year one

Year One Tess Lengyel and Cathleen Sullivan, Alameda CTC April 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AFFORDABLE STUDENT TRANSIT PASS PILOT PROGRAM Year One Tess Lengyel and Cathleen Sullivan, Alameda CTC April 2017 Board of Directors April 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 1 Presentation Overview Introduction Pilot Program Design Update

  1. AFFORDABLE STUDENT TRANSIT PASS PILOT PROGRAM Year One Tess Lengyel and Cathleen Sullivan, Alameda CTC April 2017 Board of Directors April 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 1

  2. Presentation Overview • Introduction • Pilot Program Design • Update on Implementation • Next Steps 2

  3. Program Background • The Affordable Student Transit Pass Program was identified in the 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan, passed by 70% of voters in 2014 as Measure BB  “ Successful models aimed at increasing the use of transit among junior high and high school students, including a transit pass program for students in Alameda County.”  $15 million for 3-year pilot program • 2014-2016: Program development • 2016: Program launch 3

  4. Student Transit Pass Pilot Program Goals • Reduce transportation access barriers to and from schools • Improve transportation options for Alameda County’s middle and high school students • Build support for transit in Alameda County • Develop effective three-year pilot programs • Create a basis for a countywide student transit pass program (funding permitting) 4

  5. Student Transit Pass Pilot Overview • Commission adopted  Site selection methodology & shortlist of 36 eligible schools for Pilot  Pilot evaluation framework • Testing different program models in different areas * Free and Universal * Means-based * Grade-limited * Discounted • Programs include education/training on using public transit • Passes effective year-round, not limited by day/time • Year 1 – Passes distributed at 9 schools (AC Transit – 7) • Year 2 – Passes distributed at 15 schools (AC Transit – 11) 5

  6. Student Transit Pass Pilot – AC Transit passes • Free and universal:  Five schools in Oakland (3 in Year 1, 2 added in Year 2)  Two schools in San Leandro in Year 2 • Means-based programs:  Two schools in Hayward in Year 2  Two schools in Union City in Year 2 (change from Year 1) • Discontinuing models after Year 1:  Discounted: Two schools in Union City  Grade-limited: Two schools in Union City and Two in San Leandro 6

  7. Student Transit Pass Pilot – Schools with AC Transit passes in Year 2 Free and universal: Means-based: • Oakland • Hayward 1. Castlemont High 8. Hayward High 2. McClymonds High 9. Bret Harte Middle 3. Fremont High • Union City 4. Westlake Middle 10. James Logan High 5. Frick Middle 11. Cesar Chavez Middle • San Leandro 6. San Leandro High 7. John Muir Middle 7

  8. Year Two Summary Total North Central South East Schools Free and X X X 11 Universal Means- based X X 4 program San Leandro New Livermore Oakland USD (2), Schools Haven USD Valley 15 USD (5) Hayward (2) JUSD (4) USD (2) AC Transit LAVTA Transit AC Transit AC Transit & Union eco-pass City Transit 8

  9. Outreach and Engagement 9

  10. Outreach and Engagement 10

  11. Program Evaluation • Framework approved by Commission in March 2016 18 quantitative and qualitative measures to evaluate performance, including: Student perception of transit options  and barriers Student transit ridership  Pass penetration and ease of use  After school activity participation  Participant, student attendance  Program cost per participant and  administrative costs 11

  12. Preliminary Findings August through December 2016 • Initial analysis draws on: • Data reported from transit agencies  Information tracked by the school program administrators  The first student survey  All students at participating schools were encouraged to participate in online/paper survey regarding: Student perception of transportation barriers - Transportation costs to families - Program participation and usage - BART usage by students - 12

  13. Pass Distribution Summary Number of Active Passes Planning Total # Total # Participa- Area Students Active AC Transit Union City LAVTA/ tion Rate Program Eligible Passes Transit Wheels North 1,832 1,670 -- -- 1,670 91% Central 1,616 813 -- -- 813 50% 251 ; South 2,309 151 100 ; 76 -- 11% ; 10% 227 East 2,441 -- -- 110 110 5% County- 2,844 ; 8,198 2,634 100 ; 76 110 34% wide 2,820 13

  14. Transit Usage Total Transit Average Boardings by Average Daily Monthly Unique Passholders Boardings Users (Aug-Dec) North 149,034 1,228 1,222 Central 25,562 211 388 South 14,179 116 125 AC Transit 6,722 55 125 Union City Transit 7,457 61 N/A East 10,106 83 N/A Countywide 198,881 1,638 1,735 14

  15. AC Transit Student Passholders – Weekday Boardings by Hour (October 2016) 40% Percentage of Total Weekday Boardings by Hour 35% 30% (within each Planning Area) 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM North Central South 15

  16. AC Transit Student Passholders – Weekend Boardings by Hour (October 2016) 40% Percentage of Total Weekend Boardings by Hour 35% 30% (within each Planning Area) 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM North Central South 16

  17. Mode Split - Countywide Countywide Arrival Mode Countywide Departure Mode Other/I Other/I prefer Drive Drive prefer not to answer myself myself not to 1% 5% 5% answer 2% Walk 12% Walk 17% Bike 2% Bike 2% Get Public picked transit up/get a Get 17% Public ride dropped transit 49% off/get a 25% ride 63% 17

  18. Key findings • Top uses of Passes: 1. Travel to/from school (~ 70% ) 2. Afterschool activities 3. Spending time with friends • Top reasons limiting student use  Prefer to travel other ways  Traveling by bus takes too long  Bus doesn’t meet needs • >50% participating students said cost savings provided by the program is important 18

  19. Comments from Students “ The pilot program seems very excellent to me since it has helped me • and my family to have a safe way for me to get to school and get my education. It’s a program that has helped a lot of students and for my part I am very grateful .” “Everything is good about the transit pass and I started not being late • to school which make a positive dramatic change on my grades and willingness to go to school." “ Thank you for this program – it is allowing me to be more • independent .” “ I like the transit pass and it keeps me from having to look for money • each day of the week that I ride the bus. It is convenient and I ride 5 days a week.” “It is a good idea to encourage public transit, because it is better for • the environment .” “You should keep doing this, it helps a lot of us with money issues.” • 19

  20. Schedule & Next Steps Pilot Pilot Pilot Approve Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Program School Program Parameters Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Development Selection Launch for Year 2 Report Report Report Begins Finalized & Begin Year 2 20

  21. Thank you! 21


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