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1 2 Outline about the budget generally Revenues look at the income - PDF document

1 2 Outline about the budget generally Revenues look at the income and revenue of the SFUO through businesses, levies, and services (UPASS and Health Plan) Expenses look at the expenditures of the SFUO, where levied funds are spent,

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  3. Outline – about the budget generally Revenues – look at the income and revenue of the SFUO through businesses, levies, and services (UPASS and Health Plan) Expenses – look at the expenditures of the SFUO, where levied funds are spent, where committed funds are allocated Budget Balance – snapshot of the organization 3

  4. -Exercice de planification et de priorités -Priority and planning exercise - Aide à se donner un guide pour les dépenses pour l’année à venir et à mieux controler les finances -Helps to give guidelines for expenses and holds a better control over the SFUO’s money - Quelque peu différent d’un budget d’une entreprise ou d’un organisme puisque le but est d’arriver à zéro dans la plupart des services, ne pas sur -dépenser ou sous-dépenser l’argent des étudiant.e.s -Somewhat different than any other compagny’s or oganization budget since most services aim to arrive at a Zero bottom line, where student levys are not over or under spent - Ce qu’on va voir aujourd’hui est un portrait global du budget. On ne rentrera pas dans le détail de chacun des services, ou des contributions. Le comité des finances s’est assuré de passer au peigne fin toutes les lignes budgétaires. Notre but d’aujourd’hui et de voir les grandes lignes et de regarder le portrait de la prochaine année financière. 4

  5. This is just to help illustrate how the SFUO budget works. Students, as mandated by referenda, pay fees to the SFUO. The university collects them at the same time as tuition fees, and remits the funds to the SFUO. Based on the referenda, the SFUO allocates these funds appropriately. Thus, money goes directly through the SFUO to the Health plan, UPASS, and other levied organizations like CHUO, la Rotonde, and OPIRG. The two larger circles here show the funds which the SFUO allocates. Services, like clubs, our 12 student services, the refugee program, etc, are funds which the SFUO is mandated by referendum to allocate. The Committed Funds circle represents the money that the SFUO allocates to other parts of the organization, like 101 week, administration, campaigns, etc which comes from the main operating budget, which represents the funds students pay directly to the SFUO. Are there any questions on how this works, before we move on to the numbers? 5

  6. - Student levys are calculated from the University’s estimations of registered students for summer/fall/winter. This will be the next slide. Note that these number often need adjustment. -Note sur le Régime de santé : c’est ici et dans les dépenses les seuls endroits ou on voit ce montant apparaitre puisqu’il entre et sort tout de suite de nos compte, ce n’est pas un montant avec lequel on peut jouer et comme c’est un très gros montant, de l’inclure ailleurs comme dans les Fonds référendaires pourrait porter à confuser et peindre un portrait faussé de nos finances. -Note on Health plan : here and in the expenses are the two only places where it will show. This amount comes into and comes out of our accounts without us having much flexibility with it. To include it in other numbers, for example in Referendum funds, would paint a false portrait of our finances. - Business is the estimated profit for the businesses, excluding campus print 6

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  8. Explain the Accessibility and SLS funds. New Sustainable Development levy – Bike Coop and Sustainability Centre 8

  9. -This indicates the projected profits for our businesses -Use sheets provided by Jason 9

  10. -Administration is the main operating money. -Referendum funds are any funds that have been approved by Referendum (Services, Outside levied organizations, Federated bodies) this is their actuals in terms of expenses -SFUO committed funds/Contributions is : Social, 101 week, Enviro, BOA, Elections, Campaigns -Health plan is Health plan, UPASS is UPASS 10

  11. -Elections : l’école nous donne 1/3 des élections. Cette année il y a eu le référendum en plus des élections normales ce qui fait les coûts sont élevés. Aussi, ce qui augmente la ligne c’est les machines à vote qui ont été endomagées il y a deux ans et dont il a fallu absorber le coût cette année. -BOA: les dépenses du CAÉ sont allées dans BOA 11

  12. Explain how this works. Enviro. General Subsidies. Clubs. Fed bodies. 12

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  15. -Finally this is the budget balance where you see the total revenue, total expenses and then the projected surplus. -To be noted is the fact that the profit from businesses is included in this total. As opposed to student levy revenue which is pretty stable and foreseeable, profits from businesses can easily change depending on external factors. And so it is important not to count the profit from businesses as a « spendable » surplus. This is mandate by the consitution (6.1.5) Any profits are available the following fiscal year. 15

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