using technology with under represented adults

Using Technology with under- represented adults A free online - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Using Technology with under- represented adults A free online course for adult educators in the UK and across Europe Learning and Work Institute UK National Coordinator for the European Agenda for Adult Learning L&W contributes to

  1. Using Technology with under- represented adults A free online course for adult educators in the UK and across Europe

  2. Learning and Work Institute • UK National Coordinator for the European Agenda for Adult Learning • L&W contributes to the European Commission’s strategic priorities: • Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; • Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; • Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship; • Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. • Improving the knowledge base on adult learning and monitoring the adult learning sector

  3. Partners • Are working with partners and stakeholders across the UK – from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Europe, sharing good practice and policies between member states. – Sheffield Adult Learning in England – FALMI in Northern Ireland – SALP in Scotland – L&W in Wales – AE Pro in Europe • Online support for the use of technology by adult educators who are working with under represented adult learners.

  4. Hosting on AE Pro Delegates can join the course at any time and will be awarded Open Badges for the completion of tasks

  5. 6 units Optional Unit 1: Digital Unit 2: Learning Introductory / Skills approaches registration session Unit 4: Unit 5: Mobile Unit 3: Virtual Communication learning Learning and collaboration Unit6: Future and emerging technologies

  6. Each unit will feature • Introduction with background, aims and learning objectives • Case studies • A live webinar which will feature at least one live presenter. • Further resources • Unit tasks for delegates • Free Open badges which can be claimed by participants on completion of tasks.

  7. Participant activities Review case Digital study(ies)/ Attend unit Complete badges and webinar unit tasks awarded resources

  8. Activity detail 2. Webinar includes 1. Case study (ies) / 4. Task for each unit Presentations video demonstrating Focused on delegate 5. Digital badges use of technology Delegate polls reflection awarded for course with under- Delegate discussion represented learners Introduction to tasks

  9. After each unit’s closure date a) Publish webinar b) Publish c) Analyse d) Note task e) Tweet using recording presentations task outputs completion #EULearning online

  10. Questions? • Contact • For technical guidance and registration issues, contact


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