8th grade advisement 2020 2021 class of 2024 google

8th Grade Advisement 2020-2021 Class of 2024 Google Classroom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

8th Grade Advisement 2020-2021 Class of 2024 Google Classroom Please join the class with the code yhcpjfl Advisement Overview Middle School Course Description Guide (Online Only), List of possible classes, and Course Request Worksheet

  1. 8th Grade Advisement 2020-2021

  2. Class of 2024 Google Classroom Please join the class with the code yhcpjfl

  3. Advisement Overview Middle School • Course Description Guide (Online Only), List of possible classes, and Course Request Worksheet • Counselors will be returning to your school to answer all of your questions on the following dates: – CMS (March 2), RVMS (March 4) and WMS (March 9) . Let your middle school counselor know if you need to meet with your high school counselor on this date. • Turn in your Infinite Campus Online Registration Print-out, and your Course Recommendation Form. Your counselor will tell you the due date and who will take your sheets.

  4. 24 CREDITS NEEDED FOR GRADUATION LANGUAGE ARTS • 4.00 credits SOCIAL STUDIES • 3.00 credits MATH • 3.00 credits SCIENCE • 3.00 credits (Please follow your teachers recommendations)

  5. ELECTIVE CREDITS NEEDED FOR GRADUATION FINE ARTS (1.00 credit) Music, Theatre, Art CTE (Career and Tech Ed) (1.00 credit) Computers, Business, FACS, ROTC, Engineering, Industrial Tech, Publishing, Biomedical Science PHYSICAL ED (1.00 credit) Personal Fitness and Wellness (.5 credit) P.E. class of your choice (.5 credit) HEALTH (.5 credit) A COURSE FULFILLING THE PERSONAL FINANCE PROFICIENCY + Take the Personal Finance Proficiency Exam ELECTIVES ( Total of 7.5 credits) CIVICS EDUCATION PROFICIENCY CPR INSTRUCTION (Health Class) MO & U.S. CONSTITUTION EXAM PERSONAL FINANCE EXAM

  6. Middle School Courses for High School Credit • High School credit is granted after you complete the next course in sequence – Math Courses – Algebra 1 and Higher – World Languages – Spanish 1, French 1 etc. • Waivers – 8 th Grade Art Fundamentals

  7. GPA vs. Weighted GPA • • • • • • • • • • • • •

  8. SCHEDULE LOGISTICS (subject to change) • All students will enroll in 7 classes • 5 minute passing time • A Days - Meet with all 7 classes plus “flex”/lunch time (45 minute classes) • B Days - Odd-numbered blocked courses (91 minutes each) • C Days - Even-numbered blocked courses (91 minutes each) plus “flex”/lunch time • Most weeks will be AABCA • “Flex Time” will allow time for students to gain additional help from teachers, club meetings, and other possibilities

  9. SCHEDULE LOGISTICS (subject to change) A Day

  10. SCHEDULE LOGISTICS (subject to change)

  11. Infinite Campus Registration Instructions • Portal is open from: Friday, January 17 (7:00 a.m.) – Monday, January 27 (4:00 p.m.) • All students MUST register for classes online. • If you need help accessing Infinite Campus, please email the Help Desk at portalhelp@rsdmo.org

  12. Course Request Worksheet

  13. ALTERNATES • Please choose FOUR different classes … Semester courses only • Listing FOUR alternates is important! • Make sure these alternates are classes you want to take … In case of a scheduling conflict, these courses will be placed in your schedule!

  14. Click Here for the Course Guide Website

  15. Want to learn more about some of these courses? Click the link below to view some short videos about some of our classes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17DICdTd3HqCxqu8qSHF4ojNp2nc9xuKg

  16. GET INVOLVED !!! • See a full, updated list of sports , clubs & activities on the LHS website under the Activities Tab. Lafayette Website • In order to be eligible to play sports, students must earn credit for at least six classes in the semester prior to the season they want to play.

  17. Parent Opportunities ● Curriculum Night: January 16 at LHS, ○ 6:30 p.m. - Meeting for parents of incoming 9th graders ○ 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Counselors, coaches, teachers, sponsors, and administrators will be available to answer questions about next year’s classes, schedule, and extracurricular activities. ● Advisement Presentation is available online on the LHS counseling office website.

  18. Contact your LHS Counselor A-C Mr. Waeckerle waeckerlejames@rsdmo.org ■ D-Hi Mrs. Buesse buessenicole@rsdmo.org ■ Hj-Mc Mrs. Mullins mullinsstephanie@rsdmo.org ■ Md-Sb Mrs. Chamberlain ■ chamberlainheather@rsdmo.org Sc-Z Mrs. Hicks hickssarah@rsdmo.org ■ Thank you and Good Luck ! The LHS Counseling Department

  19. Service Awards Drill Camps AFJROTC Field Trips Ceremonies Family Structure

  20. Lafayette Missouri 81st AFJROTC Integrity First Service Before Self Excellence In All We Do

  21. Who are we? What does AFJROTC Stand For? Club Opportunities: Potential GPA booster: - Rank System - Life Skills (Sexism, Time - Staff Management, Job Interviews, Resume - Drill Team Writing) - Color Guards - Aerospace Science (History of - Community Service Flight, Physics of Flight, Space - Field Trips Exploration, Global Culture) - Summer Camps - Uniform Wear on Tuesdays, takes at - Cyberpatriot most 20 minutes a week to prepare - Academic Challenge the uniform and get an “A” - Kitty Hawk Air Society - It’s your choice how much you want to be involved in this unit

  22. No Military Obligation! However... IF you join the military after AFJROTC, you can have: - A pay-grade of E-2 if in for 2 years - A pay-grade of E-3 if in for 3 years - Far larger chance of getting into academies (or any college) - Or, if you are an Eagle Scout or have received Girl Scout Gold, that is also an automatic E-3 base pay-grade

  23. Ranks:

  24. Ribbons:

  25. Other Awards - Commander Sword - Cadet of the Month - National Awards - Medals - Plaques - Trophies

  26. Drill Team and Color Guards:

  27. CyberPatriot:

  28. Academic Challenge - Nationwide competition with chance at Finals in Washington D.C. - “Academic Decathlon” equivalent, a team of students who compete through tests ranging over a multitude of topics (Current Events, Science, Reading, Math, and more) - Open to Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors - Required scores range to accelerate through the competition - Finals take place in Washington, D.C. (all expenses paid)

  29. Community Service

  30. Possible Field Trips - Florida - Ft. Leonard Wood - Dayton, Ohio - Huntsville, AL - Babler State Park - Scott Air Force Base - Many Color Guards - Discovery Flights - Washington D.C - Paintball

  31. Summer Camps - CLC - Girls State - Boys State - Jackson Hole

  32. Kitty Hawk Air Society - Responsibilities - Requirements - Awards - Benefits - Academic Pride - Tutoring

  33. Stem Projects - Freshman make kites and test them out to see how well they fly - Sophomores make model planes and make presentations on them - Juniors make model rockets and launch them outside

  34. Physical Training (PT) Fridays - Every Friday is a PT day in which we do various physical activities - These activities include volleyball, handball, dodgeball, kickball, soccer, and self defense classes with the Missouri Army National Guard.

  35. Resumé Booster - College Applications - National Awards - Community Action - Leadership Experience - Citizenship

  36. How it will benefit you - Career applications - Resumés - Life Skills - Leadership skills - Interview skills - Knowledge about Aerospace Science and Global Issues - Fulfills CTE credits, required for graduation - Scholarship Opportunities - Home away from home - Family Values - Mutual Respect - Pride and Confidence

  37. Our Stories

  38. Questions? Sign up for Aerospace Science today! Counselors put JROTC as a priority on your schedule; our hours are flexible. Have your counselors contact the LHS counselors office at (636)-733-4125

  39. More Information? Website: lafayette-rotc.com Twitter: @lhsAFJROTC Instagram: @lhs_afjrotc & @mo81.drill Facebook: Lafayette JROTC


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