fy 2018 19 academic affairs budget


FY 2018-19 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS BUDGET BUDGET PRESENTATION TO UNIVERSITY BUDGET COMMITTEE (UBC) FALL 2018 Academic A Affairs Di Division Provost Central Academic Affairs team College of Natural College of Health, College of Extended College


  2. Academic A Affairs Di Division Provost Central Academic Affairs team College of Natural College of Health, College of Extended College of Business College of Arts College of and Behavioral Human Services, and International Administration and Library and Humanities Education Sciences and Nursing Education Public Policy

  3. represents 1/6 of 1% represents .2% of of total total University Budget Committee 10/26/2018

  4. AADHT and ST01 are recurring, spent Academ Ac emic Af c Affairs f s fun und ba balance ces down at the end of each fiscal year Extended Education funds recur but 7/1/2017 6/30/2018 unpredictably. Combined balances fell (original budget) (BBA) from $4M to $2.3M, largely to cover the State Support (AADHT), including benefits pool $80,846,297 -$136,194 new buildings and deficits in AADHT. Student Success Fee (ST01) $3,582,747 $197,743 Extended Education Cost Recovery $705,828 $1,304,979 Extended Education Campus Partners $3,392,402 $1,013,672 Student Fee Trusts (e.g. course fees) $952,275 $923,841 Miscellaneous Trusts $725,954 $334,996 Lottery $541,539 $547,022 Other (RSCA, grant reimbursed, and other restricted funds) $239,373 $51,210 TOTAL $90,986,415 $4,237,270 Funds in the bottom half of the table are restricted to specific uses.

  5. $70,000,000 actual asked allocated $58,150,000 $53,610,544 $60,000,000 Possible shortfall for the current fiscal year. $50,000,000 12,761 12,168 Moratorium on 11,533 11,325 The division is waiting 10,972 faculty hiring $40,000,000 its turn to eliminate its structural deficit. But because the university $30,000,000 has grown since we agreed to wait, our costs have grown, too. $20,000,000 Full-time equivalent students, fall census $10,000,000 $0 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 asked 2018-19 allocated Division baseline, excluding benefits CAH CBAPP CHHSN COE Library CNBS CAA

  6. Challenge #1: efforts to clear our structural deficit have not kept pace with the growth of the division and university. Response: - Rely on one-time grants (e.g. Title V and governor’s Innovation Award) to support programming. - Continue progress to “all-funds” budgeting.

  7. Academic Affairs budgeting principles  students first  transparency  college-level control and enrollment based budgeting  parsimony: nearly all baseline dollars go to payroll and course sections, assuring delivery of the educational mission 7

  8. 2018/ 018/19 A 9 Academ demic A Affairs D Division B Budg dget Di Discretionary v vs s No Non-discretionary F Funds Academic A Aff ffairs S Salaries B Breakdown wn FINAL SETTLEMENT Supplies & Services SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL $2,520 Most costs are essentially fixed at the $4,446,716 8% EMPLOYEE BONUS/PAYMENT division level . . . SPECIAL CONSULTANT PT Faculty $9,417,766 FACULTY AWARD/FELLOWSHIP $96,240 17% SUMMER FACULTY LIBRARIANS $820,756 PT FACULTY 3YR APPT $560,412 PT FACULTY $9,417,766 FT LECTURERS $1,433,308 DEPARTMENT CHAIR $1,592,276 TENURE TRACK FACULTY $25,745,717 STUDENT ASSISTANT $677,015 OVERTIME $19,460 SUPPORT STAFF SALARIES $7,538,839 MANAGEMENT/SUPERVISOR $4,037,729 Other Salaries GRADUATE ASSISTANT $169,550 $42,693,822 75% $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 Reflects baseline dollars only (AADHT & ST001) 8

  9. 2018/ 018/19 A 9 Academ demic A Affairs D Division B Budg dget Di Discretionary v vs s No Non-discretionary F Funds Colleg lege o e of Natural a l and B Beh ehavior ioral S l Sciences S Salarie ies B Brea eakdown Supplies & Services FINAL SETTLEMENT $317,288 . . . and more so at the college level. 3% EMPLOYEE BONUS/PAYMENT FACULTY AWARD/FELLOWSHIP PT Faculty $3,579,264 PT FACULTY 3YR APPT 28% PT FACULTY $3,579,264 FT LECTURERS -$84,108 DEPARTMENT CHAIR TENURE TRACK FACULTY $7,322,511 STUDENT ASSISTANT $126,500 OVERTIME SUPPORT STAFF SALARIES $927,796 MANAGEMENT/SUPERVISOR $431,784 GRADUATE ASSISTANT Other Salaries $8,724,483 -$1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 69% Reflects baseline dollars only (AADHT & ST001) 9

  10. 2018/ 018/19 A 9 Academ demic A Affairs D Division B Budg dget Di Discretionary v vs s No Non-discretionary F Funds Supplies & Services $317,288 3% PT Faculty $3,579,264 28% Challenge #2: predominance of salaries leaves little flexibility or responsiveness Response: - Work with Admin & Finance to improve “position control” - Identify reliable non-state funding sources where positions can be paid Other Salaries $8,724,483 69% Reflects baseline dollars only (AADHT & ST001) 10

  11. 2018/ 018/19 A 9 Academ demic A Affairs D Division B Budg dget Around half of funds are restricted to specific uses. Miscellaneous CO RSCA, $250,570 Trust, $345,366 Lottery, $547,400 Challenge #2: predominance of salaries Cost Recovery, IRA, $178,019 $1,429,890 leaves little flexibility or responsiveness Response: Fee Trust, - Work with Admin & Finance to $899,083 improve “position control” - Identify reliable non-state funding sources where positions can be paid Extended Education, $1,015,179 Reflects baseline dollars only (AADHT & ST001) 11

  12. 2018/ 018/19 A 9 Academ demic A Affairs D Division B Budg dget AADHT B Basel eline B e Budget by Colle lege Challenge #3: baseline funding to CBAPP colleges isn’t proportionate to $7,384,322 CNBS 14% their instructional costs $12,123,104 23% CAA $5,641,345 10% Response: LIBRARY $3,099,382 6% - Allocate new faculty lines in CBAPP $7,384,322 CA&H COE proportion to need $11,296,873 $5,193,613 Central AA $5,641,345 21% 10% CHHSN - Pursue extramural funding specific to $8,816,195 CA&H $11,296,873 16% colleges CHHSN $8,816,195 COE $5,193,613 Library $3,099,382 NBS $12,123,104 Total $53,554,834 12

  13. 2018/ 018/19 A 9 Academ demic A Affairs D Division B Budg dget  transparency  students first proposed new hires College Budget Meetings CNBS October 24 Additional Faculty: Additional Faculty: $2,597,200 $2,597,200 CA&H November 7 Academic Resources Reporting (analyst): Academic Resources Reporting (analyst): $110,000 $110,000 CBAPP November 15 Advising Center (director + 3 advisors): Advising Center (director + 3 advisors): $345,000 $345,000 CEIE December 5 Sponsored Research (analyst): Sponsored Research (analyst): $117,000 $117,000 COE December 11 Library December 12 CHHSN December 12 Total new ask: $572,000 13


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