District Goal and Objectives Proficiency Early Solid for All Foundation 100% Graduation School 100% Safety Attendance Parent, Community & Student Engagement
Parent Educator Coaches Assignments Time task Calendar 2017-2018 Notification of Federal Title I Parent Engagement Mandates. (Mem. 6535.0) Parent and Family Engagement Parent Compact Guide Guidelines for the required English Learner Advisory Committee and School Site Council. (Bul. 6541.0) Review SSC checklist Discuss SSC parity SSC agenda and minutes
Schools and families working together to ensure student success ORIENTATION FOR THE SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL (SSC) 2017 2017-2018 2018
Thin hings s to to Remem emember: ber: Requires parents to vote on whether to assign their seats to community members each school year. Identifies eligible parents of English learners in Kindergarten, Transitional and Expanded Transitional Kindergarten programs. Eliminates the requirement to have the School Site Council adopt the school safety plan. Neither the School Site Council, nor the English Learner Advisory Committee, nor their individual members are authorized to expend public funds, enter into contracts, or otherwise place liability upon the District.
Three important steps to follow: STEP 1 Info form rmin ing • Notify all parents and stakeholders of orientations/elections. • Include date, time, location and the agenda items to be addressed. STEP 2 Posting ting • Orientation and election notices (agendas) must be posted at least (72) seventy-two hours prior to the scheduled orientation and election of members and officers. Orientations and elections may be held on the same day, but a short break must be placed on the agenda between each session. STEP 3 Meetin ting • Distribute agenda outlining the objective of the meeting. (orientations/elections) • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the committee and duties of officers. • Declare all seats vacant. • Explain the election procedures for voting. (refer to Attachment E)
OF OFFI FICERS ERS FO FOR SSC C CHAIRPERS RPERSON VICE-CH CHAIRP RPERSO ERSON Preside at all meetings. Represent the Chairperson in • Sign all letters, reports and other assigned duties. communications of the council. Substitute for the Chairperson in his • Perform all duties relevant to the or her absence. office of the Chairperson. Participate in planning of the • Participate in planning of meeting agenda. agendas. Have other such duties as are SECRETARY ETARY prescribed by council. Conduct roll call to establish • quorum. Keep minutes of all regular and • additional meetings of the council. Provide the signed and dated • PARLIAM LIAMENTAR TARIAN IAN original meeting minutes to the Assist the Chairperson in ensuring principal or designee. • all rules and bylaws are followed. Assist in keeping the records of the • Be knowledgeable about the council. • California Open Meeting Law Maintain a current roster of the • (Greene Act), District policies, council members. bylaws of the council, and selected Perform other such duties as are • parliamentary procedures. assigned by the Chairperson. Participate in planning of the Participate in the planning of the • • agenda. agenda.
The he SSC C is a decisi ision-makin aking g cou ouncil il for all l program rams funded nded th throug ough th the e Cons onsolida olidated ed Appli licatio ation. California Education Code 64001(a) requires that districts receiving state, federal and other applicable funding through the Consolidated Application (ConApp) process ensure that participating schools prepare a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The SPSA is a blueprint to improve the academic performance of all students to the level of the targeted performance goals of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the LAUSD District Scorecard. The SSC has two primary functions: • Developing, revising and adopting the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) • Ensuring that a school meets all federal parental involvement mandates.
The he SSC C is a decisi ision-makin aking g cou ouncil il for all l program rams funded nded th throug ough th the e Cons onsolida olidated ed Appli licatio ation. The SSC has two primary functions: • Developing, revising and adopting the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) • Ensuring that a school meets all federal parental involvement mandates.
Ensur ure that all fe feder deral al parent ntal al enga ngagement gement mandate ates are met, Speci cifi fica cally: lly: The development of the school-level Title I Parent and Family • Engagement Policy The development of the Title I School- Parent Compact • The development of the Title I Parent and Family Engagement • Budget The Proposed expenditures of all categorical funds • Adhere to Open Meeting Law (Greene Act) • Six meetings through the year ( Not including orientation and • election meetings)
Not employed Parent t Member er: at the Is an individual who is • child’s a mother, father or school legal guardian not employed at the school with which the council is affiliated. Community ty member: r: Resides and/or works • within a specific school’s attendance boundary. PROOF IS REQUIRED. ED. On an annual basis, • parents designate by vote whether to assign their parent member seat(s) on the council to eligible community members. *All ll members rs must t be elec ecte ted by thei eir r peers ers, exce cept t the prin inci cipal who is the only ly auto tomat matic c member. er.
There e must be • parity between een parents ts and studen dents ts on the parent/student 25% portion of the Parents/ council. Legal Guardian Community According to the • California Education Code, section 33133(c), at m middle e schools, s, 25% a SSC may, b but is Student Is not not require red d to, (Secondary) employed include student at the representation. child’s school * All members rs must be elected ted by their ir peers rs, excep ept t the princip ipal who is the only automati tic member. er.
Title I: Parent Involvement Policy District Level Title I Policy School Level Title I Policy (BUL-6336.0) Developed at the District and • reviewed by parents in the study group One page handout is sent • out yearly to parents Distribu bute te District ct Parent nt Involve vemen ment policy (PIP) ) by: N Nove vember ber 30, 2017 17
Title I: Parent and Family Engagement Policy Parent Shared Accessibility Engagement Responsibilities (School-Parent Compact) Policy Building Involvement Capacity Distribu bute te PFEP to a all Title I Parents nts by: N Novemb mber 30, 2017 17
1. Link actions to goals in SPSA and to school data. 2. Connect activities for families to what students are learning and doing in class. 3. Include contact information to support parents and students. 4. Describe how students will be responsible for their learning. 5. Consult with parents on communication strategies that work best for them. 6. Translate into families ’ home languages and non-teacher specific language.
Research The involvement of parents in their children’s education is more predictive of students’ school success than the families’ socioeconomic status, race, or cultural background. W.H. Jeynes (2005), “A Meta -Analysis of the Relation of Parental Involvement to Urban Elementary School Student Achievement.”
moving away from moving towards individual shared responsibility responsibility results focused on results focused on parent attendance students and goals activities planned to random acts support goals add on integrated compliance ownership continuous one-time project improvement
Sc School hool-Pa Parent rent Co Compa mpact ct Developed jointly Approved by Title I parents Disseminated in a parent-friendly manner
School-Parent Compact A written agreement of shared responsibility, answering the question: How will families and school staff work together this year to achieve the goals of the school improvement plan? Distribute bute to a all Title I parent nts by: Novembe ber r 30, 2017 17
What is Required for the Compact? The Compact must: Be linked to the goals of the school improvement • plan. Explain what teachers will do to support family • learning. Describe strategies families can use at home to • strengthen students’ skills. Describe what students will do to reach their • achievement goals.
What is Required for the Compact? (cont’d) Describe activities that support parent-teacher • partnerships. Be written in family-friendly language. • Be developed with meaningful input from families. • Describe how the school will provide high-quality • curriculum and instruction. Explain how the school will communicate regularly • with families about student progress.
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