advanced remote sensing imaging emission spectrometer

Advanced Remote-sensing Imaging Emission Spectrometer ARIES A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Advanced Remote-sensing Imaging Emission Spectrometer ARIES A Global Earth System Science Instrument Concept

  1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Advanced Remote-sensing Imaging Emission Spectrometer ARIES A Global Earth System Science Instrument Concept Science Benefits and Technical Approach T. Pagano, M. Chahine, A. Gerber Jet Propulsion Laboratory March 7, 2007 1

  2. National Aeronautics and ARIES is an instrument concept that builds Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory on MODIS and AIRS California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California • Advanced Remote-Sensing Imaging Emission Spectrometer • ARIES based on MODIS and AIRS but with greatly enhanced capability: uses new technology. – Hyperspectral (3.4 – 15.4 µ m) • Higher spectral resolution than AIRS – Higher Spatial Resolution • IR (1km vs 13.5 km on AIRS) – Global Coverage • Scans ±55° – High Calibration Accuracy and Stability for Climate • ARIES Technology Ready for Flight! 2

  3. ARIES Combines AIRS and MODIS IR National Aeronautics and Space Administration Measurements into One System Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Improved: • Horizontal Resolution AIRS High Spectral MODIS High Spatial • Spectral Resolution • Product Accuracy High Spatial / High Spectral AIRS MODIS - 13.5 km IR IFOV - 1 km IR IFOV - 3.7-15.4 µm IR 0.25-0.5 km VNIR/SW - 2378 IR Channels - 0.4-14.2 µm IR ARIES - λ / Δλ = 1200 - 20 RSB, 16 IR Channels - 1 km IR IFOV - NEdT = 0.05 - 0.3 K - λ / Δλ = 20-50 - 3.4-15.4 µm - ± 50° FOV - NEdT = 0.05 - 0.3 K - >3000 Channels - ± 55° FOV - λ / Δλ > 1000 (IR) - NEdT = 0.1 - 0.3 K - ± 55° FOV 3

  4. National Aeronautics and Space Administration ARIES Planned Improvements Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California • Improved Weather Predictions – Improved Boundary Layer Sensitivity – Essential for future high spatial resolution weather models (fvGCMs) – Surface Spectral Emissivity at 1km Resolution – Improved 3D water vapor winds in polar regions – Greatly Improved Regional Weather Prediction – Hurricanes: Improved track and intensity prediction – Tornados: First ever satellite observation and prediction through high resolution observations • Improved Climate Model Validation – Relate regional scale processes to global scale models – ARIES Measures Primary greenhouse gases: H 2 O, CO 2 , CH 4 , CO, O 3 • Natural Hazards and Applications – Image gases from fires as well as smoke – Improved volcano SO 2 plume detection and tracking. – All MODIS applications + Gases at 1km spatial resolution 4

  5. National Aeronautics and Space Administration ARIES Primary Products Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California • What’s New – High spatial resolution gases and water (2km vs 50 km now) – Hyperspectral detection and classification – Improved Boundary Layer Sensitivity • Products – Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles – Surface Emissivity and Temperature – Composition Profiles: O 3 , CO, CO 2 , CH 4 , SO 2 (Boundary layer to Upper Troposphere) – Aerosol Properties – Cloud Microphysical Properties – Outgoing Clear and Cloudy Longwave Radiation • Vis/NIR/SWIR Option (or Possible 2 nd instrument) – Enhanced Vegetation Index, LAI/FPAR – Hyperspectral BRDF/Albedo – Land Cover Change – Ocean Color Products 5

  6. MODIS Products Improved with National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory ARIES California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Polar Winds Aerosols Optional Ocean Chlorophyll ENDVI Fires SST 6

  7. AIRS Products Improved with ARIES Atmospheric Temperature Atmospheric Water Vapor Cloud Properties CO Ozone Emissivity SO2 Methane Dust CO2

  8. National Aeronautics and ARIES will follow AIRS in Support of NWP Centers Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Regional Forecast Centers California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California GSFC/ DISC Near Real Time 3D Temperature Product Generation and Water Vapor Profiles AIRS Level 1B Radiances Near Real Time Regional Forecast Centers Assimilation NCEP, ECMWF, and UKMet Operational Forecasts Over 4 hPa Improvement in 6 Hrs on 6 Day Improvement on Regional Model Operational NCEP Forecast Forecast 8

  9. ARIES Brings NASA Global Science National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Investigations to a Regional Scale California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Global Carbon Monoxide Observations Current: AIRS, Past, Present and Future Grating, 15 km IFOV Daily Global Future Coverage Past ARIES MOPITT 1 km IFOV Gas Cell Regional Coverage 22 km IFOV Monthly Global MODIS 1km Image Ash Plume from Ca Wildfires in 2003 9

  10. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California ARIES will bring High Spatial Resolution to Infrared Sounding MODIS Hurricane Isabel Dec 10, 2002 10

  11. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Relation to NPP and NPOESS Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California • ARIES Measures Key EDRs – Consistent with VIIRS, CrIS and OMPS – Exceptions • No Constant Resolution (VIIRS) • No Low-light-level Imagery (VIIRS) • Provides higher spatial resolution and hyperspectral for advanced new Capability • Provides several P 3 I Products at high spatial resolution – CO, CH 4 , CO 2 • Can synthesize response of MODIS, VIIRS, AIRS or CrIS for direct cross comparison 11

  12. National Aeronautics and Space Administration NPP and NPOESS C1 EDR’s Met by ARIES Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California - Addressed by ARIES Atm Vert Moist Profile Precipitable Water Cloud Top Pressure Atm Vert Temp Profile Cloud Top Temperature Precipitation Type/Rate Imagery Down LW Radiance (Sfc) Pressure (Surface/Profile) Sea Surface Temperature Down SW Radiance (Sfc) Sea Ice Characterization Sea Surface Winds Electric Fields Sea SFC Height/TOPO Soil Moisture Electron Density Profile Snow Cover/Depth Aerosol Optical Thickness Energetic Ions Solar Irradiance Aerosol Particle Size Geomagnetic Field Supra-Therm-Aurora Prop Ice Surface Temperature Aerosol Refractive Index Surface Type Albedo (Surface) In-situ Plasma Fluctuation Active Fires (Application product) Auroral Boundary In-situ Plasma Temp Surface Wind Stress Ionospheric Scintillation Auroral Energy Deposition Suspended Matter Auroral Imagery Med Energy Chgd Parts Total Water Content Land Surface Temp Cloud Base Height Vegetative Index Cloud Cover/Layers Net Heat Flux LEGEND Net Solar Radiation (TOA) Cloud Effective Part Size VIIRS (24) GPSOS (2) Neutral Density Profile Cloud Ice Water Path CMIS (19) CERES/ERBS Cloud Liquid Water Ocean Color/Chlorophyll CrIS/ATMS (3) TSIS (1) Cloud Optical Thickness Ocean Wave Character ALT (3) OMPS (1) SES (13) APS (4) Cloud Particle Size/Distrib Outgoing LW Rad (TOA) Cloud Top Height O 3 – Total Column Profile - Key Performance Parameters 12 - C2 or Descoped

  13. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Technical Approach 13

  14. National Aeronautics and ARIES Channel Specifications and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Resolution California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Baseline Option Vis/NIR SWIR MWIR1 MWIR2 LWIR VLWIR min (um) (um) 0.40 1.22 3.39 6.20 8.70 11.36 λ min max (um) (um) 1.00 2.18 4.76 8.70 11.36 15.38 λ max ax (cm (cm - ν max 1 ) 10000 4587 2100 1150 880 650 ax (cm (cm - ν max 1 ) 25189 8197 2950 1613 1150 880 146 441 2227 2585 1887 1552 λ / Δλ 4.8 3.9 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 Δλ (nm), Δν Nchan Nchan 254 254 787 999 637 674 IFOV (km) IFOV (km) 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 SNR/NEdT SNR/ EdT 120-210 50-120 0.15K 0.3K 0.3K 0.5K 14

  15. National Aeronautics and ARIES Baseline Concept Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Size: 0.5 x 0.5 x 1.0 m Mass: 150 kg Power: 200 W Thermally Isolated & Controlled Optical Bench Scan Active Mirror Cryo- Cooler Wide Field Passive Spectrometers Sunshade Radiator And FPAs 15

  16. National Aeronautics and Small Change to Point Design will Allow Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Symmetric FOV and FPA California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Point Design ARIES Tradeoff D = 4.5 cm FOV = 20.8° FPA Size and Optics FOV Optimized Design D = 5.5 cm vs System Aperture Spectral (Cross-Track) FOV = 13.8° N = 674 ch 1km IFOV, 705 km Orbit GSD = 0.25 km F# = 1.7 Spatial (Along Track) To Meet SNR GSD = 1.0 km • Increase Aperture by 1 cm 75 µ m • Reduce FPA Size Along Track Spatial 60 µ m Optimized Design • Increase FPA Size Spectral d_fpa = 2.2 x 2.2 cm (Cross-Track) Spectral Direction Pixel Size 45 µ m 30 µ m Spatial (Along Track) 16 15 µ m


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