Year 10 Launch
Aim of this evening o Discuss expectations of Year 10 pupils at The Cotswolds School. o Introduce key members of staff who will help support pupils over the next two years. o Identify methods to ensure success of pupils during Key Stage 4. o Launch Year 10 Work Experience scheme.
Mr Smith Head of KS4 Mr Maudsley Head of Year 10 Miss N Mr J Miss K Mr M Mr K Mrs M Miss F Mrs S Mr J Bradley Dowie Hamilton Keogh Lord Reeves Smith Thomas Williamson Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Heads of Department & Subject Teachers Learning Attendance Pupil The Hub Support Reception Mrs Dee Mr S Powles Mrs Illingworth Mrs Neale
% 5+A*-C inc. En&Ma 85.1 90 80 o It is vital pupils meet our everyday expectations if 70 they are to succeed in Yr 10 and 11. 57.6 55.6 60 50 Attendance Uniform 40 30 Support Behaviour 20 10 0 Homework Relationships More than 95 % 94.9-90% Less than 90% Attendance Attendance Attendance % 5+A*-C inc. En&Ma 85.1 57.6 55.6
Careers event to support you child in selecting their most 1. appropriate options. Consultation with core subjects in selecting most appropriate 2. groups/sets . English mixed ability , Science mixed ability , Maths streamed. Supporting your child with amending their options. Word of 3. caution ‘Don’t encourage your child to drop an option because it’s hard’ PSHE Programme to support your child in coping with the 4. demands of GCSE.
Support at home is one of the most crucial factors in GCSE o success. You do not have to be a subject expert; but if you set high o expectations and offer the correct support then you can play a major part in your child's success. Top tips for parents/carers: Set the right ground rules 1. Provide support whenever possible 2. Praise and encourage positive behaviour 3. If you have a concern then speak to the relevant person 4. ASAP.
support your child with their Independent Learning but accept o that your input should diminish as students become more responsible and independent . provide a suitable work-place or encourage them to make use o of school facilities before and after school. encourage students to meet Independent Learning deadlines o SMHW . If you feel that insufficient or too many Independent Learning o tasks are being set, contact us so that the situation can be investigated. make it clear to your child that you value Independent Learning o and explain how it can help them to progress . encourage and praise them when Independent Learning is o completed.
Time Management is key. o Supporting your child in managing their work , recreation , o social and sleeping times is essential. The school will provide a time management plan to support o your child. Please support them in managing their time especially those who are elite performers or have part-time paid work.
Charlie’s Term Time Study Plan (Winter) Key:- Sleep/Eat Maths English Science Geography French School Business St Sports Sc Sport Social/Gaming Work Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400
Stress and anxiety are things that will affect every pupil • at some point in the next 2 years. Key points to manage stress… • 2. Identify the main 3. Employ a stress 1. Recognise when cause/reason for management technique someone is becoming stress/anxiety. suited to the individual. stressed/anxious. Teacher support Mindfulness Musical instrument Going for a run/gym Walking the dog Yoga/relaxation
Top tips for pupils Know the course structure o How will I be assessed? When are the exams? What is in the specification? How is the exam structured? Be organised o Check your timetable and ‘Show My Homework’ on a daily basis; plan ahead for deadlines and keep up to date with work. Talk to someone o If you have a problem, tell someone: Do not be afraid to ask for help/assistance.
English AQA English GCSE (9-1) o 100% examination (end of Year 11) o Students will follow courses in two o GCSEs - English Language and English Literature. 2 exams per GCSE o
Examination and Assessment No tiers • No coursework • 15 studied poems/Unseen poems/Blood • Brothers/19 TH century novel/Macbeth/non-fiction/fiction reading and writing Continual assessment both formal and • informal to ensure all students are progressing There are lots of ways you can help • too
Science You son/daughter has already covered o a year’s worth of GCSE content: Biology: B1-3 and B16-18 o Chemistry: C1-2 and C13-14 o Physics: P1-3 and P6 o Please ask them about this work!
Three GCSEs Two GCSEs – double science – separate sciences • Combined GCSE is a double award, you will • Three separate be awarded a double grade, eg 4-4 or 7-6 grades are awarded.
Both higher tiers (Grades 4-9) and foundation (1-5) are available The vast majority of students will be entered for the higher tier. The exams are difficult so please do not be disappointed with low percentages in mock exams.
Paper textbook also available online. o o The usernames are in the format "jbloggs" and the o password is the same as the username. The School is institution: in6 . Students will be asked to change your password when you o first log on. They will need to click on AQA GCSE Sciences (9 – 1) o If you don’t have internet access at home they can use o the computers at school. It also provides lots of revision resources such as quizzes. o
One big change is that students need to learn all the equations. There are too many to learn when they revise. They should endeavour to learn them as they are taught.
Trilogy Separate Science Number of papers 6 6 per qualification Questions Multiple choice, structured, closed short answer, and open response Length of papers 1 hour and 1 hour and 15 mins 45 mins Marks per paper 70 100
Mathematics – New specification Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (9-1) o Tiered - Higher and Foundation o o
Mathematics – New specification
New Grading structure
Year 10 Work Experience WHY? To develop employability skills •
Year 10 Work Experience WHY? To develop employability skills • To test out a career idea • To find out more about the world of work • It can help pupils see how knowledge/skills learnt in • their GCSE subjects can be applied To help inform pupils about future learning/training • pathways (e.g. post-16 options) To support college / university / apprenticeship • applications
Year 10 Work Experience WHEN? Monday 11 th to Friday 15 th March 2019 Please help your son/daughter to find a suitable placement.
Year 10 Work Experience WHAT TO DO NOW? Contact potential placements (one at a time) • Once agreed, complete your section of the • “Placement Request Form” and then give this to the employer to fill in their section. The School needs the PRF and the employer’s • Liability Insurance Certificate by the end of this term at the latest please (Friday 21 st December)
Year 10 Work Experience : Before, During & After… BEFORE Do some research about their business/employer • Communicate with their employer re: dress code; what to bring (e.g. • lunch?); start/finish/break times etc … Organise their own transport arrangements • Set their own learning objectives • DURING or Complete their Work Experience Journal each day • Excellent behaviour, punctuality, attitude and initiative • Ask plenty of questions • AFTER Thank you note to their employer • Get involved in the follow-up activities in school (Presentation) •
Year 10 Work Experience Monday 11 th to Friday 15 th March 2019 Please organise a suitable placement asap, and return the Placement Request Form to Mr P White (Deputy Head, Careers Leader) or Mrs Jane Tanner (Careers Administrator) by 21 st December 2018 at the latest. If you have any questions, please email or Work Experience is an extremely valuable (and usually very enjoyable!) part of our students’ education.
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