south ocean middle school

South Ocean Middle School GRADE 6 PARENT ORIENTATION June 8, 2018 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

South Ocean Middle School GRADE 6 PARENT ORIENTATION June 8, 2018 ****Traductores estn disponibles con la Seora Vaz-Correia.**** IJNIOIJI~ ~TdsU.y South Ocean Middle School The Patchogue - Medford School Co mmunity 's r S ) r r and

  1. South Ocean Middle School GRADE 6 PARENT ORIENTATION June 8, 2018 ****Traductores están disponibles con la Señora Vaz-Correia.****

  2. IJNIOIJI~ ~TdsU.y South Ocean Middle School The Patchogue - Medford School Co mmunity 's r S ) r r and confidence; a.nd through CREATIVE LEARNING opportunities, we'll cultivate tal e nts, so our students a.nd staff can realize their t•()T N1,I1ll ...

  3. School Contacts Administration Principal Dr. Timothy Piciullo 687-6600 Assistant Principal Dr. Paula Mays 687-6600 School Fax number 687-6640 School Counselor Ms. Jennie Ramos 687- 6623 Social Worker Ms. Julissa Pagan 687- 6622 Psychologist Ms. Zahira Salinas 687- 6647 Ms. Diane O’Connell School Nurse 687- 6610

  4. Guidance Program Course Programming Social and Emotional Support Academic Support Coordinates team meetings

  5. CHARACTER  RESPECT All students are expected to treat each other with  respect All students will treat adults in the building with respect  All students will respect themselves by doing their best   RESPONSIBILITY Homework is done every night to the best of their ability  Work well in groups and participate in class  Bring all materials to school to be prepared for the day 

  6. Team Teaching  Teams consist of either two or three teachers  Your child may possibly have one teacher for two or three subject areas  Dual language team

  7. Dual Language Program  Bay and Medford dual language students  Approximately 50 students  Two teacher team  One Bilingual sixth grade teacher  Single period of ELA and single period of Spanish Language Arts(SLA)  Math instruction in Spanish  Students will have the opportunity to earn two credits in Spanish before entering HS

  8. 6 th Grade Course Offerings TEAM SUBJECTS English Language Arts 6  Mathematics 6  Social Studies 6  Science 6  EXPLORATORY COURSES Performing Music(Orchestra, Band, Or Chorus) A/B Schedule  Art or Second Performing Music A/B Schedule  Home & Careers A/B Schedule  Physical Education A/B Schedule  ADDITIONAL COURSES OFFERED Math Plus  Resource Room  Independent Research 

  9. Sample Schedule Days Period Room Course A,B 1 303 SCI 6R MORNING A,B 202 MORNING MEETING 6 MEETING A,B 2 303 ELA 6R A,B 3 303 ELA 6R (or SLA) A,B 4 CAFE LUNCH 6 A,B 5 306 MATH 6R A,B 6 305 SOC ST 6R ART 6 (2 nd music/Math+ or Ind Res.) A 7 317 B 7 GYM PE 6 A 8 112 ORCHESTRA 6 (Band or Chorus) B 8 204 HOME & CAREERS 6

  10. Lockers • Located near sixth grade hallway • Keep them clean and organized • Keep them LOCKED! • Do not share locker combinations or lockers with anyone else

  11. Which will your child's look like? clean messy

  12. Breakfast/Lunch  Breakfast is served from 8:00-8:15 a.m. daily and between first and second period.  Some students may be eligible for free or reduced cost breakfast or lunch  Sixth grade lunch is currently period 4(10:46-11:30 AM)  Students have the opportunity to go outside for recess

  13. ~ / i o.hl.ed ~ AIJs AIJs 1 r Report card sample South Ocean Middle School Report Card- Marking Period 3 (02/02/2015- 04/17/2015) I 225 Sout h Ocea n Ave Patchogue , NY 11772 School Telephone No : (631) 687-6600 Timoth y Piciullo, Princ i pa l Sru den t Name: Su r name: ID Number: 6 Address: Gr . ade : Homeroom: UB C· ounse t or: Mays, Pa 11.1l a Phone: MP1 MP'2 MP3 MP4 • Cou r se MT FE FNL T ardy ..£ Staff • Cum ,, • CRS. Cum. • • G RD . T ardy . 2/ 6 EL.A 6R. 94.00 95.00 98 .00 0/0 - DE MONSTRATES CO N SI S TE NT EFFORT - COOPERA TI VE, W ELL MANN ERE D 2/7 MATH 6R 97.00 9 4.0 0 9 4.0 0 0/0 - DE MONSTRATES CO N Sl STE NT I EFFORT - HAS GOOD TEST GRADES -COO PERATIVE, 1N ELL MANNERED SC I6R 97 .0 0 10 0.00 10 0 . 00 3/ 10 0/0 - S f-i OWS EXOELLE NT WORK HAB IT S -S TUD E NT I S A POSm VE ROLE MO DEL 0 /0 SOCST 6iR 99 .00 99 .00 99 .00 3/ 8 - DE MONSTRATES CO N SI S TE NT I EFFOIR T 2/4 0/0 BAND 6 90 .00 BS .OO 88 .00 - I S l ENTI-l U SIASTIC/EAG ER TO LEA RN -E RRATIC OR lN CO N SISTENT EFFORT - I S WORKI NG BELO 'W AB I U TY LEV EL HOME &:. CAREERS 6 10 0.00 10 0.00 10 0.00 0/0 PE 6 90.00 90.00 90.0 0 1/ 4 0/0 - COOPERA TI VE , W ELL MANN ERE D / Axg. F in a l: UQw~ 95 . 29 • A¥.g. M P Gra . de 9 4. 71 95 .5 7 Da ily Attendan . ce Ab sences: 1. 00 T ardy: 0 • Cumulative Daily A ttend la nce Ab sences: 4 .0 0 T ardy: 0

  14. Parent Portal To view your child’s grades and progress, sign up for Parent Portal. Register at: ReturnUrl=%2fdefault.aspx

  15. Extra help South Ocean MS Extra Help Schedule 7:40 a.m. – 8:10 a.m. Monday/Wednesday Tuesday/Thursday ELL Art Guidance English Library Family and Consumer Sciences Math Grade 6 Core Classes Music Health Physical Education LOTE Social Studies Science Reading Technology Homework Club meets two days per week after school in the Library from 2:50-3:50 PM

  16. Clubs and Intramurals Art Club Multicultural Club   Yearbook Club Crochet Club   Musical Jazz Band   Homework Club Show Choir   Math Team Districtwide Orchestra   Photography Club Girls Basketball   Game Club Boys Basketball   Interact Club Softball   Newspaper Soccer   Girls Inc. Baseball   General Organization Volleyball  

  17. Frequently asked questions

  18. When will my child get their schedule?  Schedules will be mailed home during the summer  During our student orientation students will have the opportunity to see where all of their classes are (August 30, 2018 from 2-3PM)

  19. What are the school hours? The school day is from 8:20 a.m. until 2:35 p.m. Students are not permitted in the halls before 8:10 a.m. in the morning or after 2:40 p.m. in the afternoon unless involved in a teacher- supervised activity.

  20. Where do I drop off or pick up my child during school hours?  Parents dropping off or picking up students at school can drop off at the front of the building. The front drop off lane is for drop off only, please keep it clear for busses.  Parents should report to the main office, guidance or nurse’s office in order to pick up students during the school day. Students must be signed out before leaving the building.

  21. Can my child call me during the day?  Students may call their parents during the day on the phone in the main office.  Cell phones should not be visible or heard in school.  If a student is found with a cell phone it will be taken away and brought to the main office. First time- Given back to the student at the end  of the day. Second time- Parent must pick it up. 

  22. What do I do if I feel my child is being bullied?  Encourage your child to reach out to their ELA teacher or other adult in the building  Anonymous bully forms located throughout the building  If the problem persists, reach out to Guidance or the Main Office

  23. How do I contact my child’s teacher? All the teachers have email addresses that can be found on our school website and they can also be reached by calling the main office.

  24. Should you or your child experience a problem, the following lines of communication should be followed: TEACHER * GUIDANCE * NURSE * PSYCHOLOGIST * SOCIAL WORKER ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL/PRINCIPAL

  25. COMMUNICATION  South Ocean Web Page  Twitter (@SouthOceanMS)  Phone: (631)687-6600  Email-  Principal:  Assistant Principal:

  26. Meeting Conclusion  Self-guided tour  PTA Fun Night in the rear of the building


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