Meghan Baker, Spring 2017 Adult Learning: the Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota importance of formalized Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs mentorship programs OL655 Capstone Symposium Jeffrey Eng
Introduction of topic ❖ Problem Statement: Formalized training programs fail to provide experiential learning, fundamental to adult learning (Zeivots, 2016). ❖ Context: rise of millennial population within workforce, asking for mentorship relationships (Gaul, 2016) ❖ Scope of research question: individual engagement, development of learning community, and skill development
Goals with associated impact ❖ Goal of project: ❖ Foundation for strategy proposal within my organization ❖ Develop communication skills to effectively present proposal before Executive Leadership ❖ Gain approval for Test & Learn ❖ Impacts: ❖ Develop a program within organization to enhance current adult learning via formalized classroom training, through mentorship ❖ Provide a way for adult learners to transfer formal training skills in to real-life execution within their job
Continuous learning: strategy development ❖ Aspects of leadership used to create research questions: ❖ Analysis of results and complex strategic decisions ❖ Creative thinking for problem solving ❖ Partnership with various Lines of Business to gain buy-in (HR, Learning & Development, etc.)
Continuous learning: communication ❖ Skills to develop during process: ❖ Clear communication of strategy ❖ Understanding of results and adjust accordingly ❖ Success measure: approval to conduct Test & Learn of strategy by executive leadership
Continuous learning: personal development ❖ New questions: ❖ How to maximize organizational savvy skills and collaborative skills, to influence key stakeholders to approve this strategy. ❖ Development goals: ❖ Enhance ability to act in strategic leadership capacity versus an execution leadership capacity ❖ Influence need for strategy through strong communication of recommendation ❖ Utilize this experience to continue developing and presenting strategies to leadership
Research question and literature review ❖ Research question: how do mentorship programs impact adult learning? ❖ Literature review: ❖ Engagement ❖ Development of learning community ❖ Enhance Skill development
Proposed recommendation ❖ Recommendation: Formalized organizational mentorship programs enhance adult learners engagement, through a learning community that allows for enhanced skill development outside of a strict classroom sense
Challenges of proposal ❖ Challenges of proposal: ❖ Conflicting and concurrent work that is taking team member mindshare ❖ Impact of intense change management currently under work ❖ Time commitment of project
Relevant leadership theories ❖ Analytical principles used to develop strategy ❖ Assessment of current organizational environment for effective strategic change ❖ Understand the Diversity and Inclusion impacts that can positively impact necessary change ❖ Creative strategies to address unique situations across organization and partner in complex work teams that engage multiple partners across various lines of business
Relevant leadership theories continued ❖ Awareness of individual communication skills, through professional leadership skills ❖ Ethical and legal impacts of potential strategic initiative ❖ Research and results: recommendation of Test & Learn to understand success and opportunities of strategy for long-term implementation
Organizational system ❖ Necessary approvals of strategy: ❖ Multidivisional structure ❖ Support and awareness ❖ Role of middle manager in process ❖ Standardization of process (Jones, 2013)
Benefits of recommendation ❖ Engagement ❖ Job Clarity ❖ Mutually beneficial ❖ Development of learning community ❖ Shared culture ❖ Enhance Skill development ❖ Communication skills ❖ Execution in real-life/practice
Organizational impacts ❖ Job Clarity ❖ Assignment/role clarity (Gunn, et al., 2017) ❖ Organizational mentorships create job satisfaction due to better understanding of role through others experiences (Hartmann, Rutherford, Friend & Hamwi, 2016) ❖ Mentor: “I can share my experience from which you can benefit” (Williams, 2016) ❖ Role modeling of activities by mentor ❖ Mentor becomes “advisor, agent, confidant, role model, sponsor and teacher” (Gotian, 2016) ❖ Open-ended questions to understand concerns/needs (Gotian, 2016) ❖ Mutually Beneficial for mentor/mentee ❖ Communication skills develop (Gunn, et, al., 2017) ❖ Fulfillment and growth as a leader (Steward, et al., 2016)
Social context: development of learning community ❖ Shared culture ❖ Development of learning community ❖ “Human survival is almost totally dependent on relationships with other people, and these relationships are dependent on learning.” (Abbott & Ryan, 2000)
Talent demands: mentor ❖ Communication skills: ❖ Asking questions about what’s needed, becoming a leadership skill ❖ Constructive feedback, guided goal setting, stretching skills ❖ Mentor leadership skills develop as relationship grows: mentor able to test style, and ideas (Stewart & Harrison, 2016)
Talent demands for mentee ❖ Time and place to practice ❖ “Best practice” sharing (Stewart, et al., 2016) ❖ Bridge between training and real life (Stewart, et al., 2016) ❖ “Practice helps mentees progress from a cognitive understanding of how to be more effective to actual skills and behaviors.” (Welsh & Dixon, 2016) ❖ Learn about how organization functions: ❖ e.g.: communication, emotional intelligence, political savvy, teamwork (Eliades, 2017)
Opportunities within recommendation ❖ Coaching vs. mentoring ❖ Mindshare of impacted audience ❖ Intense change management occurring across organization
Final recommendation: Test & Learn ❖ Recommend Test & Learn activity of a structured mentorship programs that will allow for a one-on-one relationship to enhance the growing number of millennials joining the workplace as they transition from classroom setting into job execution. ❖ Structured program: Must be purposeful in creation (Palmer, 2009) ❖ Same goals and tasks (Abbott, 2000) ❖ Nomination and assessment conducted by regional leadership ❖ Keeping small allows for relationships to grow: over and under socialization (Abbott, et al., 2000) ❖ 6-9 Month program ❖ Test & Learn- two strategies: ❖ Manager decides if new to position employee participates ❖ All new employees partake as a part of continued learning outside of formal education
Resources ❖ Abbott, J., & Ryan, T. (2000). Community as the Web of Learning. ❖ Eliades, A. B. (2017). Mentoring Practice and Mentoring Benefit 6: Equipping for Leadership and Leadership Readiness -- An Overview and Application To Practice Using Mentoring Activities. Pediatric Nursing, 43(1), 40-42. ❖ Gaul, P. P. (2016). Millennials Need Training to Manage More Effectively. TD: Talent Development, 70(3), 20. ❖ Gotian, R. (2016). MENTORING THE MENTORS: JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE TITLE DOESN'T MEAN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. College Student Journal, 50(1), 1-4. ❖ Gunn, F., Lee, S.., & Steed, M. (2017). Student Perceptions of Benefits and Challenges of Peer Mentoring Programs: Divergent Perspectives From Mentors and Mentees. Marketing Education Review, 27(1), 15-26. doi:10.1080/10528008.2016.1255560 ❖ HARTMANN, N. N., RUTHERFORD, B. N., FRIEND, S. B., & HAMWI, G. A. (2016). MENTORING'S IMPACT ON SALESPERSON JOB SATISFACTION DIMENSIONS. Marketing Management Journal, 26(1), 35-50. ❖ Jones, G.R., (2013). Organizational Theory, Design, and Change. Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ❖ Palmer, P.J. (2009). A hidden wholeness: The journey toward an undivided life. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ❖ Stewart, J., & Harrison, T. (2016). Top 3 Advantages of Mentorship in the Workplace. Armed Forces Comptroller, 61(4), 14. ❖ Welsh, E. T., & Dixon, P. M. (2016). Improving Mentoring Outcomes: Examining Factors outside the Relationship. Journal Of Managerial Issues, 28(3/4), 231-247. ❖ WILLIAMS, E. (2016). The importance of coaching and mentoring for young professionals. Logistics & Transport Focus, 18(10), 24-26. ❖ Zeivots, S. S. (2016). Emotional highs in adult experiential learning. Australian Journal Of Adult Learning, 56(3), 353-373.
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