A Safe Shoulder To Lean On E . L . Y A G E N C Y
125,000 4 , 4 4 7
E.L.Y Agency Our Team Ema Rossi Lora Soriano Yige Jiang External Affairs Strategic Planner Finance Director
P R E V I E W Research Campaign Plan Recommendations
Challenges Location Sector Funding Cuts
K P I ' s Digital Marketing Performance Tracking Social Media Growth
B U D G E T High Medium Low
C O N S U M E R I N S I G H T S 1 Generation X is the forgotten generation
C O N S U M E R I N S I G H T S 2 Generation X is responsible, realistic and technologically savvy
K E Y F I N D I N G S Responsability Job Stability Authenticity Consumes Online Content
C O N S U M E R I N S I G H T S 3 Generation X’s major concerns and values are centered around health, future and finances.
O V E R V I E W 20 % Health WakeUp 57% Health Conscious
Target Audience Generation X
A N G E L A Accounting Manager BBA Age: 41 Salary: $93,000 Commuter Married Medium Firm
P O S I T I O N I N G S T A T E M E N T For socially responsible professionals who want to learn more about giving back and getting involved in their local communities, A Safe Haven’s holistic approach to homelessness is a metricsbacked solution to break the cycle of homelessness and chronic addiction. Unlike other homeless shelters and government agencies that tend to be singleminded and shortterm in their goals, A Safe Haven’s solution starts with longterm selfsustainability and dignity in mind.
C E N T R A L C O M M U N I C A T I O N S P L A T F O R M A Safe Shoulder To Lean On Strategic Ownable Emotive
S T R A T E G I E S & T A C T I C S Public Relations Publicity Stunt Press Release Features on Podcasts Leverage Social Media Platform Specific Content
Publicity Stunt
Infographics Linkedin Twitter Publicity Stunt
R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S Marketing & Advertising Budget Paid Digital Advertising Upgrade A Safe Haven Cards
A Safe Shoulder To Lean On Q&A E . L . Y A G E N C Y
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