
- --------------------------------- - ---- -- ------- 0 - ----- -- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

-~- ansition Services Programs 0 -- ------ ------------------------------ ------------------ RO CKF ORD P U B LIC SC HOO LS D E P A R T M ENT O F S P ECIA L E D UCATION Transition Services Programs ---------- ----------------------

  1. -~- ansition Services Programs 0 ·-- ------ ------------------------------ ------------------ RO CKF ORD P U B LIC SC HOO LS D E P A R T M ENT O F S P ECIA L E D UCATION

  2. Transition Services Programs -·--------·- · ---------------------- · -------------------- 0 - ---- ------- -- ·- - --------- -- -- - ----------·----·-- - -- - The Rockford Public Schools Special Education Transition Services Department works with youth to develop and increase their employability skills while earning high school credit. Students work in a variety of setting learning skills that will be transferred to a variety of jobs. Students will learn "soft skills" which increase the likelihood of securing and maintaining a job as well as skills tailored to specific areas of interest.

  3. ~ Transition Service Program Growth - --------------------------------- - ---- -- ------- 0 - ----- -- ------------ - _ _ __________ __ _______ _ ___ _ _ _ _______ , Goal: Growth of student enrollment in the Transition Service Program will increase by 20 % for the 2017- 2018 school year. 2015-2016 = 74 students enrolled 2016-2017 = 121 students enrolled, a 63% increase.

  4. I ~. Transition Services Programs "-·-:-·------- - ----------·-------------------- - --------- 0 ----------------- -- - -- -- --- -- ---- -------------- - - ---- -----------------· In addition students will .. .. • Develop resumes , )( Develop "skills lists" which reflect the responsibilities and job duties they have learned Receive support from staff to assist with seeking and securing jobs related to training they have received in their classes • Receive a linkage with the Department of Human Resources for job supports following graduation. . I

  5. Community Partners: -------- - --- - - - -- ---------------------------- 0- ---- -- ------------------- ---- ----- - ----- --------- River Bluff Nursing Home LifeScape Adult Day Center ~ Hoffman House Restaurant Ken-Rock Community Center )( Kidz Will B Kids Daycare • River Front Museum Park • HomeGoods TJMaxx Marsh alls Northern Illinois Food Bank Sunrise provides all transportation for students

  6. Service Occupations: Foods -------------------- --- -- - - -- --- ------------------------- 0 ·----------------------- ----------- - -- - ---------- --------- i i • I Location: Hoffman House Location: River Bluff Nursing I Restaurant ! I Home I i Advanced food I i preparation skills are i Provides training in food i taught in an operational i preparation and serving in I restaurant kitchen i a commercial setting. alongside culinary i I professionals. I i

  7. Service Occupations Elder Care --------------------------- - ---------- ---- -- - -- ------------- 0 ---------- ---- - -· ------------------ ---------- -- ---- Loca ti o ns: River Bluff Nursing Home • LifeScape Adult Care Center Provides s tud e nt s with training in working in an e ld er care setting. Stude nt s learn th e res pon sibilities of prograniniing for activities a nd th e role of activity a id es.

  8. Service Occupations Child Care ----·-·-··-·····-··-··-·-------- --· -----···-····-- · 0 ······· ---·-- · - ······--··· ------·· · --·- ·-··· Locations: Ken-Rock Community Center • Kidz Will B Kids Daycare Circles of Learning Provides students with training and work experience in child care services.

  9. Service Occupations at Roosevelt ---- -------- --------------------------- ---------------- 0 - ------------ - ------------ -- ------ ------ - --- -- ---- -, Students learn a variety Students learn entry of operations on various level automotive skills industrial machines. and small engine repair. Students learn how to operate lathes, routers, mills and presses in addition to other equipment.

  10. Service Occupations General Maintenance ------------------------·--------·----------------------- - ---·-··· 0 ··------- - ---- --- ----·-------------- - ------- - ---- - --------- Location: Discovery Center & Riverfront Museum Park Provides training in overall general maintenance and janitorial service procedures.

  11. Vocational Co-op Nutrition Services ----- - --------------- - -------- - ----------------- 0 ------------------ Locations: Various RPS school Cafeterias Provides students with an introduction to food service. The training focuses on basic food prep, kitchen. Opportunity to take Illinois Sanitation test that is required for RPS Nutrition Services.

  12. Vocational Co-op Retail ----------------------- - ------ -- -- - ---- - -- -- --- -- -- -- ------ -- 0-------- -------------------- -- -- --- -------------------------- Locations: Home Goods, Marshalls, TJ Maxx Students learn skills needed to work in retail from the backroom to display set up. Tasks include "laying out" of clothing when it comes into the store, hanging and getting "floor ready". Assembling items upon arrival to store, lamps, tables etc. As well as organizing floor displays as well as clothing racks etc.

  13. ~-·- - - -· · ·-·- · · -· · ·- Vocational Co-op Service Learning - 0--------- --- - ---------------- --------------- -- -----------------· Students work in multiple locations learning entry level job skills. • Northern Illinois Food Bank- sorting, relabeling and repacking donations. Most recently assisting with the "Senior Market" on Thursdays. Discovery Center Museum - working to prep materials for weekend events. • Wilson ASPIRE - preparing and laminating Unique Learning System curriculum for teachers.

  14. ·~ Transition Services Upgrades ------------------------------------------ ---- -- --- ----------- - - 0 - - - -------------------------- - ---- - ---------- • The program recently received a donation in the amount of $85,720.00 from Brubaker Charitable Trust. · This money will go to update machines and equipment in Machine Operations, Automotive & General Maintenance and provide appropriate uniforms for many of the other programs. .1111.

  15. ~- - - Available Certification Opportunities - - - 0 -- - --- - --- --- - -- -- - - ---------------- - ----- - Students in the food service related courses have the opportunity to earn a Food Safety & Sanitation Certificate. Most recently, a partnership with YWCA was started to get students in Child Care into the Early Child Education Credential tract while they are in the program to earn the level 1 certification prior to . graduation.


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