year 2

Year 2 Meeting for Parents and Carers 2019 The biggest message we - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Year 2 Meeting for Parents and Carers 2019 The biggest message we can give you is that there has been a huge leap in expectations for all children in Year 2 nationally over the last few years. The good news is they are rising to it! Year

  1. Year 2 Meeting for Parents and Carers 2019

  2. • The biggest message we can give you is that there has been a huge leap in expectations for all children in Year 2 nationally over the last few years. The good news is they are rising to it!

  3. Year 2 SATs will take place at the end of May. It would be really helpful if there are no Year 2 absences in the run up to and including this week please.

  4. Year 2 Reading

  5. Key Stage 1 Reading The children will compete 2 reading papers. There will be fiction and a non- fiction text in each paper. The second paper is harder than the first paper.

  6. How can you help with reading? Read with your child at home as often as you can – we cannot stress • enough how important it is, it will help them achieve in all other subjects. Ask them to read to you but keep reading to them too – it teaches them intonation and fluency. Ask them questions about what they have read – question stems • provided. Read a variety of materials – poems, newspapers, leaflets, non- • fiction books. Make sure they are challenged where possible! Help them to understand and use new vocabulary – the more words • they learn the more links they can make.

  7. Year 2 GPS

  8. KS1 GPS • The grammar, punctuation and spelling test will consist of two parts: 1) A grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers 2) A spelling test of 20 words

  9. Some of the KS1 Grammar Features your children will be tested on: • All basic punctuation (. , ? !) • Sentence types (command, statement, question, exclamation) • Past tense • Contractions • Apostrophe • Adjectives • Verbs • Nouns • Adverbs • Prefixes (start of the word) • Suffixes (end of the word) • Joining words (and, but, because, when, if, or, that, so)

  10. Year 2 Maths

  11. The children will take 2 maths papers: Paper 1: Arithmetic Paper 2 – Reasoning and problem solving

  12. How can you help? • Make sure your child is forming numbers correctly e.g. ‘0’ looking like a ‘6’. • Make sure that you child checks their answer. • Practise times tables . • Practise telling the time. • Maths Missions

  13. Year 2 Writing

  14. Year 2 Writing • There is no formal test for writing, your children will have worked hard all year and are already improving their skills. • They will receive a teacher assessment that will be a score for the work they have done all year.

  15. • We will make this list available to you at the end of the session.

  16. ARE example

  17. How can you help? • Please ‘drum home’ the importance of capital letters and full-stops. • Keep practising spellings on weekly basis – the new LSCWC method is bespoke to your child and focuses on their weakness in particular. • Encourage your children to learn new vocabulary. • Practise handwriting. • Value their homework – is it their best writing? • Use standard English. • Oh, and READ with them!

  18. Helpful Websites 42675177 612496


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