1 buddha

1 Buddha 2 Why Well+Mate ? Why ? Well+Mate offers a unique - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Buddha 2 Why Well+Mate ? Why ? Well+Mate offers a unique platform to capture Temperature Humidity CO 2 Noise Light (TBA) Temperature Too high or Elevated Creating the Creating the is the most too low levels reduce

  1. 1

  2. — Buddha 2

  3. Why Well+Mate ?

  4. Why ?

  5. Well+Mate offers a unique platform to capture… Temperature Humidity CO 2 Noise Light (TBA) Temperature Too high or Elevated Creating the Creating the is the most too low levels reduce correct noise correct discussed humidity can significantly levels is ambiance will differences cause the paramount to improve stress of opinion diseases and performance concentration levels and amongst discomfort of employees headaches. In the office colleagues.

  6. FACT We provide accurate data to assist in the decision process Wellness in the workspace also include monitoring offices and meeting rooms to improve satisfaction and well-being of the users and as such optimize the space by monitoring CO2, temperature and noise levels, allowing the users to make fact-based decisions – without data, you are just another person with an opinion! Even within Retail, ensuring optimal environmental conditions, is critical to increase revenues!

  7. Temperature “It’s too hot”/ “It’s too cold” Anyone who has spent an entire workday shivering or sweating due to poor temperature control in an office can attest to how discomfort affects productivity. A common problem is that, in many buildings, a single thermostat maintains air temperature across an entire floor or large workspace regardless of the weather outside, the work habits of a certain part of the building, or the occupants inside. Yet, simply changing how air circulates and how temperature is managed can make a dramatic difference 8 8

  8. Humidity “I can’t seem to get rid of this cold” Office environments that are air conditioned during the summer will suffer from low humidity without correct humidification. Prolonged exposure to a dry atmosphere will effect the health of people, increase absenteeism and lower productivity. One of the first noticeable effects of dry air is electrostatic shocks. Other less recognizable effects include dry itchy skin, contact lenses prematurely drying out and causing discomfort, sore eyes and throat, and an increase in dehydration. Tests have shown that the transmission of airborne viruses, such as influenza, are greater at a low humidity. 9

  9. CO 2 “I am feeling so tired” In the office, elevated levels of CO 2 , in the range between 1,000ppm and 2,500ppm, have been found to decrease information utilization, increase headaches, decrease performance, and increase rates of absenteeism. Generally, CO 2 concentrations at 1,000ppm can lead to a statistically significant decrease in decision making performance. Elevated levels can lead to that feeling of lethargy and tiredness often associated with office workers. Studies have shown that performance, associated with lethargy induced by elevated CO 2 , can decrease by 10% or more. 10

  10. Noise “I can’t concentrate in this noise” People who work in open areas frequently complain that there’s too much noise and distraction to do their jobs or to have important conversations. Surprisingly, too little noise can also undermine productivity by creating a feeling of isolation. The solution? Provide workspace options for different kinds of work and different kinds of workers — those who love the hubbub and those who need to get away. Great workplaces are all about providing employee choice and the right spaces for different kinds of working 11

  11. Lighting (TBA) “My headache keeps re - appearing” From the workers’ perspective, poor lighting at work can lead to eye‐strain, fatigue, headaches, stress and accidents. On the other hand, too much light can also cause safety and health problems such as “glare” headaches and stress. Both can lead to mistakes at work, poor quality and low productivity. Various studies suggest that good lighting at the workplace pays dividends in terms of improved productivity, and a reduction in errors. For example, studies suggests that improved lighting in some factories results in a 10% increase in productivity and a 30% reduction in errors. 12

  12. Draft & VOC (TBA) “AC blowing” “VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds” of our lives are spent indoors and it has a lasting impact on our health Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compounds that easily become vapors or gases. VOCs are released from burning fuel such as gasoline, wood, coal, or natural gas. They are also released from many consumer products: Cigarettes. Solvents. 13

  13. Getting to Know IT-Serve.com is a leading managed IT and cloud services provider in the UAE, offering enterprise-class IT infrastructure management, help desk services, IT outsourcing solutions, ICT consultancy & security solutions to small and mid-sized companies. IT-Serve's experts have more than 20 years of managed services and consulting experience across multiple industries and technical competencies. IT- Serve is also the first cloud transition company in the Middle East. 14

  14. — Well+Mate 15


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