ag agm presentation

AG AGM Presentation Franois Martelet, CEO 22 22 June une 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AG AGM Presentation Franois Martelet, CEO 22 22 June une 2015 2015 NetScientific today Fr Franois Martelet, M.D. Jo Joined ned as as CE CEO in n June June 2015 2015 Degrees in Medicine, Legal Medicine and Business

  1. AG AGM Presentation François Martelet, CEO 22 22 June une 2015 2015

  2. NetScientific ¡today

  3. Fr François Martelet, M.D. Jo Joined ned as as CE CEO in n June June 2015 2015 § Degrees in Medicine, Legal Medicine and Business (France, USA) Gl Global al bus usines ness exp exper erience ence in n big phar harma ma § Senior level commercial positions at Merck& Co, Inc. and Novartis Pharma, Schering-Plough and Eli Lilly Bi Biotech ech / Bi Biophar harma ma exp exper erience ence § CEO at Avax Technologies Inc., a US biotech – therapeutic vaccines § CEO at Topotarget A/S European Biotech - oncology therapeutics § Senior advisor to CEO Stallergenes SA 3

  4. Pu Pursuin ing a cle lear mis issio ion Tr Transatlantic bi biomedi dical and d healthcare gr group p that funds ds and and dev evel elops techno echnologies es that hat offer er trans ansformat mative e be benefits to pe peopl ple’s lives and d so society ty HQ London, ¡UK Listing AIM Symbol NSCI No. ¡of ¡Shares 35,902,020 Shareprice ¡(19/6/2015) £1.89 ¡ Market Cap ¡(19/6/2015) £67.9m 4

  5. We Well qualified senior management team Mi Michael Boyce-Ja Jaci cino, PhD Da David Gough, MBA Peter Th Pe Thomas FCA Head of US Investments & Operations He Head of EU Investments & Operations He Ch Chief Financial Officer Er Ernest Schneider Vi Vijay Barathan, M.D. Mark Nanovich Ma General C Ge Counsel & & C Company S Secretary Investment & Corporate Development In Fi Fina nanc nce e Direc ector 5

  6. Fo Focused on healthcare Fund Fund, d , develop and m manage early/mid-st stage healthcare te technology companies sourc rced fro rom stra trate tegic pa partnerships ps and d relationships ps in USA a and d Europe pe Pr Primary focus on Digital health, Diagnostics and and Therapeutics Rep Repres esent ent hi highl hly y at attract active ve grow owth h mar market kets wher here e br breakthrough gh technology gy solutions are in high gh de demand 6

  7. Po Portfolio lio Di Digital health De Delivering actionable information to patients to drive be behavioural change ge De Delivering cl clinica cal grade data for phys ysici cians to drive ve adoption Di Diagnostics Hi Highly specific tests to provide earlier diagnosis, increased mo monitoring ab ability an and ear arlier intervention Therapeutics Th Ne Next ge generation therapi pies 7

  8. Tr Transatlantic Source of opportunities Long-st Lo standing relationsh ships s with leading rese searchers Strateg St egic partner nershi hip WH Coulter Foundation WH Th Thiel Foundation Institutions we work with In Wallace H. Coulter Foundation has Peter Thiel’s foundation created partnered with sixteen university Breakout Labs to support departments of biomedical companies at the forefront of deep engineering. Provides non-dilutive scientific innovation. Provides grant funding for selected projects for funding to select early-stage commercialisation companies 8

  9. Actions since January y 2015 2015 2015 Organisation of senior management te Or team § Mike Boyce-Jacino heads US operations § David Gough heads EU operations Po Portfolio re revi view pro rocess comple lete ted & ra ratio tionalis isati tion in initi tiated § Focus on accelerating commercialisation and building value in core assets § Rationalisation of investments and technology opportunities In Investec appointed as B Broker and N NOMAD Ne New br brandi ding g and d webs bsite Re Re-la launch of NetS tScie ienti tific at t th the Capita ital l Mark rkets ts Day CE CEO appointed 9 9

  10. Lo Looki king ah ahead ad

  11. Ne Next steps Q3/Q4 2015 2015 Re Review and d strengt gthen the orga ganization and d bo board Ac Accelerating top five companies towards commercialisation De Delivering g value enhancing g news flow across the gr group De Define clear value inflection po points for our major assets Ne Next update in inte terim rim re results ts mid id Sep Septem ember er 11 11 11 11
