3 rd grade fsa night

3 rd Grade FSA Night Cunningham Creek Elementary 3 rd Grade FSA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

3 rd Grade FSA Night Cunningham Creek Elementary 3 rd Grade FSA MATH Test Overview - April 23-May 1 (Each class will test for 2 days within that time frame) - Each session is 80 minutes long - Computer-based - 60-64 test items - Items can

  1. 3 rd Grade FSA Night Cunningham Creek Elementary

  2. 3 rd Grade FSA MATH

  3. Test Overview - April 23-May 1 (Each class will test for 2 days within that time frame) - Each session is 80 minutes long - Computer-based - 60-64 test items - Items can be multiple choice, multi-select, matching, table, open response, and technology enhanced questions (using online tools and manipulatives)

  4. Addition, Reporting Categories Subtraction, Multiplication, Grade 3 MATHEMATICS % of Test Division Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and 48% Numbers in Base 10 Numbers and Operations – Fractions 17% Measurement, Data, Geometry 35% Depths of Knowledge (rigor) Grade/Course DOK Level 1 (easy) DOK Level 2 DOK Level 3 (hard) (medium) 3-8 10-20% 60-80% 10-20%

  5. Sample Questions Interactive Table

  6. Sample Questions Multiple-Choice AND Multi-Select

  7. Sample Questions Short Response

  8. 3 rd Grade FSA READING

  9. Test Overview - April 10-11 - Each session is 80 minutes long - Paper-based - 56-66 test items - Items can be multiple choice, multi-select, task editing, and open response

  10. Reporting Categories Grade 3 READING Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Language and Editing Task

  11. Sample Questions Traditional multiple- choice question

  12. Sample Questions Part A/Part B Multiple-Choice AND Multi-Select

  13. Sample Questions Extended Response

  14. Sample Questions Task Editing

  15. FSA Reading Retention Students in Grade 3 must achieve a Level 2 or higher on the FSA Reading assessment for promotion purposes.

  16. What Happens If My Child Fails The Reading FSA? Your child will be given the SAT 10. Pass Fail Your child will go to “Summer Reading Camp”. At the end of the summer, they will be given another chance at the SAT 10, as well as a chance at completing a portfolio. Pass Fail Your child will be promoted to 4 th grade. Your child will be retained in 3 rd grade.

  17. What Can Parents Do Before FSA? - Have your students be practicing on iReady - READ with your child daily - Practice math facts - Conference with your child’s teacher for areas of concern regarding your child - Go onto FSA’s website to practice using the interactive tools


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