academic affairs update

Academic Affairs Update Dr. Jeremy Haefner Provost and Senior Vice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Academic Affairs Update Dr. Jeremy Haefner Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs November 2008 Roadmap for Presentation The Big Picture The Office of the Provost Priorities and Initiatives A closer look The

  1. Academic Affairs Update Dr. Jeremy Haefner Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs November 2008

  2. Roadmap for Presentation • The Big Picture • The Office of the Provost • Priorities and Initiatives • A closer look – The Student Innovation Hub – The Uncertain student • A conversation starter • Discussion

  3. The Big Picture

  4. Some National Data New York Population: State: 19,297,729 (Rank: 3 ) Nation: 301,621,157 Age distribution: State: Nation: Up to 4 6.2% 6.9% • Declining demographics 5 to 13 11.1% 11.9% 14 to 17 5.6% 5.7% 18 to 24 10.2% 9.8% in Northeast 25 to 44 27.8% 27.8% 45 to 64 25.9% 25.4% 65 and older 13.2% 12.6% – RIT pulls ~72% from NE region (this is declining) • Increased competition for students, money From the issue dated January 18, 2008 Projected Change in the Number of High-School Graduates, 'Have Not' Colleges Need New Ways 2008-9 to 2018-19SOURCE: Western Interstate Commission for to Compete With Rich Ones Higher Education Section: The 2008-9 Almanac Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 4

  5. The President’s Vision: A national university • Why? – More ‘happy’ choices of students – More support from alumni – More competitive position for grants • How? – Goals, goals, goals – Alumni – Scholarship, research and creative works – Terminal degrees – Underserved groups

  6. Reframing the Office of the Provost

  7. Vision Statement The Office of the Provost at RIT will be nationally respected for its leadership and service through innovative programs that support academic program, faculty and student success.

  8. Three Key Constituencies • Academic Program Success – Accreditation Academic – Program evaluation Program Success – Academic enhancement • Faculty Success – Teaching Excellence Student Faculty Success – Scholarship development Success – Tenure and Promotion • Student Success – Academic support

  9. Administrative Accountabilities Category Details Core Competencies Values, collaboration, communication, institute citizen, management Goals Research, fund-raising, assessment Priorities and Initiatives Innovation, international education, faculty success, academic program success, diversity

  10. Priorities and Initiatives 2008

  11. Institute Priorities Priorities Achievement Measures Student 1 st Yr to 2 nd Yr retention rate Success Persistence to graduation rate Diversity and Percentage of AALANA students and faculty inclusivity Percentage of Women students and faculty Demonstrate commitment to building an inclusive community Research, Annual award amount from sponsored activity scholarship, National recognition for scholarship and research through awards, and creative citations, invited presentations works Number of proposals written by RIT faculty, students and staff Number of cross-unit proposals submitted Percentage of faculty writing proposals Achieve recognition for undergraduate research Innovation Build successful Student Innovation Center with robust programming focused on innovation process Integrate creativity and innovation in the curriculum International Number of Study Abroad experiences on an annual basis to existing Education global campuses – Croatia, Kosovo, Dubai, Dominican Republic Number of study abroad experiences on an annual basis Develop overarching academic strategy for international education

  12. Academic Affairs Priorities Priorities Achievement Measures Academic Operations – including: Achieve planning and communication capacity in • Space and budget planning and academic affairs to address space needs and implementation usage • Support and development for academic Assess and address needs of academic staff to affairs staff excel • Strong shared governance Demonstrate respect for shared governance • Open and transparent communication Deploy broad and effective communication plan that provides information and solicits input Academic Program Success - including: Achieve superior evaluation from Middle States • Accreditation Develop robust program assessment and • General Education Revision evaluation • Academic planning, especially program Implement full programming for summer quarter review and evaluation, Develop thorough plan for general education • Summer programming Develop overarching academic parameters for RIT Faculty Success – including: Build robust campus-wide faculty community • Support for teaching, learning, scholarship, Identify needs of faculty to succeed and provide creative work and research systemic support (strategies, incentives, programs) • Clear and well-communicated expectations to meet those needs for promotion and tenure Develop policies, as needed, to achieve clear • Support for interdisciplinary dialogue expectations for promotion and tenure

  13. Academic Affairs Initiatives I Priority Initiative Status Student • Student Success / Retention taskforce • In process Success • Evaluate learning communities • In process • Develop and implement underserved • Planning faculty retention program Diversity and • AALANA Student Success taskforce • In process inclusivity • Academic Affairs Diversity Plan • Planning • University Options • In process • Develop plan to allow more research • Planning Research, and scholarship by faculty Scholarship • Develop campus-wide undergraduate • Planning and Creative research program Work • Fill faculty associate for scholarship • In process

  14. Academic Affairs Initiatives II Priority Initiative Status • Develop program for Student Innovation • In process Center Innovation • Develop plan for curriculum in support of • In process innovation theme International • Establish International Education • AY 10 Education taskforce • Develop direct report evaluation • Completed methodology Academic • Develop new RIT quarter calendar • In process Operations • Develop Academic Affairs space • Completed planning process • Develop Provost Communication plan • Completed

  15. Academic Affairs Initiatives III Priority Initiative Status • Develop comprehensive program review • Planning and evaluation plan • Develop expanded summer program • Planning • Review Honors Program • In process Academic • Support curriculum changes for innovation • In process Program • Implement Middle States General • In process Success Education assessment recommendations • Discuss re-thinking of Gen Education • Planning • Deliver Middle States response letter • In process • Build university-wide assessment capacity • In process

  16. Academic Affairs Initiatives IV Priority Initiative Status • Develop faculty mentoring system • In process • Ensure consistent P & T policies and • In process practices • Develop faculty retention program • Planning Faculty • Support innovation development for • Planning Success faculty • Create faculty associate for scholarship • In process • Develop ‘Emerging Leaders’ program • Planning • Program ‘faculty space’ • Planning

  17. A Closer Look at Two Initiatives

  18. Student Innovation Hub • Program recommendations • Activities: complete – inclusive process – Multidisciplinary student teams realizing solutions to ‘worthy’ • Mission: To be a campus problems while being mentored by nexus of innovation learning faculty and advisors • Goal: Assuming construction – Workshops, symposia, events schedule holds, SIH will be – Community engagement via problem generation, advisory ‘wowie’ by Imagine RIT 08 board, advisors, events • Administration – RIT Innovation Hall of Fame and – Director, faculty associates, staff showcase – Advisory board – Quarterly student presentations, proposals and demos – Programming, operations, leadership – RIT leadership for further innovation curriculum development

  19. The Uncertain Student • 75% of students are • Over two thirds change uncertain or tentative their major during their about their career choice first year at college entry • Uncertain students are • Less than 10% feel they more likely to graduate know a great deal about • RIT 06-07: 1732 students their intended major changed programs • Uncertainty frequently increases during first two years of college

  20. The proposed RIT response: ‘University Options’ • Admit students either with ‘intent to major’ or in the University Options program • Students officially declare after 2nd year; if same as intent and progress made, they are admitted; if intent changed or originally undecided or not enough progress, they are not guaranteed 1 st choice • Uncertain students are admitted to University Options program – University advisors provide key support – Articulated programs allow exploration

  21. A Conversation Starter or …

  22. Wistful Provostial Dreaming?

  23. The many ‘threads’ at play New Summer Programming Retention General Education Can we be strategic with Innovation these concurrent Honors ‘threads’ to Revisions support RIT’s quest for national reputation? University Learning Options Communities Undergraduate Research


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