Parent Engagement with Principal Fatimah Ali, Assistant Principal Jessica Renovales & Parent Coordinator Charmaine Derrell-Jacob August 3, 2020
Agenda: Welcome to 2020-2021 School Opening Overview ❏ Parent Engagement Series: PS 9 School Communication System ❏ Principal Address ❏ Introduction of Assistant Principal, Jessica Renovales ❏ Health and Safety ❏ Student Schedule Social Emotional Plan Overview ❏ Equity Plan Process ❏ ❏ School Facilities Update ❏ Preliminary School Leadership Team Selection: Program Model 2 ❏ Addressing Categories of Submitted Parent Questions
Welcome Assistant Principal Jessica Renovales
Health & Safety
Social Emotional Learning Plan: Schoolwide commitment to student wellbeing ❏ Daily Practices in person and/or remotely ❏ 1. Morning Circles : Students will share how they are feeling each morning ❏ with their classmates and teacher to rebuild connection and community. 2. Journal Entries: Students will be given time to draw and/or write in order ❏ to express and process their thoughts and feelings in an ongoing way. The following prompts will me provided 3. School Care Team will broaden their approach to include whole classroom ❏ visits/ check-ins on the social emotional wellbeing of students
Equity Plan Process: Aligned to Vision ❏ Current curricula for entry points ❏ Keywords and concepts that help them process the school community values ❏ and their part in this work Expose students to global diverse leaders that represent peace, change and ❏ equality Introduce new topics and texts that support the work of having all students ❏ represented at PS9
Student Schedule: Blended & Remote Learning ❏ Small group instruction from classroom teacher in: ❏ -Literacy (Reading & Writing) ❏ -Math ❏ -Digital Skills ❏ Morning Circles- teachers and peers with SEL focus ❏ Assessment and building-level services
Facilities Update: The following items will be covered centrally: ❏ PPE—including masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer;Cleaning supplies—including bleach, soap, and wipes;Nursing supplies—including thermometers ❏ Facility reconfiguration supplies—including wellness barriers (one for the main school safety agent (SSA) desk and one for every general office in the campus), handwashing stations, and floor decals. Custodians will sanitize school building on a nightly basis with an electrostatic sprayer ❏ that is CDC approved. Cleaning & disinfection will include all high touch surfaces: classrooms, desks & chairs, conference tables, light fixtures, restroom fixtures, partitions & hardware, elevator buttons, gym padding, & physical therapy equipment.
Building Ventilation DOE completed a survey of HVAC systems and window operability to identify necessary repairs. New York City Construction Authority (SCA) will complete repairs and ensure air circulation before start of school. We are also upgrading central HVAC system filters from MERV 8 to MERV 13 where appropriate.
Program Selection Process Most Conservative Model : Model 2 ❏ Large school split into 3 cohorts (in person) and 1 remote cohort. Ex:(Model ❏ 2: 7-11 vs Model 1a & 1b up to 15/ classroom) Smaller group cohorts (health and safety, SEL and academic benefits) ❏ Available staff ❏ Schools will have the opportunity to reconsider their initial selections as ❏ COVID-19 Reasonable Accommodations staff responses and data from the Learning Preference Survey are available and updated up until August 14, 2020. ❏
Model 2 Preliminary Selection:
Submitted Parent Questions: Question Categories ❏ School Communication ❏ ❏ ❏ CareMonkey ❏ Health & Safety ❏ Social Emotional Supports ❏ Key Components- Blended & Remote Learning ❏ Programming Lens ❏ Equity Approach Vulnerable Populations ❏ Dual Language & Gifted & Talented process
Stay up to date: Family and Student Information Sessions The NYC DOE will be hosting ❏ virtual citywide Information sessions for students and families from 6:30-8:00 PM on: ❏ Wednesday, August 12, 2020 ❏ Thursday, August 27, 2020 ❏
Want to continue all-remote learning in the fall? Let us know by completing the ❏ survey by August 7 ❏ veys/learningpreference Questions: News From 9 1QA2Pz4AKg_lOxXZKyb1yz6DoJlV807BkGw_i9hA /viewform
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