aged care quality

Aged Care Quality Standards 1 2/27/2019 Commitment The - PDF document

2/27/2019 Aged Care Quality Standards Masterclass 2019 Demonstrating Consumer Outcomes Overview of the masterclass Session 1: Aged Care Quality Standards Mapping the Evidence Session 2: Care Delivery Standards Lunch Session 3: Consumer

  1. 2/27/2019 Aged Care Quality Standards Masterclass 2019 Demonstrating Consumer Outcomes Overview of the masterclass Session 1: Aged Care Quality Standards Mapping the Evidence Session 2: Care Delivery Standards Lunch Session 3: Consumer Direction Standards Break Session 4: Management Standards Closing Activity Aged Care Quality Standards 1

  2. 2/27/2019 Commitment The Australian Government is committed to high quality care for older Australians and considers the health, safety and welfare of aged care recipients a high priority. As part of reforms to the Aged Care system, the Government is developing an end-to-end, market-based system with the sector where the consumer drives quality. This includes a Single Aged Care Quality Framework. We now know this to be: the AGED CARE QUALITY STANDARDS Aged Care Quality Standards 1. Consumer dignity and choice 2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers 3. Personal care and clinical care 4. Services and supports for daily living 5. Organisation’s service environment 6. Feedback and complaints 7. Human resources 8. Organisational governance Aged Care Quality Standards 1. Consumer dignity and choice 2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers 3. Personal care and clinical care 4. Services and supports for daily living 5. Organisation’s service environment 6. Feedback and complaints 7. Human resources 8. Organisational governance 2

  3. 2/27/2019 All providers need to comply with: Consumer Dignity and Choice Ongoing assessment and I am treated with dignity and planning with consumers respect, and can maintain my I am a partner in ongoing identity. I can make informed assessment and planning that choices about my care and services, helps me get the care and services and live the life I choose. I need for my health and wellbeing. Feedback and Complaints Services and supports for daily I feel safe and am encouraged and living supported to give feedback and I get the services and supports that make complaints. I am engaged in are important for my health and processes to address my feedback wellbeing and that enable me to do and complaints, and appropriate the things I want to do. action is taken. Human Resources Organisational Governance I get quality care and services I am confident the organization is when I need them, from people well run. who are knowledgeable, capable I am a partner in improving the and caring delivery of care and services. Standards 3 & 5 Personal Care and Clinical Care I get personal care, clinical care, or both personal care and clinical care, that is safe and right for me. This standard will only apply to organisations that provide personal and/or clinical care Organisation’s service environment I feel I belong and I am safe and comfortable in the organisation’s service environment This standard will only apply where the provider is delivering care and services in the organisations environment – i.e. Residential Aged Care Facility/Day Centre. An organisation’s service environment DOES NOT include a person’s privately owned/occupied home. What do I need to look for? EACH STANDARD HAS: Consumer Outcome  Statement of outcome for the consumer Organisation Statement  Statement of expectation for the organisation Requirements  Organisational requirements to demonstrate the Standard 3

  4. 2/27/2019 Quality review For each of the requirements, organisations need to demonstrate that they:  understand the requirement  apply the requirement, and this is clear in the way they provide care and services  monitor how they are applying the requirement and the outcomes they achieve  review outcomes and adjust their practices based on these reviews to keep improving. Mapping the Evidence Mapping your evidence • Three levels of evidence in a public health approach to evaluation: Impact Process evaluation Evaluation Outcome evaluation Outcome Evaluation Impact evaluation • Distinction between performance/evaluative measures Process Evaluation at each level can assist in mapping evidence to demonstrate a Standard is met . 4

  5. 2/27/2019 A conceptual approach to navigate transition • Mapping levels of evidence to Data determine whether the current Impact quality is scope of available evidence is Evaluation built over satisfactory, in need of revision, or time has identified gaps that need to be Outcome addressed in the lead up to 1 July Evaluation 2019 ( self assessment ) • Opportunity to demonstrate unique Process Evaluation (Outputs) points of difference and value propositions in a competitive open market, building brand awareness over time LASA Mapping Structure Measures/audits that can demonstrate Policies & consistency of process for delivery of Procedures aged care services. Measures/audits that can demonstrate Workforce staff are capable in the process of Capability delivering aged care service. Measures/audits that can demonstrate the Organisational nature of results an organisation achieves Results in delivering aged care services. Measures/audits that can demonstrate the Client nature of client outcomes achieved when Outcomes in receipt of aged care services. Consistent demonstration of quality and Consumer safety processes, results and outcomes Confidence will build consumer confidence for accessing aged care services. Measuring Consumer Outcomes Concerned with direct approaches for measuring outcomes Largely dependent on operational systems and resource base to draw from • Client and carer feedback and care registers and survey tools • Outcome audits • Clinical Assessment Tools and Observation Schedules • Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) • Australian Community Care Outcomes Measure (ACCOM) • ICEpop CAPability measure for Older people (ICECAP-O) • Abbey Pain Scale • Goal Attainment Scaling built into client care plans 5

  6. 2/27/2019 Group Work Activity Group Allocation Residential Home Session Standards Care Care Care Delivery 2. Assessment & Planning Group1 Group 2 3. Personal & Clinical Care Group 3 Group 4 4. Supports for Daily Living Group 5 Group 6 5. Service Environment Group 7 Group 8 Consumer Direction 1. Consumer Dignity/Choice Groups 1/5 Groups 2/6 6. Feedback & Complaints Groups 3/7 Groups 4/8 Management 7. Human Resources Groups 1/5 Groups 2/6 8. Governance Groups 3/7 Groups 4/8 Care Delivery Standards 6

  7. 2/27/2019 Standard 2: Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers Purpose of the Standard: 1. To ensure assessments are completed by a skilled/qualified workforce 2. To ensure the planning of care and services is done in partnership with consumers 3. To identify what is important to the consumer, their choices and level of involvement To ensure there is a focus on meeting the consumer’s need, goals 4. and preferences 5. To ensure there is a focus on optimising health and well-being 6. To ensure there is access to advanced care/end of life planning where preferred. Standard 2: Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers Purpose of the Standard: 7. To ensure plans are regularly reviewed with the setting of a review date To ensure the frequency of review is relative to a consumer’s 8. need/change in need 9. To ensure there is documentation of the outcomes of assessments/discussion and there is an updated care plan 10. Consumers have ready access to care plan documents Standard 2: Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers Consumer Outcome: I am a partner in ongoing assessment and planning that helps me get the care and services I need for my health and well-being. Organisational Statement: The organisation undertakes initial and ongoing assessment and planning for care and services in partnership with the consumer. Assessment and planning has a focus on optimising health and well- being in accordance with the consumer’s needs, goals and preferences. 7


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