strategic bidding for multiple units in simultaneous and

Strategic Bidding for Multiple Units in Simultaneous and Sequential - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Strategic Bidding for Multiple Units in Simultaneous and Sequential Auctions Stphane Airiau & Sandip Sen Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences The University of Tulsa 1 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa Agent Based Systems

  1. Strategic Bidding for Multiple Units in Simultaneous and Sequential Auctions Stéphane Airiau & Sandip Sen Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences The University of Tulsa 1 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  2. Agent Based Systems  Multiagent Systems  Cooperative groups  machines on a factory floor, network of workstations, robot teams  Self-interested agents  bidders in an auction, organizations in a supply chain, competing manufacturers/suppliers/vendors  Personal assistant agents  assisting users with information processing needs, e.g., email filtering, web browsing assistant, recommender agents 2 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  3. Auctions  Standardized procedures for allocating goods/tasks  Artificial societies  Real world 3 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  4. Bundle bidding scenario ((Computer, television, cd player $1000), (television, music system, console, $600), (cd player, console, music system $400)) 4 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  5. Multiple-item auctions  Auction of multiple, distinguishable items  Bidders have preferences over item combinations  Combinatorial auctions  Bids can be submitted over item bundles  Winner selection: combinatorial optimization  NP-complete 5 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  6. Valuation Function 6 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  7. Reduced bundle bidding problem  Multiple (concurrent and sequential) single and multi-unit auctions  User has a valuation function v.  Problem: deciding on how many items to bid for in each auction and at what value n  Goal: maximize v ( n ) c ( i ) � � i 1 =  humans typically make sub-rational decisions  ideal agent application 7 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  8. Experimental setup  5 days  5 auctions/day selling different number of items  Bidders  one or few strategic bidders  dummy bidders  All strategic bidders have same valuation function and are given the same expecting closing price distribution 8 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  9. Price Expectations 9 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  10. Agent behaviors  Lookahead: 1,2,3-days  Risk attitudes  Risk neutral(RN): believe the expected closing price is correct  Risk averse(RA): overestimate  Risk seeking(RS): underestimate  Degrees of risk averseness and risk seeking degree SRA RA RN RS SRS Closing µ+2 σ µ+ σ µ µ- σ µ-2 σ price 10 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  11. Bid calculation  Obtaining one more item in an auction  No active bids in auction: AP(1)+ δ  m active bids in auction: place (m+1) bids each at AP(m+1)+ δ AP ( m 1 )  Additional cost + + � m ( AP ( m 1 ) AP ( i )) � + + + � � i 1 =  For one item, select auction with lowest cost  For many items, repeat calculations 11 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  12. Lookahead Vs. Dummy agents Utility # Units purchased 1-day Vs 642 32 Dummies 2-day Vs 736.7 37.4 Dummies 3-day Vs. 803.5 39.3 Dummies Single strategic agent Vs. dummy agents: agents with further lookahead dominate 12 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  13. Multiple strategic agents Utility % loss Utility % loss 1 Vs 2 Avg 666.9 1 Vs 1 473.5 26.2 1day 618.5 3.7 2 Vs 2 640.2 13.1 2day 715.1 3 1 Vs 3 Avg 698.3 3 Vs 3 647.8 19.4 1day 606.4 5.4 Multiple strategic 3day 790.2 1.7 2 Vs 3 Avg 765 agents competing 2day 731 0.7 against dummy 3day 799.5 0.5 1 Vs 2 Vs 3 Avg 680.5 bidders: 1day 609.3 5.1 Agent with further 2day 647.1 12.2 lookahead dominates 3day 785 2.3 13 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  14. Difference in Risk attitude  A single strategic agent competing with dummy buyers: RN is the maximally profitable risk attitude  Two strategic agents competing with dummy buyers:  RN attitude perform better against player with all other risk attitudes  Risk seeking attitudes perform better than risk averse attitudes  Strategic agents may gain more if they are farther apart in risk attitude. 14 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa

  15. Future Work  Use probability distribution of valuations of other bidders  Learning and modeling to estimate bidder valuations  Multi-item auctions  Other auction types 15 DAI Hards - University of Tulsa


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