ability to damp traffjc wave when controlled every cars

Ability to damp traffjc wave when controlled every cars on the road - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ability to damp traffjc wave when controlled every cars on the road by FollowerStopper controller . Driving Self Driving Self Driving Self Takla Nateeboon , Harit Tawabutr , Teerasit Termsaithong ,, , and Ekapong

  1. Ability to damp traffjc wave when controlled every cars on the road by FollowerStopper controller . Driving Self Driving Self Driving Self Takla Nateeboon † , Harit Tawabutr † , Teerasit Termsaithong ‡,☉,✝ , and Ekapong Hirunsirisawat ‡,☉,☾ † DSS, KMUTT ‡ TCP,KMUTT ☉ TaCS,KMUTT ✝ LI,KMUTT ☾ ESC,KMUTT Traffjc Flow Simulation 1

  2. Introduction Traffjc jam can be dissappear by using self-driving cars. Traffjc jam and traffjc wave Self Driving 260 m Driving Self Self-driving car 1 Driving Self Human-driven cars. Self-driving car damp traffjc wave. >20 Self-driving car controlled by FollowerStopper Traffjc wave x Traffjc wave dissipated. Traffjc Flow Simulation 2

  3. FollowerStopper Controller whici control self- driving car Self Self Driving Driving 260 m 366 m Self-driving car Self-driving car 1 1 Human-driven cars. Human-driven cars. >20 24 Traffjc wave Traffjc wave x x Traffjc Flow Simulation 3

  4. FollowerStopper Controller whici control self- driving car Driving Self g n i v f i r l e D S Self Driving Driving Self Self Self Self Self Driving Driving Driving Driving Driving Self D S e r l i f v i n g Driving 260 m 366 m 366 m Self Self-driving car Self-driving car Self-driving car 1 1 24 Human-driven cars. Human-driven cars. Human-driven cars. >20 24 0 Traffjc wave Traffjc wave Traffjc wave x x Still exist Traffjc Flow Simulation 4

  5. FollowerStopper Controller whici control self- driving car Driving Driving Self Self g g n n i i v v f i r f i r l e D l e D S S Self Self Driving Driving Decrease Driving Driving Self Self Self Self Self Self Driving Driving Driving Driving the size of circuit road Driving Driving Self Self D S D S e e r r l l i f i f v v i i n n g g Driving Driving 260 m Self Self 336 m Self-driving car Self-driving car 336 m → U 1 24 24 Human-driven cars. Human-driven cars. 0 0 260 m → U 2 Traffjc wave Traffjc wave U maximum speed of x Still exist self-driving car Traffjc Flow Simulation 5

  6. Purpose “ Tie relation between ability to damp traffjc wave and initial density of the car on circuit road when U =some const. ” U maximum speed of self-driving car Traffjc Flow Simulation 6

  7. Numerical Experiment Created traffjc wave. 24 Turn self-driving mode on. self-driving car Determined if the traffjc wave still existed. Change size of the road. Traffjc Flow Simulation 7

  8. Created traffjc wave. Just let human drive, traffjc jam will be emerge. Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) Desired velocity (v 0 ) Safe gap distant (s*). Model for human-driven car. Its velocity (v) Its gap distant (s) Reaction time (T) � � � 2 Maximum acceleration (a) � � � � � � � * dv v s � � � � Maximum deceleration (b) a 1 + � � � � � dt v � s � � � Apporaciing rate (Δv) � � 0 v Δ v ξ = N(0,2) s *( v, ∆ v )= s ₀ +max(0, v T+ ) 2 ab ξ noise term which use for to create velocity fluctuation. (Martin Treiber, 2013) Traffjc Flow Simulation 8

  9. Let self-driving car damp the traffjc wave. FollowerStopper Regions for FollowerStopper controller 60 (Raphael E. Stern, et al., 2017) ⓷ ⓸ v cmd =U Tie controller comand self-driving cars 50 to drive at v cmd ⓶ 40 � � � � 0 if x x 30 ⓵ 1 � � � � x x � � � � � � 20 1 v x if x x x � � � 1 2 � x cmd � 2 1 v cmd =0 � v 10 � � � x x � � � � � � � � 2 v ( U v ) x if x x x 0 � � � � 2 3 x -10 -5 0 5 10 3 1 � Δv (m/s) � 3 � � U if x x � Region boundary is defjned by 1 0 2 x x ( v _) � � � � � k k 2 d k Δv_ = min(Δv,0) Traffjc Flow Simulation 9

  10. Determined if the traffjc wave still existed. Traffjc wave More variant and lower velocity. SD of v , v average Humans drive the cars. Self-driving mode turned on time=0 s 600 second 1400 second Traffjc Flow Simulation 10

  11. Simulation result v average (at 600 ) Flow jam Traffjc Flow Simulation 11

  12. Simulation result U=7.00 m/s v average (at 600 sec) v average (at 1400 sec ) v=7.00 v< U v=0.00 Traffjc Flow Simulation 12

  13. Simulation result U=7.00 m/s v average (at 600 sec) v average (at 1400 sec ) SD of v (at 1400 sec ) Traffjc wave still exist. v=7.00 v< U v=0.00 Traffjc Flow Simulation 13

  14. U=3.50 m/s v average (at 600 sec) v average (at 1400 sec ) SD of v (at 1400 sec ) Traffjc Flow Simulation 14

  15. Conclusion U=7.00 m/s Control every cars on the circuit v average (at 600 sec) road with FollowerStopper can give v average (at 1400 sec ) 3 results. SD of v (at 1400 sec ) Flow - average speed at U Traffjc wave Jam - average velocity lower than U still exist. Stop - v of every single one = 0.00 v=7.00 v< U v=0.00 Traffjc Flow Simulation 15

  16. Traffjc Flow Simulation 16


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