2014 campover o43

2014-CAMPOVER-O43 REPORT OF THE PROJECT By Ahmad MALAM Contact - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  1. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES 2014-CAMPOVER-O43 REPORT OF THE PROJECT By Ahmad MALAM Contact Person of the Project June 2016 The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  2. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Project Purpose Training coffee/cocoa producers and sensitizing other chain stakeholders on good phytosanitary practices in three COMCEC Member States African countries, to improve their productive capacities. The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  3. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Cocoa and coffee The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  4. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Project outcomes During 9 month, the project have been implemented by several activities including: Contact focal point of Nigeria and Benin to allow formal project introduction;  Targeting training beneficiaries ;  Data collection and analysis ;  Preparation and validation of training manual ;  Organization of the training session ;  Redaction and dissemination of the final report.  The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  5. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Project contribution to other Partners In Cameroon, Benin and Nigeria, cocoa and coffee cultivation is the main activity of farmers who are most poorest. They faced lot of challenges for crops protection notably: choice and management of pesticides. These difficulties leads to poor production and low yield. This project through the analysis of data collected in these countries, has developed a good practice guide that aim to provides small producers the necessary resources to increase their production to through good plant protection practice. It will increase their revenue and consequently their leaving conditions. The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  6. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Project contribution to COMCEC strategy Building the productive capacities of the poor is one of the expected outcomes from the Cooperation agreement related to the fight against poverty, that falls within the COMCEC Strategy. Therefore, the implementation of the project will effectively Strengthen the relations of : Solidarity : through the sharing of experience and the saying ‘’ to common problems, 1. common solution’’ ; Mobility : as the experts will collect data in the partner countries ; 2. Governance : for the implementation of the developed recommendations. 3. At the end of this training, the findings will also include some recommendations for common policy applicable to several other COMCEC Member States, thus fulfilling once again the relation of solidarity targeted through this project . The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  7. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES PROGRESS OF THE PROJECT Activities carried out Project approval:  The project was formally approved March 30, 2015 in Ankara during the collective signing ceremony of financing contracts;  On the sidelines of the session, the Coordinator also participated in training on project cycle management by the COMCEC. This training enabled to acquire the methodological tools related to the physical and financial project management. The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  8. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Project launch :  The launch of the project took place April 7, 2015 during a meeting chaired by the Director General of Cooperation and Regional Integration. It was on that occasion instructed the establishment of an interdepartmental working group and a technical secretariat for the monitoring of quality in the execution of this project; The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  9. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Development of terms of reference and the operational plan  The Coordinator, supported by two (02) project experts elaborated the terms of reference (TOR) of the general project. These TOR were validated by the COMCEC; Creating an interdepartmental working group  Decision No. 000250 / MINEPAT / SG / DGCOOP of 21 May 2015 on the establishment, organization and functioning of a working group for the implementation of the Project No. 2014 CAMPOVER 043 has established the Interdepartmental Working Group. The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  10. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Key persons of the Project  Insérer photos: Photo point focal 1)  Insérer photos: Photo experts 1) The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

  11. BUILDING PRODUCTIVITY CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SCALE PRODUCERS OF THE COFFEE AND COCOA WITHIN CAMEROON, NIGERIA AND BENIN THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PHYTOSANITARY PRACTICES Key Project activities ACTIVITIES Progress Results Detailed project planning Implementation plan developed ACTVITY I Preparation and available of T erms of Reference of T erms of reference of the various activities T erms of reference available the Project ACTIVITY2 : Contact Sending outreach letters Letters with the focal points of Permanent contact with the Focal Points Email and other exchanges the involved countries ; (fight against poverty in Nigeria and Benin) ACTIVITY 3 : Experts have compiled a fairly extensive list List of prospects Identification/targe of potential prospects for data collecting mission ting of beneficiaries The criteria for selecting participants in the Selection criteria available for groups training session were also developed the different categories of participants The building productivity capacities of agriculture small scale producers of the coffee and cocoa within Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin through the improvement of phytosanitary practices project 2014-CAMPOVER-043 is funded by the COMCEC

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