about out the ibg de deve velop busin busines ess rela

About out the IBG? de deve velop busin busines ess rela relati - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Th The Ital alian ian Bus Busines iness Gro Group up (IB (IBG) G) is is a priv private te non non-for or-profi profit busines business associa sociation ion that ope operates tes un under der the he patron tronag age of of

  1. Th The Ital alian ian Bus Busines iness Gro Group up (IB (IBG) G) is is a priv private te non non-for or-profi profit busines business associa sociation ion that ope operates tes un under der the he patron tronag age of of the he Ital alian ian Consulate Cons te Gen General an and The he Cham Chamber ber of of Comme ommerce rce an and Ind ndustr stry in in Jed edda dah. IBG BG mi mission sion is is to to foste oster the ex exchange change of of kno knowle ledg dge and and exper ertis tise betwee etween busines sinesse ses in in Italy and Saudi Arabi bia About out the IBG?

  2. de deve velop busin busines ess rela relati tions onship ips an and tr trad ade bet betwee ween Italy and nd Saud udi Arab abia, ia, to to build build friend riendsh ship ip, un underst derstand anding ing and nd mutu mutual al int inter eres est, t, as as well as well as to to provide provide a networ networking king sys system tem that can an crea create te busines business potent otential ial th through ugh the the organiza or anization ion of of ex excl clus usiv ive ev events ents tha hat promote mote the the Ital alia ian lifes estyl yle OBJECTIVES OBIETTIVI

  3. IBG IBG is is open open to to bus busines inesse ses and and pr profes ofessiona sionals ls ope operati ting ng in in Italy and and Saudi Ar Arab abia, ia, par arti ticularl cularly Jed eddah ah an and we wester tern re region gion. For mor more inf informa ormation ion or or to to ob obtain ain a copy copy of of our ur mem members bership ip app ppli lication, ion, please cont ntact act: info@i @italianbus lianbusines nessg sgro roup up.net net

  4. variou rious activities’ and and busine business even events ts wi with the he ai aim of of promot omoting ing rela relati tions ons bet betwee ween Ital alian ian and nd Saud udi co communi mmunities', ies', ne network working, ing, mutu mutual al ex exchange hange of of busines business inf informa ormati tion, on, knowle owledg dge and and cu cultur ture. pr promotiona omotional and and busines business suppo pport rt ac acti tivities es in in favou vour of of Saud udis is wi with th bus busines iness intere nterests sts in in Italy and and vi vice ce ve vers rsa, a, su support port se servi vices ces and promoti motion. discou scount nt card, d, and more ... ... benefits

  5. Kno nowl wledge edge exchan change ge: It Italy and Sa Saudi udi Ar Arabia abia are are bo both th la large rge co coun untries tries with with disper disperse sed bus busines ess pl player yers and a parti ticul cular busin busines ess environ vironmen ent. Be Being par art of of IBG IBG helps elps busin busines esses ses and and pro profes fessio sionals ls tap ap into to the the intr intrinsic sic kn know owledge ledge of of ope operating ting in in each each of of th these se busin busines ess envir ironment ents and and aid aid in in the exchange ange of of expert pertise ise and and best practi actices es Prestige stige: Ou Our mem embers bers are are part of of the the most ost pr presti estigiou gious and and hist istori oricall ally prominent pro ent busi usines esses ses in in Sa Saudi udi Ar Arabia abia and It Ital aly. Th Thos ose busi busines esses es have shaped aped the roo roots ts of of the the ec econom onomic ic envir environment and co contin inue ue to to bolster olster major jor ec econom omic ic tr trade ade and and inve vestm stment ent be betw twee een the the tw two countri untries es Ma Market ket visib visibility lity: Throug Through our our co collabor borati tive ve marketi keting, g, IBG BG off offers ers its members its embers joi joint mar arketi keting ad advantages ages by by in increasi creasing their their visibil visibility ity acro across industr dustries ies and med edia pl platfor forms. Be Being ing par art of of our ur busi busines ess as asso socia ciati tion offers rs acc cces ess to to excl clusi usive even ents ts and and Italian an lifesty style le rewards rds Net etworking working pla platfor tform: Wh Whether ether it it is is Food ood, Con onstr struct uctio ion, Fash shion ion or or Aut utomoti omotive ve, the the str strength th of of IBG IBG is is wi within thin its its members embers. Bri Bringin ging thos those busines busi esses es and and industr dustries ies to toge gether ther in increas creases es leverage leve age and and offers off ers oppo opportu tunit ities ies for or gro growt wth, innov ovati tion, and entr trepreneur epreneurial ial busines busin ess poten enti tial Why join oin the IBG?

  6. About t the IBG Objecti tive ves Memberships erships Benef efits its Why join the IBG


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