welcome to elyria high school complete 21 course credits

Welcome to Elyria High School Complete 21 course credits Units Our - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Elyria High School Complete 21 course credits Units Our Districts Course Requirements Required English Language Arts 4 Units Mathematics 4 Units Science 3 Units Social Studies 3 Units Health .5 Units Physical Education

  1. Welcome to Elyria High School

  2. Complete 21 course credits Units Our District’s Course Requirements Required English Language Arts 4 Units Mathematics 4 Units Science 3 Units Social Studies 3 Units Health .5 Units Physical Education .5 Units Personal Finance .5 Units Computer Experience .5 Units Fine Arts 1 Units Electives 4 Units

  3. “Which Graduation Exam will my student take”

  4. High School: This year’s seniors Ohio Graduation Tests Reading Math Writing Science Social Studies

  5. Three Graduation Options for students 2018 and beyond 18 points on state tests College readiness score on national test Industry certification and a work- readiness score on WorkKeys

  6. High School: Classes of 2018 and Beyond ELA I (English 9) ELA II (English 10), Algebra I, Geometry Biology American History American Government

  7. Performance Graduation Level Points Advanced 5 Accelerated 4 Proficient 3 Basic 2 Limited 1

  8. Earn at least four points in English 4 tests 4 Earn at least four points in math tests 6 Earn at least six points in science and social tests 4 The final four points can be earned in any area on the test

  9. AP/CCP classes

  10. What happens if I took the class before a test was created?

  11. Our Testing Schedule December 5 th through December 16th • Who is testing? Students who scored a 1 or 2 • When will students be notified? Students will receive notices on November 14 th notifying them of which tests they will be taking. • How will testing be set up? We will have a morning and afternoon testing block

  12. Testing time for December 5 th -December 16 th Session 1 Session 2 7:50a.m-11:00a.m 11:20a.m-2:30p.m Modifications will be made to accommodate students who may have to miss parts of their lunch periods.

  13. “What Happens when I re - test?” • You keep the highest score that you receive. Your score will never drop. • You are only allowed to use one score from the test administration on each test it is not cumulative. Ex: ELA I score a 1. You retest and score a 2. Your score on that test is a 2

  14. Spring StateTests • ELA and ELA II are tested on March 28 th through April 7th Session 1 Session 2 7:50a.m-11:00a.m 11:20a.m-2:30p.m

  15. Spring StateTests • Algebra, Geometry, American History, American Government and Biology will be tested on April 25 th through May 5 th • April 25 th through April 28 th we will be having a modified schedule. Students will either be scheduled for a testing session or a session for College and Career Awareness.

  16. Time Schedules for Spring Tests • Time schedule for April 25-April 28th • Time schedule for May 1 st through May 5th

  17. Tracking of student Points

  18. Option: College readiness score on a national admission test

  19. What are Remediation Free Scores? ACT English 18 or higher Mathematics 22 or higher Reading 22 or higher EHS will be administering the ACT to all current 11 th grade students on March 21 st . ***** This test is being offered free of charge********

  20. Option: Earn industry certification and a work-readiness score on WorkKeys

  21. What is an Industry Recognized Credential? Go to: http://education.ohio.gov/ for specific information

  22. College and Career Awareness Week • Dates: April 25 th -April 28 th • Signing up for activities: Tentatively planned for February when they are registering for classes for 2017-2018

  23. Activities being planned • College visits • Community service activities • Job shadowing • AP/ACT test prep sessions • JVS/LCCC presentations • Academic field trips

  24. How can you help? • Mr. Newark’s contact information: newarkshane@elyriaschools.org Phone number: 284-5253

  25. Questions/Additional information • For additional information look to http://education.ohio.gov/ • Mr. Newark’s office phone number is 284- 5253

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