2017 2018 pbis data presentation for the d91 board of

2017-2018 PBIS Data Presentation for the D91 Board of Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2017-2018 PBIS Data Presentation for the D91 Board of Education Forest Park School District 91 District 91 Strategic Plan for PBIS 2017-2018: For each school: In FY2018, Betsy Ross School will reduce its top three infractions by 10% by

  1. 2017-2018 PBIS Data Presentation for the D91 Board of Education Forest Park School District 91

  2. District 91 Strategic Plan for PBIS 2017-2018: For each school: ● In FY2018, Betsy Ross School will reduce its top three infractions by 10% by April 2018. ● In FY2018, Garfield School will be to reduce their top three infractions by 5% this school year. ● In FY2018, Field Stevenson School will strive to reduce their Out of School suspension rate by 10% for the school year. ● In FY2018, Grant-White School: ○ Will reduce Defiance/Disrespect ODRs by 10% through such means as mentoring program, Cool Tools, Think-It-Through, Classroom Dojo, Student Lounge, etc by June 1, 2018. ○ Will reduce Physical Aggression ODRs by 10 % through such means as mentoring program, Cool Tools,Think-It-Through, Classroom Dojo, Relaxation Station, etc by June 1, 2018. ● In FY2018, Forest Park Middle School will reduce “other” referrals as well as disrespect referrals by 10% for the school year.

  3. What occurred this year for District 91 All 5 schools continued to implement PBIS. ● ● SWIS entries were entered with fidelity; all students from the district were entered in the SWIS system. ● All schools qualified for Silver/Gold PBIS recognition. All schools implemented Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports. ● ● Fastbridge SAEBRS screener was used again for all students and social workers created groups from the screener results when deemed necessary. Members of PBIS team continued to receive supports ● from Midwest PBIS when needed.

  4. District 91 Referral Data 2017-2018 Total referrals in the district for the year: 774 Referrals by District Grade: K 57 1 49 2 111 3 42 4 108 5 102 6 121 7 44 8 140

  5. Triangle Data 2017-2018 Tier I - Where we want 80-90% of students Tier II - Where we want 5-15% of students Tier III - Where we want 1-5% of students 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Total Students 779 780 774 0-1 Referrals 83% 84% 82% 2-5 Referrals 11% 11% 13% 6+ Referrals 6% 5% 5%

  6. District 91 Suspension Data In-School Out-of-School Suspensions Suspensions 2014-2015 50 42 2015-2016 41 42 2016-2017 15 33 2017-2018 40 9

  7. Garfield School Data from: Start of School Year to June 1, 2018 School Year 15-16 16-17 17-18 All Students 273 294 201 Kindergarten 175 171 54 1st Grade 42 115 40 2 nd Grade 56 8 107 In FY2018, Garfield School will be to reduce their top three infractions by 5% this school year. FY 2016-2017: Total 294 Referrals ● Minor- Disruption: 78 referrals Minor- Disrespect: 65 referrals ● ● Physical Aggression: 44 referrals FY 2017-2018: Total 201 Referrals ● Minor- Disruption: 50 referrals Minor- Disrespect: 26 referrals ● ● Minor- Disruption: 36% Decrease ● Physical Aggression: 31 referrals ● Minor- Disrespect: 60% Decrease ● Physical Aggression: 30% Decrease

  8. Betsy Ross School Data from: Start of School Year to June 1, 2018 School Year 15-16 16-17 17-18 All Students 62 45 16 Kindergarten 50 1 3 1st Grade 3 37 9 2 nd Grade 9 7 4 In FY2018, Betsy Ross School will reduce its top three infractions by 10% by April 2018. FY 2016-2017 : Total 45 referrals Physical Aggression: 20 referrals ● ● Minor Defiance: 6 referrals Minor Inappropriate Lang/Disruption/disrespectful: 3 referrals ● FY 2017-2018 : Total 16 referrals ● Physical Aggression: 3 referrals Minor Defiance: 2 referrals ● ● Physical Aggression: 85% Decrease ● Minor Inappropriate Lang/Disruption/disrespectful: 4 referrals ● Minor Defiance: 67% Decrease ● Minor Inappropriate Lang/Disruption/disrespectful: 33% Increase

  9. Grant-White School Data from: Start of School Year to June 1, 2018 School Year 15-16 16-17 17-18 All Students 203 266 152 3 rd Grade 63 106 15 4 th Grade 100 91 70 5 th Grade 40 69 67 In FY2018, Grant-White School: - Will reduce Defiance/Disrespect ODRs by 10% by June 1, 2018. - Will reduce Physical Aggression ODRs by 10 % by June 1, 2018. FY 2016-2017: Total 266 referrals ● Minor Disrespect: 77 referrals ● Minor Physical Contact/Physical Aggression: 27 referrals ● Minor Disruption: 26 referrals FY 2017-2018: Total 152 referrals ● Minor Disrespect: 99% Decrease ● Minor Physical Contact/Physical Aggression: 33% Decrease ● Minor Disrespect: 1 referral ● Minor Disruption: 54% Decrease ● Minor Physical Contact/Physical Aggression: 18 referrals ● Minor Disruption: 12 referrals

  10. Field Stevenson School Data from: Start of School Year to June 1, 2018 School Year 15-16 16-17 17-18 All Students 66 82 100 3rd grade 15 28 27 4 th Grade 36 19 38 5 th Grade 15 35 35 In FY2018, Field Stevenson School will strive to reduce their Out of School suspension rate by 10% for the school year. Reduced by 91% (11 OSS for 16/17 and 1 OSS for 17/18) FY 2016-2017: Total 82 referrals ● Minor Disrespect/Other: 12 referrals ● Physical Aggression: 10 referrals ● Minor Disruption/Defiance: 9 referrals FY 2017-2018: Total 100 referrals ● Minor Disrespect/Other: 50% Increase ● Minor Disrespect/Other: 18 referrals ● Physical Aggression: 80% Decrease ● Physical Aggression: 2 referrals ● Minor Disruption/Defiance: 11% Decrease ● Minor Disruption/Defiance: 8 referrals

  11. Forest Park Middle School Data from: Start of School Year to June 1, 2018 School Year 15-16 16-17 17-18 All Students 338 199 305 6th grade 157 40 121 7th grade 66 99 44 8th grade 115 60 140 In FY2018, Forest Park Middle School will reduce “other” referrals as well as disrespect referrals by 10% for the school year. FY 2016-2017 : Tota 199 referrals ● Minor- Defiance: 43 referrals ● Minor- Disrespect: 30 referrals ● Minor- Other/Inappropriate Language/disruption: 25 Referrals FY 2017-2018 : Tota 305 referrals ● Minor- Defiance: 52 referrals ● Minor- Defiance: 21% Increase ● Minor- Disrespect: 75 referrals ● Minor- Disrespect: 150% Increase ● Minor- Other/Inappropriate Language/disruption: 99 Referrals ● Minor- Other/Inappropriate Language/disruption: 296% Increase

  12. Trend Lines for each Trend Lines for School for the last 3 District 91 for the years: last 3 years:

  13. PBIS Team/School Goals for the 2018-2019 School Year…. ● Adjust personnel on some school teams ● Set goals for each school that are aligned to an overall district goal for 2018-2019 ● Analyze discipline data to make decisions ● Continue school-wide lessons to address problem behaviors ● Continue improvement for incentives ● Continue effort to involve community and stakeholders ● Analyze survey results to make decisions for upcoming school year ● Apply for recognition and have all teams qualify for GOLD status


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