200 l 00 level vel c club ub loun ounges ges

- 200 L 00 LEVEL VEL C CLUB UB LOUN OUNGES GES - Booki - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MERC ERCED EDES ES-BEN BENZ S SUPERD UPERDOM OME E - 200 L 00 LEVEL VEL C CLUB UB LOUN OUNGES GES - Booki Booking i infor ormation on: : club ubloun oungesa sales@ s@sm smgnewor orleans. s.com om | | 504-587 87-3663

  1. MERC ERCED EDES ES-BEN BENZ S SUPERD UPERDOM OME E - 200 L 00 LEVEL VEL C CLUB UB LOUN OUNGES GES - Booki Booking i infor ormation on: : club ubloun oungesa sales@ s@sm smgnewor orleans. s.com om | | 504-587 87-3663 63

  2. Loca cated ed on n the 20 the 200 Level el of the f the iconi nic M c Mer erced edes es-Benz enz S Super erdome, the f the four Clu lub Lounges es ar are the p e the per erfec ect t plac lace e for y your ne next t mee eeti ting/pres esen entati tion. n. With th sleek leek, cu curved ed w wood panels anels, car carpeted ed f flo loors, dimmab able le li ligh ghts ts, LCD CD m moni nitors and and black lack-out t cu curtai ains ns f for wind ndows, the the Super erdome C e Clu lub L Lounges es off ffer er a a comfortab table le, profes essional nal en environm nmen ent t to s suit t your need needs.

  3. Lounges es i in n thei their s stand andar ard c conf nfigu gurati tion n ar are eq e equipped ed with b th black lack le leather ther lo lounge e seati ting, glass coffee t glas ee tab ables les, 4 4-top dini ning g tab ables les, hi highb ghboys and and b bar arstools ls and and f fab abric-cover ered ed d dini ning g chai chairs.

  4. 2 glass enclosed rooms perfect for speaker ready rooms. Each Each Clu lub L Lounge e featu tures es 2 2 glas glass-enclo enclosed ed rooms w whi hich ch ar are e per erfec ect t for s speak aker er read ady rooms. On n the f the follo llowings gs pag ages es y you will s ll see the s ee the spac ace e tr trans ansformed ed into the i the ideal al mee eeti ting v g ven enue w e with th exam ample the le theater er-sty tyle c le confi nfigu gurations ns.

  5. Black-out curtains to cover windows available in each Club Lounge For thi this p pres esen entati tion, n, the the cli clien ent u t uti tili lized ed the the en enti tire e Clu lub Lounge ( e (cen enter er ar area and a and tw two sides es flank lanking g cen enter er), ), whi hich ac ch accommodates es ap approximately ely 1, 1,000 per ersons ns in n the theater er-sty tyle le confi nfigu gurati tion, n, with am th ample le spac ace f e for a att ttend endees ees to m move e ar around nd.

  6. The M he Mer erced edes es-Benz enz Super erdome has e has am ample le in-ho house 6 e 6' tab ables les and and blu lue clar e clarin n chai chairs f for booth s th set-ups ps. For thi this Car Career eer O Opportu tuni nity ty Expo, 40 booths ths w wer ere e positi tioned ned thr througho ghout the the Clu lub L Lounge.

  7. For thi this p pres esen entati tion, n, the the cen enter er porti tion o n of the r the room was as set t the theatr tre-sty tyle le for ap approximately ely 275 p per ersons ns. C Cli lien ent o t opted ed to bring g in n tw two (2) (2) lar large e scr creens eens f flank lanking g the s the stag age e alo along g with b th blu lue e drap aping and g and b back ackdrop banner anner f featu turing g compan any lo logo.

  8. Dep epend ending g on n att ttend endanc ance fi e figu gures es, cli clien ents ts m may o opt t to keep eep a p a porti tion o n of the e f the existi ting g Clu lub Lounge e fu furni nitu ture e in p n plac lace. Featu tured ed in the ab n the above p e pho hoto: the theatr tre-sty tyle le seati ting i g in n cen enter er porti tion o n of r f room; existi ting g dini ning g tab ables les & chai chairs b border er b both th sides es of c f cen enter er sec ecti tion o n of r f room.

  9. 28 28 L LCD CD tele elevisions ns ar are lo e loca cated ed thr througho ghout each ach Clu lub Lounge w e with the ab th the abili lity ty to projec ect p t pres esen entati tions ns or a a compan any lo logo.

  10. Man any cli clien ents ts o opt t to bring i g in n black lack p pipe e and and drap aping g for a d a dram amati tic c back ackdrop f for the the Supe perdo dome me’s i in-ho house s e stagi aging.

  11. Each Each Clu lub L Lounge e featu tures es tw two full ll ser ervice e built lt-in b n bar ars w with th illu llumina nated ed glas glass colu lumns ns and and grani anite c e counter er tops, eas asily ly uti tili lized ed f for food & bever erag age e stati tions ns for break ak ti time.

  12. - Value lue Adde dded Ame Amenities s -  In In-ho house A e A/V eq equipmen ent i t inclu ncluding g wireles eless micr cropho hones nes, podiums eq equipped ed with th micr cropho hones nes, and and 28 28 fi fixed ed LCD CD tele elevisions ns lo loca cated ed thr througho ghout e each C ach Clu lub Lounge.  Dimmab able le Li Ligh ghti ting, e each lo ach lounge f e fully lly-car carpeted ed, b black lack-out t cu curtai tain d n drap aper ery for w wind ndows.  Angu gular lar shap haped ed rooms with ad th adap aptab abili lity ty for a a var ariety ty o of p f program amming o g opti tions ns.  Anci ncillar llary spac ace a e avai ailab lable le for speak aker er read ady r rooms.  Multi ltiple i le in-ho house e fu furni nitu ture e opti tions ns ran angi ging g fr from b banq anquet chai t chairs to lo lounge e fu furni nitu ture e group oupings. s.  On-site e par arking g avai ailab lable le at a t a reas asonab nable le rate.  Loca cated ed withi thin n clo close p e proximity ty t to man any d downtown ho n hotels els and and busines nesses es.  Ded edica cated ed o on-si site SMG E MG Event Coor oordinator or who o will wor ork y k you f ou from om start to fi fini nish t h to ensure ens e you ha have e ever erythi thing g you need need for y your m mee eeti ting. Bookin ing in informa rmatio ion: : club lublo loungesa sale les@ s@sm smgneworle leans. s.com | 5 504-587-3663 63 Updated S ated Sept pt. 201 015

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