Program • Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) Program. More information about the changes to CHSP in 2015 is available at

  18. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 18 Structure of the CHSP The CHSP is structured around four main sub- programmes based on target groups: • Community and Home Support • Care Relationships and Carer Support • Assistance with Care and Housing • Service System Development ‘

  19. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 19 Entry and Assessment New capabilities of My Aged Care Entry and assessment for new clients to the CHSP through My Aged Care . Reassessment of existing clients through My Aged Care only if significant change in care needs Service level assessment will remain the provider’s responsibility. ‘

  20. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 20 Where to from here? ‘

  21. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 21 Special Needs Groups CHSP special needs groups align with the Aged Care Act 1997 Care and support of people with dementia is core business for all providers

  22. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 22 National My Aged Care and CHSP interactions Contact centre My Aged Care Regional CHSP Service Provider Assessment Service (RAS) • • Screening. Receive referrals and • • Client record Home support provide services. Function • (including action plan). assessment. Manage information about • • Referral to assessment or Support plan. the services they provide. • • direct to service. Referral to services. Update client records. My Aged Care My Aged Care CHSP Provider contact centre RAS Workforce My Aged Care My Aged Care SIEBEL provider portal assessor portal Technology Service Finders

  23. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 23 Victorian My Aged Care and CHSP interactions HACC Assessment Service (HAS) CHSP Service Provider Contact centre For direct to service referrals from the • Receive referrals for assessment Contact Centre: • Screening. • from Contact Centre Receive referrals via portal and • Client record • Home support assessment via provide services. Function (including action plan). • existing processes Manage information about the services • Referral to assessment or • Undertake Referral to services they provide via the Provider portal direct to service. • but not VIA My Aged Care Update client records. portal My Aged Care HACC Assessment CHSP Provider contact centre Service Workforce My Aged Care My Aged Care SIEBEL assessor portal provider portal (For acceptance of MAC assessment referrals ONLY) Technology Service Finders

  24. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 24 How the My Aged Care contact centre will work in Victoria My Aged Care contact centre From July Provide information about aged care 2015 Register (to create a client record) and screen people seeking access to aged care services Send electronic referrals for assessment to HAS and ACAS Send electronic referrals for CHSP services (in certain circumstances).

  25. Current as at 1 July 2015 – Details subject to Change 25 How HAS will interact with My Aged Care in Victoria HAS By July 2015 Receive referrals for assessment via the (Partial My Aged Care assessor portal (accept/reject Transition) referral) By mid 2016 Manage referrals for assessment via the (Full Transition) My Aged Care assessor portal (accept/reject referrals and update client records) Undertake assessment using the National Screening and Assessment Form (via the My Aged Care assessor portal) Use the My Aged Care assessor portal to send referrals for service(s) and update the client record.


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