working with s tudents iai and the itransfer org website

Working with S tudents, IAI and the Website Krista - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Working with S tudents, IAI and the Website Krista Jackson IAI & Coordinator Lets start with the website! What you need is probably on the website. The portal for transfer

  1. Working with S tudents, IAI and the Website Krista Jackson IAI & Coordinator

  2. Let’s start with the website! What you need is probably on the website.

  3.  The portal for transfer in the state of Illinois  Links to resources like MyCreditsTransfer/ Transferology  Provides detailed student information for the Illinois Articulation Initiative  General Education  IAI Maj ors  Provides detailed advisor and administrator information for working with both students and IAI. There is a Transfer Coordinator and Advisor section besides the student landing section.  Provides details for opportunities to interface with fellow advisors and transfer professionals – Listservs, articulation conferences, meetings

  4. Let’s take a tour of the main (student) landing portion of the site!  Transfer Planning  About IAI  Find IAI Courses  Veterans  Transfer Credit Beyond IAI

  5. Transfer Planning  Transfer Checklist – downloadable PDF!  Transfer in Illinois  What is Articulation?  MyCreditsTransfer – links to Transferology  What is MyCreditsTransfer/ Transferology?  How is it different from IAI?  How does it work with IAI?  Phi Theta Kappa of Illinois  Transfer Inquiries

  6. About IAI  What is IAI?  The pieces of IAI – General Education, IAI Maj ors, AA and AS  Email us and Transfer Inquiries  Contact us

  7. Find IAI Courses  IAI Gen Ed Worksheet  S ingle school and multi-school worksheet – maps student coursework within general education. Provides a printable, downloadable, or email format report.  Course Descriptions  General Education  IAI Maj ors  Recommendations for the first two years  Participating Institutions

  8. Veterans  Resources – Educational Resources with state and federal information as well  Military Credit – Information on the types of military credit with the appropriate links to official information  Veterans Checklist –Transition checklist for starting school or getting back into school

  9. Transfer Credit Beyond IAI  Other Kinds of Credit  Out of S tate Coursework  Reverse Transfer  Link to Military Credit  Calculate Y our GP A  Link to MyCreditsTransfer

  10. TC’s and Advisors Tab  This page is j ust for people who work directly with students in transfer  S pecific links to resources you may need to do your j ob, beyond the student section of the site. Links to take notice of:  IBHE Infographics Page  IAI GECC S tructure  Custom Course S earches  Advisor and TC Training  S chool Review –All things IAI for an institution  Transfer READY – a MyCreditsTransfer site which talks about specifics in transfer planning

  11. Join the TC listserv! The listserv allows users to share information and questions about transfer within the state and at their institutions. S end a note to Krista or follow the instructions on the site! Subscribing to the listserv

  12. Networking Opportunity: Transfer Coordinator Meetings

  13. Have questions or concerns about something IAI related? Please reach out to your IAI Team!

  14. Have questions or an idea for a new resource for transfer in Illinois? Reach out to your IAI Team!

  15. Y our IAI Team (including IBHE and ICCB IAI Representatives)  Krista Jackson IAI & Coordinator 309-438-8640 itransfer@  Malinda Aiello Illinois Board of Higher Education 217-557-7355 aiello@  Emily Buhnerkempe Illinois Community College Board 217-785-5003 emily.buhnerkempe@

  16. Thank you for j oining me today!


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